
Using <input> tags directly inside <table>

I'm generating a table with multiple editable rows. like a employee every row so that you can change multiple names at the same time. I have some hidden fields inside that also need to be looped with the table rows. The problem is that having inputs inside table tags is not valid xhtml. And I don't want to wrap them inside <tr><td> tags...

php simple contact form not sending mail even after confirmation...

Hi I have been trying to get a php contact form working on my portfolio site (currently on a free megabyet.net account), but on testing it(on the uploaded site) even though i get the thankyou/confirmation message, I still don't receive any message on my mail account (specified in the code), I can't seem to understand the problem here......

Is there a way for codeIgniter to output html rather than xhtml?

I'm just mucking around with codeIgniter, doing the video tutes etc. was wondering if you can specify markup output to follow strict html, I've noticed that helper form inputs etc. have a closing slash, that is contradictory to HTML 4 Strict. Is it a case of just using xhtml for this framework because that's what it's mostly geared towa...

JavaScript not being loaded. Tried everything I can think of...

Hi. Swimwire.com is no longer loading JavaScript properly since I installed an update to its Social module, JomSocial. It's something to do with JomSocial, I'm certain, since on the homepage no JavaScript properly works (there's a blue bar along the top that should be clickable and contain the words 'Open Control Panel', but it doesn't ...

&amp; or &#38; what should be used for & (ampersand) if we are using utf8 in xhtml document?

What is the difference between this &amp; and this &#38; for &(ampersand)? What should be use with utf8 ? ...

How to customize only arrow of <select> dropdown?

This is code of dropdown <select id="dropdown"> <option value="">Go to page...</option> <option value="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;CSS-Tricks&lt;/option&gt; <option value="http://superuser.com"&gt;Digging Into WordPress</option> <option value="http://metastackoverflow.com...

Can you explain this layout weirdness?

On this page: http://www.ntelos.com/wireline/main In both IE7 and FF, but not Chrome or IE6, the layout of this page is very odd. Everything is fine except that the page width is way off. It doesn't occur anywhere else in the site. The page uses XHTML Strict, CSS, and jQuery to get the parts to work. Any clues? Thanks very much fo...

XHTML 1.0 DocType ignored in all browsers?

I was testing this, since I understood using XHTML let me use any valid XML for empty <div> elements: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <div ...

Mixture of % and px <div> sizes

I've been struggling with this on and of for ages now. What I want is: A div 100% of the window height, 50% of the width, left=0%, red A div 100% of the window height, 50% of the width, left=50%, green A div 100% of the window height, 800px wide, horizontally centered,blue So the first two divs form a 2-tone background, on which the ...

Importance of valid markup for SEO?

I know this question has been asked several times. But the answers seem to vary: some say its important for search engines, others say the SEO improvement is negligible. Can anyone please explain to me if it is worth the time to validate html, from an SEO perspective? In other words, if a company with an existing site were to hire a...

Should i repeat person name in alt text of <img> if name is already in source under image?

if I'm already having person name under/over image then should i use same name in ALT text? <p><img width="125" height="157" alt="George Washington" src="media/gw.jpg"><span>George Washington</span><p> <p><span>George Washington</span> <img width="125" height="157" alt="George Washington" src="media/gw.jpg"><p> Should i repeat <s...

How to make Server controls in .NET 1.1 render in compliance with Xhtml

Hey guys I'm "re-skinning" a legacy .NET 1.1 site (i know, don't ask). Anyway, originally it was all horrible html4.0 markup, and the new design is xhtml. How do I change the way server controls render in .NET 1.1 amd Visual Studio 2003? For example, the asp:ImageButton control is rendering without the self closing tag, how do I chan...

How to run Browser command using jQuery / javascript?

I have one page in HTML , there are two buttons , save and print. When user click on the Print it should print the page and When user click on the Save page it should Open Save as... Box for that page. javascipt/jquery solution preferred. Thanks. ...

Is it still true, to make cross broswer layouts for desktop browsers using table+css is easier then div+css?

My one of web designer friend still making sites with table but he use css very nicely and I also use css nicely but with <div> and i face cross browser problem in layout more than my friend. and i given some reason to my friend about cons of <table>. read my whole discussion with friend? I - you site will be problematic with screen r...

How to render all IE version with w3c box model?

How to render all IE version with w3c box model? ...

height:100% problem in IE7, not in FF

I want to display a page with no scrollbar (height:100%). I have read suggestions to add this argument to html and body. But it does not work as I expect. In FF indeed I do not see a scrollbar. But in IE7 and 8 (Standards mode) there is a scrollbar. In Quirks mode it works as expected. Please take a look at this: <!DOCTYPE HTML ...

Total width of DIV problem

Hi all, I have a DIV section that would like to use it as a "component" in a variety of contexts. For "component", I mean it will be automatically included in some places of the HTML page that could not be foreseen. The required behaviour of the DIV section is that it's width should be always 100%, meaning it should totally fill the pa...

Should I teach CSS layout directly to new learners or should I first teach how to make layout with tables, then table-less layouts?

Should I teach CSS layout directly to new learners or should I first teach how to make layout with tables, then div+CSS? And what should I teach between HTML or XHTML? Both are same so should I start directly with XHTML 1.0 Strict? ...

JSP pages in Eclipse do not indent?

I've read this article describing how to format jsp's in eclipse. I have WTP installed and the jsp tags are colored. However, there is no indenation on the html (i.e. <html> and <body> etc. are all at the same level). I've tried Source -> Format with no success. Is this a bug? ...

Can you style XHTML elements in another namespace using id and class name css selectors?

I'm developing an application that uses ubiquity-xforms. Previously I had been serving the pages up as text/html with the XHTML 1.0 doctype. If I switched the mime-type to application/xhtml+xml, I would see a pretty big performance improvement, because the javascript could use the get____NS() functions, instead of what it's doing now (s...