
xpath help substring expression

Hi i have a document from which i am trying to extract a date. But the problem is within the node along with the date their is some text too. Something like <div class="postHeader"> Posted on July 20, 2009 9:22 PM PDT </div> From this tag i just want the date item not the Posted on text. something like ./xhtml:div[@...

Did you find any better feature in IE 8 Developer than firebug ?

Does IE 8 Developer toolbar have something better than firebug ? How to use IE 8 Developer toolbar in a way like we use firebug in firefox.? Is there any good tutorial on "how to take good use of IE 8 Developer toolbar"? ...

What is the use of firebug's "Open With Editor" function?

What is the use of firebug's "Open With Editor" function? ...

Like live editing of XHTML and CSS in firebug can we do live testing of javascript without leaving page?

Like live editing of XHTML and CSS in firebug can we do live testing of javascript without leaving page? ...

problem with clear: right;

Hi Everyone, I'm having a problem with this page http://www.gwynfryncottages.com/news.php The .blog-footer div needs to clear on the right to correct for the height of the pictures introducing clear:right; causes the huge gap to appear on the page in FF and IE. I'm at a loss, I've tried numerous ideas to get around the problem and at...

opening a new page and passing a parameter to it with Javascript

I have a JS function that processes XML I GET from a server to dynamically create a table as below // Generate table of services by parsing the returned XML service list. function convertServiceXmlDataToTable(xml) { var tbodyElem = document.getElementById("myTbody"); var trElem, tdElem; var j = 0; $(xml).find("Service")....

What is the difference between javascript and DOM?

What is the difference between JavaScript and DOM? id DOM related to firefox? is DOM just a source order of HTML elements? ...

If i use jquery in projects then should i keep "firequery" installed?

If i use jquery in projects then should i keep "firequery" installed? http://firequery.binaryage.com/ Would it be helpful? ...

How to insert Flash without JavaScript in the most compatible but valid way?

I'm looking for a way to embed Flash into a XHTML Transitional page that does not rely on enabled JavaScript, which validates and that works across all major Browsers including IE6. So far I'm using this solution which seems to work just fine: http://latrine.dgx.cz/how-to-correctly-insert-a-flash-into-xhtml#toc-final-solution However,...

How to make simple example to explain jQuery.noConflict() with prototype?

How to make simple working (only if i remove/comment prototype) example to explain jQuery.noConflict() with prototype? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-...

Some questions about line-height.........

what is default line-height of browsers like font-size is 16px? for which HTML elements i should define line-height and for which not? What is the reason behind to give line-height to body { } ? Will line-height effect to single line text? If I'm using font in em then should i also use use line-height in em? What is co-relation betw...

Should not i use any relative measurement for any element if i need fixed width, pixel perfect design?

Should not i use any relative measurement in css for any element if i need fixed width, pixel perfect design? would it be better to use px always? ...

Can i make design in pixel first then convert everything in em later?

Can i make HTML Layout in pixel first then convert everything what ever needed in em later? is there ant tool or method to do this? ...

PHP & MySQL deleting multiple rows script problem.

I'm trying to delete two tables rows from two different tables at once when a user clicks the delete button, but for some reason I cant get the table rows to delete can some one help me figure out what is wrong with my script? Thanks Here is the MySQL tables. CREATE TABLE cases ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, file VARCHAR(25...

Which font types i will need in @face-font and how to to make font smoother in all browser like sIFR?

Which font types i will need in @face-font and how to to make font smoother in all browser like sIFR? IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome and Safari (MAC) Which font type i needed ...

PHP & MySQL - Deleting table rows problem.

Okay my script is supposed to delete a specific users case which is stored in 2 MySQL tables but for some reason when the user deletes the specific case it deletes all the users cases I only want it to delete the case the user selects. I was wondering how can I fix this problem? Thanks in advance for helping. Here is the PHP & MySQL cod...

How can i know for any font it's allowed to use in @font-face or not?

How can i know for any font it's allowed to use in @font-face or not? even if i recieve font from client, font installed in company PC, font comes with Adobe Software and MS Office? ...

How to code the label tag for XHTML

Label tag coding style. Can I write my label tag like this. <input type="text" name="lname" id="ln" /> <label for="ln">Last Name:</label> Instead of like this. <label for="ln">Last Name:</label> <input type="text" name="lname" id="ln" /> ...

How to remove margin from last li, in pure CSS with IE 6 support?

In this condition is it possible to not to apply margin-right to last li. I need pure css way and support in IE6 and 7 also and without changing HTML. is there any way to achieve this. ul li {display:inline;margin-right:10px} <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#nowhere" >Lorem</a></li> <li><a href="#nowhere" >Aliquam</a></li> <li>...

JQuery toggle problem

I'm using JQuery. I'm writing this as HTML code: <li id="toggle"> <a id="open" class="open" href="#">Log In | Register</a> <a id="close" class="close" style="display: none;" href="#">Close Panel</a> </li> and I'm writing a code like that: $(document).ready(function() { // Expand Panel $("#open").click(...