
Is there any tool to convert Simple HTML table to accessible table?

I don't want to recreat whole table . i need any WYSIWYG/gui/interface online/offline tool to convert already made HTML tables to highly Accessible table as much as possible. Which IDE/web design software/WYSIWYG Editor/ has best Table editor to make accessible table? Just for example like this table <table> <tr> <td><st...

Do we need to check our sites on Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 both for compatibility?

Do we need to check our sites on Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 both for XHTML CSS layout and sIFR and j query/javascript code compatibility? If my xhtml and css is valid. If i upgrade my 3.5 to 3.6 then will i have to check site with 3.5 also. or both will render in same way. if 3.6 render differently then i would not upgrade because 3.6 has...

xHTML/CSS: How to make inner div get 100% width minus another div width

I have 2 nested divs inside outer one, which has width:100%. Both nested divs should be in one line and first should get it size from it's contents: <div id="#outer" style="width:100%; border:1px"> <div id="#inner1" style="border:1px; display:inline"> inner div 1. Some text... </div> <div id="#inner2" style="width:100%????; bo...

XHTML or HTML 5 for php application

Hi , I am in a bit of a dilema , I know XHTML 1.0 really well and HTML really well. But what Mark Up Language should I use in my latest php application XHTML 1.0 or HTML 5 ? Also which would be future proof ? And finally if I was to build a normal site what Langauge would be best to use now ? ...

Does it matter <strong> in <em> or <em> in <strong>?

Does it matter <strong> in <em> <p><strong><em>Some text</em></strong></p> or <em> in <strong>? <p><em><strong>Some text</strong></em></p> Which is semantically correct and more accessible? Update: How screen reader would behave in both situation? ...

How to show hidden message in IE6 also using jquery?

This site http://www.webstandards.org/ shows "Skip to content" or 3rd tab but this tab doesn't show in IE6, I already use jquery so i need jquery solution to show this tab in IE 6 also same like it works in IE 7 and firefox. I want to use same thing in my client site. ...

Can we use just <a href="#"> for "back to top" button at bottom of the page?

Can we use just <a href="#"> for "back to top" button at bottom of the page? I think it will work always in all browser. We do need to define any ID . When we click on this <a href="#"> it takes to page top always. or what are other best practices to use "back to top" button. ...

H2 comes before h1 in source, Is it ok?

IF i use <h2> for left sidebar heading and use <h1> for main center content area heading then actually in source and and if CSS is disabled , in both condition <h2> comes before <h1>. Is it ok? or i should not use <h2> for left sidebar headings? Update: 5 Feb Example image added Why I'm asking because i always read in many articles...

Loading alternative content via tabs and jQuery and JSP

Hi. I have a table of data for a policy type (options are Single, Couple, Family & Single Parent Family). I want to have a tabbed interface with each policy type occupying one tab. At the same time a table of data relating to relevant policy type is displayed beneath the associated tab. When a user clicks on another tab then a diffe...

How to suppress specific CSS 2.0 validation errors in Visual Studio 2008?

A typical CSS property that I use often is overflow-x and overflow-y. Sometimes I use CSS 2.1 or later properties or selectors. These (correctly) raise a validation error: Validation (CSS 2.0): 'overflow-y' is not a known CSS property name. For years I ignored this, but it kinda feels wrong. It's possible to switch off warning in C...

What is the benefit to put ol, ul { list-style: none; } in css reset

What is the benefit to put ol, ul { list-style: none; } in css reset . While we only keep list style none in Navigation. Due to keep this in content if we want normal style of "ordered list" and "unordered list" item then we need to define again. ok to put ul { list-style: none; } but what is the benefit for ol { list-style: none; } L...

Is it good to use bullet image inplace of browser default bullets for UL to get cross browser result?

Is it good to use bullet image inplace of browser default bullets for UL to get cross browser result? ...

Correct use of Blockquote, q and cite?

Is this the correct use of Blockquote, q and cite? <p> <blockquote>Type HTML in the textarea above, <q>and it will magically appear</q> in the frame below. </blockquote> <cite><a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;refrence url</a> </p> Is use of Blockquote, q semantically correct? or both are presentational element , so should not b...

How to decide What should be chosen to make heading bold <strong> or <h3/h4/h5>?

How to judge what should be <h2> , h3 h4 h5 h6 or <p><strong>Some text</strong></p> If we don't have knowledge about context Only title of the page i can judge easily <h1> How to judge others I always get content from clients in MS word 2007 format and client always use fontsize to make things smaller and bigger. How we can best judge...

Is it best practice to use same text in browser <title> and in <H1>?

Is it best to use whatever we want to use in <h1> Should be same in <title>? Is it good for SEO, Accessibility, Usability, in any terms? <title>How to decide What should be chosen to make heading bold &lt;strong&gt; or &lt;h3/h4/h5&gt;? - Stack Overflow</title> <h1>How to decide What should be chosen to make heading bold &lt;strong&gt...

Shouldn't we use microformats if we are making accessible site?

Is microformat's classes structure good for Screen reader? <div class="vcard"> <span class="fn">Gregory Peck</span> <a class="org url" href="http://www.commerce.net/"&gt;CommerceNet&lt;/a&gt; <div class="adr"> <span class="type">Work</span>: <div class="street-address">169 University Avenue</div> <span class="locality"...

Should we loose our Coding ethics upon client request , against Web standards, W3C Validation and Semantics

Should we loose our Coding ethics upon client request , against Web standards, W3C Validation and Semantics? If client is agreed and want website quickly anyhow. don't care about validation, Standards , Accessibility. ...

How semantic X/HTML can save time when we will write CSS?

How Semantic X/HTML mark-up can save time - when we will write CSS for website and if any design changes comes from client in future. And why Table based layouts will take more time always in both condition Today I've to Explain these thing to students. I've some example but I want some more good example and ideas to explain nicel...

Problem with nesting in Text.XHtml library with Haskell

Hi I have the following code to generate a blank html page with a series of divs with id's and classes in Haskell using the Text.XHtml.Strict library: module Main where import Text.XHtml.Strict import Text.Printf page :: Html page = pHeader +++ pTop +++ pBody +++ pFooter pHeader :: Html pHeader = header << thetitle << "Page title" ...

Are single quotes valid in HTML/XHTML?

Are single quotes valid in HTML? And more specifically: XHTML strict. <table width="100%"> <table width='100%'> ...