
open-source JavaScript onclick tooltip solution required

I've been searching for a long time now for a fairly simple JavaScript based tooltip solution. It needs to be: Open-Source and freely re-distributable, and allows my application to include it which would be distributable via free or commercial license. 'Sticky' i.e when opened it stays visible until the user clicks a little close butto...

How do I use drop down to link to a file?

I have a request for using drop down boxes for links to documents on a website. Is it possible to do this? The code I am using is like this: <select name="EN9036"> <option value="tds"><a href="doc1.pdf">Tech Data Sheet</a></option> <option value="msds"><a href="doc2.pdf">MSDS</a></option> </select> Only problem is that it doesn't...

Get div's to behave like a table

So I'm really trying to use divs exclusively, as opposed to using tables for layout purposes, but I'm still getting stuck here and there. Today I have one of those cases. Consider the following markup: <div style="width:943px;margin:0px auto;height:auto"> <div style="display:block;clear:both"> <div style="float:left;display...

Looking for professional HTML/CSS themes?

I am developing a web based business software which will be used internally. I am looking for some open source themes which are meant for business software. I am finding a lot of themes which are meant for blogs and personal websites, but not too many for enterprise themes. Enterprise software in my books has a lot of reports, options...

Valid way to add noscript in head for wrapping redirect

So I was thinking a simple way to deal with javascript being disabled by the browser would be the following: <head> <title>JavaScript Test</title> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1;url=nojs.html" /> </noscript> </head> And having the nojs.html have somethin...

Styling unordered horizontal list with ...best possible way

To make lists horizontal and hide default bullets, is it necessary to give {display:inline} and {float:left} both to the <li> tags or anyone of these alone is enough? <ul> <li><a href="#">First item</a></li> <li><a href="#">item 2</a></li> <li><a href="#">item 3</a></li> <li><a href="#">item 4</a></li> <li><a href="#">Last item</a></li...

Global Portal Web Rules and Accessibility Rules?

A design agency I work for recently contacted me regarding the website development of one of their major (corporate) clients. They said: The HTML must be done according to the many global portal web rules and accessibility rules. ... although they'll provide more information on "global portal" and "accessibility" rules sometime...

How to give option to add css classes/IDs to content to in CMS's WYSIWYG content builder/editor to non-technical client?

How to give option to add css classes/IDs to content to in CMS's content WYSIWYG builder/editor to non- technical client who doesn't know html, css but knows MS Word. some time to make content according to design XHTML tags not enough. use of css classes needed. Should we give only css .classes to user or #Id can be given also? and ...

Add value and id dynamically to an Input type hidden.

Hi guys, I have this bit of code which I am not sure if it is possible what I need to do, if you check the input type 'hidden', you will see this (id="'inpTdId'+ tdIndex" value="tdRegularMedicine_+ inpTdId") as I need to get the input hidden to store a new value and id for each time the loop goes through. I am trying to generate a new ...

Why shouldn't I use position:absolute for positioning everything?

This question is asked by one of my students and I want to enlighten him with an example: "Why we should not create site layout by Dreamweaver's AP Div button , it's easier to make layout with AP Div instead Float+margin+padding and if this method is not correct then why it's not good method and why Adobe giving this butt...

How to convert HTML to RTF in Perl?

I want a way to convert some basic html tags into RTF (like I, B, BR) Is there any simpler way to do that without paying for anything? Developing something from scratch is an option too. ...

Full Example XHTML document showing how to define additional attributes

I am trying to extend an xhtml document to allow extra attributes. In the w3.org it gives an example like so: <!ATTLIST a myattr CDATA #IMPLIED > See: 6.1. Defining additional attributes - http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/xhtml-modularization-19990406/developing.html#s_dev_attrs However i am not sure where to put that statemen...

is it necessary to have <th> in any table?

is it necessary to have <th> in any table? even if table has no heading? table has 3 other tag <thead> <tbody> <tfoot> is it necessary to use all even if i have nothing for table footer. Firefox by default add all these in code. and is it necessary , <th> always should be in a <thead> and if i have a heading in content received from c...

Trouble with CSS Link Positioning

Hi, I'm experiencing an issue with my CSS when working in Firefox. It should be pretty simple. Everything is working fine except that I cannot seem to get the links in the header aligned to the right (the color will change as well as any other modifications except alignment). The only way I can do it is to float it right, but that re...

Making CSS layouts with fewer selectors?

What are the best practices for making CSS layouts with fewer selectors and fewer DIVs? Fewer selectors means less HTML and CSS, which is easier to manage. How can we avoid using too many class/other selectors? ...

Instead of giving "back to top" button is it good to make layout with fixed header hand footer?

Instead of giving "back to top" button is it good to make layout with fixed header and footer for better usability? or this type of layout can be problem for screen reader? Like this http://limpid.nl/lab/css/fixed/header-and-footer ...

How to get consistence rendering of <p> paragraph text in all browsers?

How to get consistence rendering of paragraph text in all browsers? See IE 7 rendering like this and FF like this . which is ok to client How to get same result in both browsers, i mean FF rendering in IE? my client needs "non-executive" in same line in all browsers, Is <br /> only solution of this. Update : see all code for <p>...

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first, always?

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first? and other thing will wait to render above element then they will start to render? like if header and sidebar comes first in source then will main content section will always render after header and sidebar.? Does rendering of html element fully depend on source order?...

How many div tags are too much?

How many div tags in one HTML document would one need before it affects performance? In this case, the tags are not nested and the content within each is minimal (background color/image). This question is a follow-up on a previous question; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2281859/drawing-lines-with-clickable-points-using-javascript ...

Odd error with HTML content and attributes disappearing

I have an odd error with an ASP.NET web page (ASP.NET 2.0, C#). For several users at one customer location, on one part of one page, HTML content and attributes are being stripped out. So, something that should look like this: <p class="adminmainlink"> <a href="ad_resourcewizard.aspx">Add or edit resources</a> <script type="text/ja...