
Can we combine css and javascript into one javascript file ?

Can we combine css and javascript into one ? I want to do this for sIFR. because sifr has .js and .css file and without js enabled no use of any file css or js. i want to combine all sIFR related file into one combined javascript file. so at end i will have only 2 file font.swf sifr3.js (which has all thing) Here is latest sIFR 3...

Is it good to define every link state pseudo-class with different colors?

Should we always use all these pseudo selectors with different colors? a:link { color: blue } a:active { color: white;} a:hover { color: white;} a:visited {color:green;} Basically we define these for links in the main content area, but then the problem is that it overrides all side bar links, navigation links, etc also, then we need t...

Which browsers support the <embed> and <object> tags?

I am working on a department website that needs to be standards compliant (xhtml 1.0 transitional), but embedded flash keeps breaking the validation. We use the <embed> tag because we need to support most major browsers. We can't use external tools, since the site is managed through a system and the admins don't like us putting extra to...

in fixed width layout should i define width to element inside wrapper again like for header, footer, banner etc?

In fixed width layout if width of layout is already defined in #wrapper {width:970px} then what should i add to inner div which i want to expand fully .like for header, footer, banner etc same width:970px to all div also No need to define any width or width:100% should be added ...

Is it good to add min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height always in any type of layout fixed or liquid?

Is it good to add min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height always in any type of layout fixed or liquid? ...

What is best lightweight unobtrusive solution to open any link in custom size popup?

What is best lightweight unobtrusive solution to open any link in custom size popup with "close" button? Edit 3: and if JavaScript is disabled then link should be open in new tab/window like any any normal page. popup should be open vertically and horizontally center on any screen resolution ( i've notices pop-up of some siteson net o...

div not full width

I have two div's like this <div id="left"><p>.....</p><br/> <p>.....</p> </div> <div id="right"><img ..../></div> And I have css. #left { position: relative float: left; } #right { position: relative float: right; } right div doesn't float to right, because p elements in left doesn't give space for right div element, but in CSS I...

What are usability, accessibility, screen-reader or any other development, functionality, cross browser issue with iframe?

What are the usability, accessibility, screen-reader, or any other development, functionality, or cross browser issues with <iframe>? Is there any alternative for <iframe>? And are there any JavaScript/jQuery or server-side techniques which can decrease the usability, accessibility, or screen-reader issues with <iframe>? Why has the ...

Is flexible layouts hard to make and maintain, time consuming than fixed width layout?

Is flexible layouts hard to make and maintain, time consuming than fixed width layout? Is flexible layout means only to give width height and font in em or %? What is main benefit of flexible layout to the desktop and mobile users? And if we make flexible layout then should be give images width and height in em or `% also to images sc...

Why <big> is not in HTML 5 Tag list while <small> is?

Shouldn't both be removed? or is it means we should use <small>? Why <big> is removed but <small> is not? What is the problem with <big> which is not a problem of <small>? http://www.w3schools.com/html5/html5_reference.asp ...

Is it good to not to use any TAG which is not supported in HTML 5, If i'm using XHTML 1.0 strict now?

Is it good to not to use any TAG which is not supported in HTML 5, If i'm using XTML 1.0 strict now? These elements are not supported in HTML 5 but in XHTML acronym big tt then if future when i will change my doctype to html 5 then i would not need to replace or change any code to pass validation? this is also accepted as valid code ...

HTML Tags: Presentational vs Structural

In this list (these are HTML 5 supported) tell me which tag is presentational and which is not. I found many different views on many articles , if some think any tag is presentational but some don't think.For example: in HTML 5 specification they don't think is presentational. <abbr> <address> <area> <b> <bdo> <blockquote> <br> ...

Is there any pros to use HTML 5 doctype `<!DOCTYPE html>` even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag?

Is there any pros to use HTML 5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html> even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag? Is there any benefit to replace XHTML doctype with HTML 5 doctype even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag? or in new projects which i'm going to start? or it can create problems in any type of functionality if i 'm using any thing XML rel...

What is the actual meaning of seperation of content and presentation?

What is the actual meaning of separation of content and presentation? Is it just mean to avoid inline css? Does it mean that the design should be able to manipulated without chaning the HTML? Can we really make any change in design from CSS only? If we want to change the size of images then we will have to go to in HTML code If we w...

What is the benefit of writing meaningful css .class and #id names?

What is the benefit of writing meaningful css .class and #id names? Do screen readers speak to help the user understand the meaning and purpose of content inside the tags? ...

Form with target="_blank" will produce empty POST data in IE6

I have an iframe containing a form. I want the form to point to a new window when the user submits it. Basically, the following code should do the trick: <?php var_dump($_POST); ?> <form method="post" action="test_post_to_blank.php" target="_blank"> <input type="text" name="test" value="test" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> The pro...

Why margin:2.5px does not work? How to solve this problem

Why margin:2.5px does not work? at one situation in my code i want to give margin:2.5px in IE6 conditional CSS to solve IE double margin and my default css has margin:5px but in IE6 css margin:2.5px and margin:2px creating same margin. then how to get same margin on both browser? This is code of default screen CSS #newsHeadline LI ...

float: right doesn't work

I have two div's which classes are left and right. left is floated to left and right div is floated to right, but float doesn't work, I don't know why... I can't setup width in left div because I don't know right div images width's. So it's need to be fluid... here is page: link removed. sorry and here is page where it's work's. http://...

How to prevent page refreshes on tab switching in IE7 ?

For a specific website (internal to network, coded in XHTML) the behavior in IE6 was that when ever the window is re-sized or restored the page refreshes. Since IE6 doesn't have tabs I upgraded to IE7 - but the problem with IE7 is whenever we switch from one tab to another, its makes the active tab's page to refresh, and this happens a...

Wrong example of nested <ul> <li> on very well known web design tutorial site

http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/html-css/html-lists.php on this page's example of nested Unordered lists <ul> list's code is not validating on W3C validation this is a code of this page http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/html-css/html-lists.php <ul> <li>Item one</li> <li>Item two</li> <li>Watch, you can easily nest list item...