
What is the quikest method to see actual color of any hex code #a7a7a7?

What is the quikest method to see actual color of any hex code #a7a7a7? When i work on other's CSS then if i deal with color codes then i quickly wan to see the color of that particular hex code. suppose if i'm editing css in notepad and i found code #a7a7a7 then how can i know what is the color of this code. If i have a color on my s...

How to give line-break from css, without using <br />?

output: hello How are you code: <p>hello <br /> How are you </p> How to achieve same output without <br />? ...

why this jquery code doesn't work if i add class to <P>

It works var tip = "<p>Most computers will open PDF documents automatically, but you may need to download <a title='Link to Adobe website-opens in a new window'"; tip +=" href='http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html' target='_blank'>Adobe Reader</a>.</p>"; if($("div#maincontent a[href*='.pdf']").length>0){ $("div#mai...

Why this code works with jquery 1.3.2 but not with 1.4.2?

this code var tip = "<p class='adobe-reader-download'>Most computers will open PDF documents automatically, but you may need to download <a title='Link to Adobe website-opens in a new window'"; tip +=" href='http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html' target='_blank'>Adobe Reader</a>.</p>"; if($("div#maincontent a[href*='.p...

How to hide any text from sighted user and search engine but not from screen reader?

What is the best tested way to hide any text from sighted user but not from popular screen readers? and without affecting SEO. for example if i adding any hidden text only for screen-reader users then that text should not be crawl by search engine when search engine will crawl that page. ...

why width not working here?

code <a href="#" style="width:50px;white-space:normal">Hello how are you</a> output Hello how are you Why it's not rendering like this I need like this. Hello how are you how to achieve output like this without changing in HTML? <p style="width:165px;height:80px;border:1px solid red"> <a href="#" style="width:80px;white-spa...

Write a telephone number in a website for the Iphone

Hi, How I can write a phone number in the xhtml file and when the user clicks (on the number) the iphone call automatically (to that number)? Any ideas? ...

is there any css validator with CSS3 and vendor specific extensions support?

is there any css validator with CSS3 and vendor specific extensions support? I only want to see problem other than CSS 3 and vendor specific extensions related errors. And is there any better xhtml css validator than W3C's? ...

Can I use PHP for a mobi site?

Hi guys, I have been doing some research on mobile websites, and thus far it seems to me that PHP is not supported by most handsets. I am trying to create multiple form's that lead up to a auto email response, which would be fairly simple if I could use PHP. Is there any other way of achieving this? ...

How to define absolute path of xml, images folder and main swf path in this swf object code?

<script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF("loader.swf", "flash-banner", "920", "320", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes); </script> After loading loader.swf I'm getting this error Error #...

@font-face not working on a client site?

This is CSS code @font-face { font-family: 'FuturaStdBook'; src: url('site/font-face/futurastd-medium-webfont.eot'); src: local('☺'), url('site/font-face/futurastd-medium-webfont.woff') format('woff'), url('site/font-face/futurastd-medium-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), url('site/font-face/futurastd-medium-webfont.svg#webf...

Eclipse BIRT - XHTML output

Is there a way to set BIRT to output a report as XHTML (1.0 Transitional would be fine) instead of HTML? I did a few tests and there are some elements that are not valid:head does not include a title, html must have a namespace (xmlns) attribute Is this functionality supported at all by BIRT? ----- EDIT ----- Here are the current cha...

jQuery gallery turn over with next and previous buttons

Hi, i'm trying to do some kind of Gallery-Turn Over Script with jQuery. Therefor i got an array with - let's say 13 - images: galleryImages = new Array( 'images/tb_01.jpg', 'images/tb_02.jpg', 'images/tb_03.jpg', 'images/tb_04.jpg', 'images/tb_05.jpg', 'images/tb_06.jpg', 'images/tb_07.jpg', 'images/tb_08.jpg', 'images/tb_09.jpg', 'imag...

Anchor links not working properly

I have a tooltip that has a link to an anchor but it seems like it is not going to the right anchor. Rollover the person and click on the "[+]" inside the tooltip. To view the sample click here ...

Is it possible to make cross browser website without having any IE conditional CSS?

If i I'm not using any transparent png, not using :hover on other thank a:link, Is it possible to make cross browser layout without having any IE conditional CSS .and keep main css valid? I want to keep only one css file for whole needs. screen, print, handheld. What things we should consider? ...

How to convert this jquery code into noconflict

will we have to replace every $ with jquery? $(document).ready(function() { $('.tabs a').click(function(){ switch_tabs($(this)); }); switch_tabs($('.defaulttab')); }); function switch_tabs(obj) { $('.tab-content').hide(); $('.tabs a').removeClass("selected"); var id = obj.attr("rel"); $('#'+id).s...

Should we wrap jquery code $(document).ready(function(){ in external js also

When we write inline javascript in then we keep code inside $(document).ready(function(){ // Your code here }); and if i want to paste code // Your code here in external .js file then should i keep code inside this $(document).ready(function(){ // Your code here }); or we can have without this // Your code her...

Parse XHTML using Ruby

Is there any way I can parse a remote html page, in Ruby, preferably using jQuery like selectors? For example, I could select all the div having a specific class, and get the content of all those elements in an array. I was trying to use Regex for this, but I think using XML parser would be better. ...

Xpath help function

Hi i have a document from which i am trying to extract a date. But the problem is within the node along with the date their is some text too. Something like <div class="postHeader"> Posted on July 20, 2009 9:22 PM PDT </div> From this tag i just want the date item not the Posted on text. something like ./xhtml:div...

What is the best unobtrusive and lightweight jquery solution to make tab?

Which is the best unobtrusive and lightweight jquery solution to make tab? Although Jquery similar to jquery ui. jquery ui tab is good but it's overkill fro for just tab. we will have to add jquery ui core.js, jquery ui tab.js then a little code snippet. I need lightweight solution. using this type HTML. and jquery code should be in no....