
How do I switch MySpace profile to version 2.0 with DIV layouts? Need to develop on this.

Hi, I need to know how to do this. When I login, I see no options for it. Believe me, I have looked EVERYWHERE. Whenever I search about this, it only yeilds results about people wanting to switch BACK. But I need the newer DIV layout to develop on. Many thanks, Michael. ...

Should we give overflow:hidden to those div for which we are not giving height?

Should we give overflow:hidden to those div for which we are not giving height? #Container {width:900px;margin:0 auto} for #header which has other elements inside then should i give overflow:hidden to #header or i should give fixed height to #header. What is the difference between both? #header {} #footer {} ...

Tagging translated text correctly (tagging with lang="")

A client has asked me to add some polish text to their website, not having much experience in this area, can anyone tell me which of the two 'lang' solutions below is correct (or offer an alternative):- Tag everything:- <div lang="pl"> <h2 lang="pl">Najlepszy ruch jaki zrobisz!</h2> <p lang="pl">Do przyszłych najemców:</p> <p lang="...

Adding <span> tags to all text nodes between custom self closing tags.

I have a pair of custom self closing tags s1 and s2 defined in namespace x in my xhtml. For each tag pair s1, s2 having the same id, I want to add span tags to all the text nodes between them. Each s1, s2 tag pair have a unique id. i am looking for a XSL based solution for the same. I am using Saxon java processor for XSL. Sample input...

min-height or sticky footer which is preferred idea?

If in content is too small in pages then it look odd . to show some space to make looks good which method would be better. min-height to #main-content or sticky footer, which is preferred idea? ...

what is the best and valid way for cross browser min-height?

for #main-content I don't want to give any fix height because content can be long and short but if content is short then it should take minimum height 500px. i need compatibility in all browser. Is thery any w3c valid and cross browser way without using !important because i read !important should not be used In conclusion, don’t...

TinyMCE is modifying the XHTML 1.0 Strict HTML I input. How can I stop it?

The code I want to have saved through TinyMCE is as follows: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="550" height="90" id="homepage-banner"> <param name="movie" value="/images/header.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <!--[if !IE]>--> <object type="application/x-shockwave-fl...

sub menu border calls onmouseout event

I've created a simple menu and submenu with tags(not allowed to use ul elements). To access the submenu the user hovers their mouse over the menu item. I use the onmouseover and onmouseout events to either show or hide the sub menu depending on which item is selected. A pipe (|) is used to seperate each submenu item and this is what is ...

Internet Explorer won't display facelets .xhtml files

I'm just starting to work with JSF and Facelets and I've put together a very simple page that is just taking a template from another file and inserting some text (just to show that it pulls inormation from both the template and the calling page) However whenever I try to view the page in Internet Explorer 7, it attempts to download the ...

convert an XHTML form into an XForm that uses an XML

"How can I convert an XHTML form into an XForm that uses an XML file as a data store and is usable in a web browser" Thanks to David Dorward for correcting my question formulation. ...

Google custom search (or alternative) in XHML

Google's JavaScript API makes use of the function document.write, thus is not usable in XHTML. Do you know a workaround how to get the custom search working in XHTML? Or is there a working alternative? ...

Saving special characters using FCK Editor

Hi, I'm using FCK Editor, and in the Special Characters I've added °, degree (& deg; or & #176;). When degree symbol is added, the source contains "& deg;", but when I'm sending to the server it is being assigned internal to a textarea and this degree symol is not being converted and is being sent as ° (degree), because of this the sam...

How to test website for ipad without having ipad , in both condition Portrait and landscape?

How to test website compatibility for iPAD without having iPAD , in both condition Portrait and landscape? on Windows PC ...

How to randomly change inline images on page load and each refresh, using jquery?

What is the best lightweight way to randomly show inline images from a folder on each refresh or on load a page ? using jQuery. like jQuery version of this http://javascript.internet.com/miscellaneous/random-image.html Update: 24 April This is exactly what i want i just need unobtrusive jQuery version of this <div class=”me-box”> <...

Validatation error "Value Error : background-position Too many values or values are not" How to solve?

Why validation giving this error. How to solve? ul#navigation li#navigation-3 a.current Value Error : background-position Too many values or values are not recognized : -164px -164px -36px -164px -164px -36px This is error screen. CSS ul#navigation { height: 36px; left: 300px; list-style-image: none; list-style-...

You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.

I'm getting this Warning (it's not a error, my CSS is valid). I choosed full report just to check to validate You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible. What is this and how to solve. I'm gettin...

What is prefered method to set consistence font-size and line height for website using em?

What is the best method to set cross-browser consistence typography (font-size and line height) for whole site using em for Fixed width {Width:970px}, centered website? I usually get design from client with multiple font size and line heights at various places in design. for some good reason i still use em without getting nested elemen...

body { font-size: 100.01%; } vs body { font-size: 100%; }?

What should i keep for body, {font-size: 100.01%; } or { font-size: 100%; }? what is {font-size: 100.01%; }? and is it really good to mention font-size in html{} even If I'm using body {font-size: 62.5%;} Edit : 3 May 2010 Today i found info about 100.01% at here - http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=FAF76&amp;print=t...

Why this jquery plugin giving error in IE but working fine in firefox?

This page work in Firefox but not in IE7 http://www.robwalshonline.com/demos/randomImageDemo/randomImage_plugin.html This is page of plugin http://www.robwalshonline.com/posts/jquery-plugin-random-image-on-page-load/ How to get this work in all browser FF, safari, chrome and IE 6, 7 ,8 ...

How to get same cursor(hand) on links in all browser?

In firefox on link hand cursor is showing which is ok but in IE7 it's showing text cursor. How to get same cursor(hand) on links in all browser? Can i add something in CSS reset to get cursor in all browser on links.? ...