
Make an element visible to the user but invisible to events

I'm not quite sure how to describe what I'm looking to do, but I'll do my best. At the moment I have a parent <div>, with absolutely positioned child <div>s within it, and I'm tracking the mouse pointer location coordinates relative to the element your mouse is over. At the moment, when I mouse over my child <div>s, I get the mouse loc...

Simple Tableless Positioning issue: Trying to float Div right on same line

Ok I just started a template for a website http://clickforclicks.com/design1/ I'm trying to make it tableless. Notice I have a red div along the side. I tried to get one on the otherside aswell that looked the same. But when I do it. It goes to a new line =[ How might I get this effect without using Javascript or Absolute positioning...

What is the practical benefit to keep CSS 100% validated?

What is the practical benefit to keep CSS 100% validated (not using any hacks), for client's projects.? even if there is no cross browser problem. And what type of problem i can face in future if i do not maintain CSS validity 100%. ...

Internet Explorer 8 is blocking CSS, JQuery

I'm in the process of developing a website that makes use of JQuery's superfish. Now if I want to test it in Internet Explorer 8 I'm getting the messageTo help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer in firefox everything runs smoothly. ...

Link to resources such as css and javascript files

How can I link to resources such as css and javascript files? My default project is using links like ../../Content/styles.css. How can I do something like ~/content/styles.css? ...

What is the logic behind to use Semantic meaningful markup?

Is it only for screen reader software? because browser renders both type of tags semantic and presentational in same manner. For example: for browser for us and for css <strong> and <b> is same. what is the purpose to semantic tag over presentational tag. is it for screen readers only or it's for better management of code? if it's f...

Javascript Click/Drag and Select Table rows and columns

Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows a java script library that would add a "select" type of functionality as seen in excel/google docs where you can click and select several different parts of a row and/or column. I am looking at adding this functionality to my web application. Does anyone know where of library's preferably in java sc...

Adding email address as an hidden field

I've recently found a web site where the email address is included within hidden tags in a html form. Is this a bad practice and why other than the stealing of mail addresses? ...

What's the current (as of April 2010) state of affairs regarding <object> vs <embed> in HTML?

The age old question. <object> vs <embed>. From what I gather, <object> is the XHTML-compliant way of doing things, while <embed> is for legacy support. I'm currently building a Flash application that will contain a pre-made embedding code for users to copy and paste, and I'm wondering if it's feasible to simply dump the <embed> tag alto...

Where is the best place to reference javascripts in an XHTML document

I have an Asp.net MVC project that modestly uses jQuery scripts. My views also display partial views in them, either returned using RenderPartial or RenderAction helper methods. Partial views are usually used to encapsulate some common display but they may as well have some client-side script functionality. My javascripts have the same n...

Accessing the value of an input element with XPath in an XSLT

Hi! I'm developing a web app for Firefox that has a button that triggers a client-side XSLT transformation of the document's DOM, with a stylesheet fetched via AJAX. Here's a portion of the XHTML that's going to be transformed: <html> <head> <title>Static Javascript-based XMR Form Creator</title> </head> <body> <h1 id="title">...

What is usefulness of W3C's "Semantic Data Extractor" in semantically correct XHTML CSS Development?

What is the usefulness of W3C's Semantic Data Extractor? http://www.w3.org/2003/12/semantic-extractor.html This tool, geared by an XSLT stylesheet, tries to extract some information from a HTML semantic rich document. It only uses information available through a good usage of the semantics defined in HTML. The aim is ...

How to make maintaince document for a website?

How to make maintenance document for a website? I've created a site using XHTML ,CSS, jQuery etc. it's big site. Now i have to write a maintenance document for a site for if any changes comes in future related to design, content and functionality then those things will be handled by someone else. How and what should i keep in maintenan...

fast forward/streaming in html5 video? RTSP?

right now I've got a few .mp4's hosted on Amazon S3. I know that S3 has support for RTMP, which is useful for streaming Flash. I'd like to accomplish something similar with html5 video; my biggest issue is that I need the ability to seek (fast forward) to a particular part of the video. Right now when I query the video, it loads the en...

How to submit an iframe form and close jquery lights out in a single mouseclick

The web app i'm creating uses jquery lights out and has an html iframe to an internal form. Whoever uses this app will have to press the submit button. Is there a way i can link a free area of space surrounding the submit button, so any clicks within that space call the jquery functions in my code? I'd like to do this so submitting the ...

Center aligned form with equal width labels

I have a very simple web form which consists of labels and input fields, however I can not seem to find a way of aligning the form in the center of the page and for the labels to have an equal width so that they appear neatly next to each other, one under the other. The structure of my page is basically: <body> <div class="form"> <form ...

Is it necessary to have at least one `H1` in any webpage?

Is it necessary to have at least one H1 in any web page? in terms of accessibility, semantics and SEO. ...

<div> of images, retrieved by getJSON, disappear after append()

Hi all I'm working on a GMaps application to retrieve images, via getJSON(), and to populate a popup marker. The following is the markup which I add to the marker dynamically: <div id="images"></div> <div id="CampWindow" style="display:none;width:550px;height:500px;"> <h4 id="camp-title"></h4> <p>View... (all links o...

Which free CSS editor has most customizable options/settings for CSS code view formatting?

Which free CSS editor has most customizable options/settings for CSS code view formatting? for Windows. Should be able to set automatic css code to any of these type of formatting. http://css-tricks.com/different-ways-to-format-css/ ...

Horizontal <ul> menu: how to fix the width of list items

I have a horizontal <ul> menu. How can I fix the width of the <li> elements at, say, 250px each? ...