
How to load an XHTML file into an XElement using a custom XmlUrlResolver?

I am trying to get an XHTML file loaded into an LINQ XElement. However, I am running into problems with the resolver. The problem has to do with the following definition: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; I have a custom XmlUrlResolver with an o...

silently call a dynamic JSP page with jQuery and pass URL variables to that page

I want to call a dynamic JSP page and pass data to it so it will run a query on my database and then return a set of results. I would like to do this without a visible page refresh. So in essence i want to pass two parameters to the dynamic page, policyID and columnID. These will vary depending on which tab (policyId) is active and wh...

Incorrect option selected

Hi, I've created a combo box in a form using the following: <select id="end_minute" name="end_minute"> <option value="00">00</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option selected="selected" value="45">45</option> </select> In Firefox, he first option is selected, but in IE the option with att...

What would be some reasons to decide against HAML/SASS?

I've been reading up about HAML/SASS lately and I'm not quite sure why any one would not want to use it. It seems to be very easy to switch, makes things cleaner and more efficient. Update: What about using one or the other? Most of the complaints (the few complaints there are) I hear seem to be about HAML, would there be any probl...

Programatically extract pattern from image file and / or PSD

I often have to extract a pattern from a PSD to make an image to be used with XHTML and CSS. I have often just made a guess in Photoshop, and then had to correct my guesses a few time after. It seems cumbersome. Is there... Techniques for extracting a pattern from a Photoshop file with the selector tool? A Photoshop plugin perhaps th...

What is the best way to echo results from the database into html code in PHP ?

when I have a value like this in the database ("foo") how can I echo it without any conflict with html code notice <input type="text" value="<? echo '"foo"'; ?>" /> the result will be like this <input type="text" value=""foo"" /> how can I fix it ? ...

3-way XML merge algorithm

I want to be able to do a 3-way merge of XHTML documents: Start with some original copy of the document One user edits a copy of the original document Another user edits a separate copy of the original document Need a tool to merge (automatically and/or visually) the changes made by the two users. Note: I want to include this funct...

What are most useful media="print" specfic ,cross browser compatible css properties?

What are the most useful media="print"-specific, cross-browser-compatible CSS properties? I think we have these 5 properties for print specific. page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside widows orphans Pls explain when and where to use these? Which are cross browser compatible? and what are other common CSS properties ca...

render html page into gtkwindow

hi... how can i render HTML page into gtkwindow? say, i already have a downloaded/written HTML page. i want to render the content of that page in my gtk application. how can i implement ? ...

What would be the best method to code heading/title for <ul> or <ol>, Like we have <caption> in <table>?

What would be the best method to code heading/title of <ul> or <ol>? Like we have <caption> in <table>. and we don't want to make them bold Example image: This is ok <p> heading </p> <ul> <li>list item </li> <li>list item </li> <li>list item </li> </ul> or always headings should be used? <h/3/4/5/6> heading </h/3/4/5/6> <ul> <l...

What is the biggest cons to use position: absolute & top/left over Float & margin+padding, If site is fixed width (970px), centered?

What is the biggest disadvantage to use CSS positioning(From Dreamweaver AP Div) for everything instead Float for fixed width, centered website? if I don't care for Mobile users Small screen users (smaller than 1024 px screen size) But I care for Screen reader user All browser user (including IE6) ...

Internet Explorer image offset

I'm trying to make a fairly simple image slideshow to replace a flash based one. I've got it working consistently in most modern browsers, the code validates (at least it used to. After battling IE, I'm not sure) but of course it doesn't work correctly in IE 6 and 7. I haven't checked 8 yet, but I'm not exactly holding my breath. You ca...

How to avoid a backgroung to repeat itself - but to expand and occupy all the bkgrd?

Hello, I would like to use an image as background. Unfortunately, when I set the Background-image property to url(myUrl), I get the image which repeats itself in the background in several row and column. I guess it's because the image its naturally small. So, how to get the image to expends enough so that it does not repeat itself, but...

Handling rapid clicks in jQuery

I'm building a site (with jQuery 1.4) which has a floating (fixed position) basket. Current working functionality (Demo here): When the user clicks the basket itself it toggle slides open/closed and toggles a "locked on" class When the user clicks an 'add item' link in the page it slides open, adds an "on" class and fades in a notice ...

What is the best strategies to make css layout with any number of columns?

I want to good method to make css layout with any number of columns. I need less use of div and css with semantic coding. I need code for Fixed width, centered site and footer always should be at bottom. I need compatibility with all mainstream browsers including IE 6 and 8. and it's possible to make without the use of CSS Hacks and IE ...

Is it useful to #container, #Wrapper in every CSS layout?

Is it useful to add whole code in #container, #Wrapper in every CSS layout? Can't we make layout without this extra div ? What are pros and cons to use this extra div? Is it good practice ? Is it useful for any type of design/layout? Is it semantically correct? ...

What is the benefit add position:relative to every layout element?

in many website's source code i saw position:relative is added to every div which makes layout and no #wrapper div being used? Is it good practice to add position:relative to every layout div? Is it related to IE 6 only? this is css .header { position: relative; float: left; left: 143px; width: 977px; height: 150px; background-color:...

What is the best option to show Heading in italics only on some pages?

I have to show headings in italics, Is it ok? <h5><em>Heading text in italic</em></h5> Or i should use <p> <p><em>Heading text in italic</em></p> If we use then how screen reader will read this and Is it semantically correct? I don't want to use class. ...

using href links to go to specific section within website

I am trying to link some text with the href tag to a specific section in my website. On the homepage I have a quote and then the person's name of who said it. I want to link his name to the "Upcoming Events" tab on my "About" section. The website is http://www.verticalministries.net. The name "Aaron Ivey" needs to be linked to the "Up...

How can I produce an nested list in XHTML strict without giving the nested lists first element a double bullet?

Hi, I'm trying to create a list nested within a list using XHTML Strict 1.0. The problem is that with XHTML strict a ul element can not be nested directly within another ul element. Thus, the inner ul element has to be nested within a li element. However, when doing it this way, the first row of the inner list get a dubble bullet, as sh...