
Xhtml instead of Php?

I want to develop a site that will allow be to publish information to users, and give them and opportunity to subscribe to a mailing list so they can be updated each time I make a change to the site. *Add new information, etc. I also would like for the users to be able to add comments about reviews posted, and give me suggestions...Thin...

Does Internet Explorer 7 have a CSS parsing issue with the "background-image" property?

Having CSS layout issues with Internet Explorer 7 (big surprise). Upon using the Developer Tools to inspect the CSS, I discovered that some properties defined in the stylesheet are not appearing in the parsed CSS structure... THEN I saw THIS being shown as the parsed value for the background-image property: background-image : url(/trunk...

Detect, if reading a single post or browsing through the list in Tumblr-theme?

Hello Is it possible to have a bit different stuff on a single post. I'm having descriptions in post-listing, so I need to add some css to them, but not when user is reading the current post. Martti Laine ...

Safari not scaling bullet images

When you zoom in on a page in Safari and the bullets have images assigned to them, the images don't scale with the text. If you zoom in on a page in FF the bullet images will scale. Is there a way to do make that happen in Safari without using background images? ...

Netbeans (PHP) catching syntax error on xml declaration

Hello. I've just installed and configured Netbeans to work with PHP (including xdebug), and almost everything is working as intended, except that I've been getting "errors" in the IDE after I edited the default webpage template to comply with xhtml 1.1. The template is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="${project.encoding}" ?> <!DOCTY...

How can I write this as a JavaScript function?

I have the following code snippet embedded into some of my divs so when those divs get clicked a certain radio button gets checked. onclick="document.g1.city[0].checked=true;" However I would like to convert the above call to a function call like below: onclick="checkRadioButton(city[0]);" And the function will be something like th...

Webpage layout order for my webapp - does it matter if the Sidebar is programmatically displayed before the main content?

OK that's the worst title I could ever possibly think up. But I'm not too sure how to phrase it! What I mean is, is it inefficient for the browser, search engine optimisation, or any other important factors, if programmatically my float:righted sidebar appears in the markup before the main content div, which is set to float:left? To th...

element "iframe" undefined - Errors found while checking this document as XHTML 1.0 Strict!

My website http://sbmcrushers.net can't pass XHTML strict validation. What should I do? Maybe I can use: <object data="include/index.html" type="text/html" style="border:none; width:960px; height:244px; margin-top:-10px;"></object>" But it scrolls when I use that. ...

CSS Experts required - problems with Z-Index stack in my page design

Howdy y'all! Basically I'm having some problems with Z-Index. Although I'm not amazing at CSS I would reckon I was reasonably good, but really can't work this out. You'll see at the URL... http://howcode.com/code/ ... that my problem is that links in the returned 'Popular' results aren't clickable or anything. I've concluded this is ...

Is there a Java API for creating a XHTML document?

I want to provide a simple XHTML representation of each of the resources in a REST web service. At the moment i'm using a StringBuilder to generate these which is both tedious and error prone. I don't see these changing after I publish the service but the process of coding each is a bit painful. Is there a XHTML document writer api? Sh...

xhtml label value unchangable

hello, i want to output some text in an label <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" name="pizza1" value="Margherita"> is there a parameter that the text (value=Margherita) can't be changed, so the text is just displayed. is input type= "text" the best way to output text? (later on the text is dynamic created) thanks ...

CSS - Overlaying one image on top of another

Hey folks! I can't best describe this in words, so I'll show you with pictures. Here's how my designer intends the Gravatar images to look in the sidebar of our site: Here's the overlay image I made (screenshotted from Photoshop): Here's how it looks right now... Not quite ideal, I think you'll agree. This is the CSS code I a...

dhtmlx grid in xhtml page

I need the dxhtmlgrid to work in a xhtml page. All the examples are in plain html and when I try and convert to xhtml I get errors. Can anyone help me get a dhtmlxgrid to work in a xhtml page? I am generating my grid from a table: http://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxGrid/samples/12_initialization_loading/03_grid_int_from_html.html I ...

XHTML Column Padding Bug

Try setting the padding of <td> to more than 1px, you can't. You can only specify 0 or 1px padding for this td. But why ? It's same in both transitional and strict document types. http://www.pro-turk.net/xhtml_col.html ...

Can you get a job if you know XHTML, CSS and Basic PHP?

If you know XHTML, CSS and Basic PHP, can you get a job with those skills and what type of jobs should i be looking for? Thanks ...

What is your Wordpress 2.9 theme development workflow after getting PSD from client?

What are useful and free resources to make Wordpress 2.9 themes? Is Dreamweaver helpful to make themes ? What are time saving tips? I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 on Windows. and my main browser is FF 3.6. I know some extensions of dreamweaver but those are not updated with wordpress versions. Should we edit theme files directly on live ...

If I prefer semantic naming then shouldn't i use any CSS Framework and grid approach?

If I prefer semantic naming then shouldn't i use any CSS Framework and grid approach? Which approach is better Grid or Freehand? Is any CSS Frameworks really can save time and make semantic code even for Experienced CSS developer? Many CSS Frameworksd are popular in static PSD 2 XHTML+CSS conversion and in wordpress/drupal/joomla them...

vertical-align="middle" for td is not working if we use <!doctype ...>

Hi, I am trying to middle align an element, But I have bumped into this problem. I am using this tag: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <body> <table style="width:100%; height: 100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> ...

How do I best remove the unicode characters that XHTML regards as non-valid using php?

I run a forum designed to support an international mathematics group. I've recently switched it to unicode for better support of international characters. In debugging this conversion, I've discovered that not all unicode characters are considered as valid XHTML (the relevant website appears to be http://www.w3.org/TR/unicode-xml/). O...

ASP.NET MVC using as a RESTFUL Service and Consuming it easier way

Hi, I wanted to know, if say I had a MVC Application with some functionality and I want to provide this as a service to some of my clients. Do they need to go through coding and querying the XHTML data?(as it is represented in XHTML). I mean how do they generate proxy classes and use my methods? One of the ways is creating URI object bu...