
Why am I not seeing anything for IE 8.0 for the following page?

http://havanasanjuan.com/ FF seems fine.I know this is something trivial. ...

How to add exception in this jquery code?

How to add exception in this jquery code? $(function() { $("table tr:nth-child(even)").addClass("striped"); }); this code is applying on all tables. but for specific pages i don't want strip effect. I've different body id on each page. I want to know how to add exception for a id. $(function() { $("table tr:n...

Link to audio in XHTML/EPUB

I'm looking into synchronizing an ebook in epub format (so the content is in XHTML) to an audio file. I'm thinking of putting something along the lines of: <a class="audiolink" href="sound.ogg?t=1093"></a> into the body of the document, and then have a custom epub reader that recognizes those tags and synchronizes the audio accordingl...

Align child element to bottom with CSS

I have a form input, and the label spans multiple lines, and I want the corresponding checkbox to appear at the bottom (last line of the label element). Here is what I was playing with CSS .standard-form { width: 500px; border: 1px solid red; } .standard-form .input-row { overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 0.8em; } .sta...

Stop form dropdown list from refreshing and losing index

Hello everyone I have a form, that includes a drop down list, and a submit button. The drop down list has 5 values. Let's say the user chooses value #3, then clicks submit. How would I prevent the drop down list from setting itself back to value #1? Thanks! ...

Why <textarea> and <textfield> not taking font-family and font-size from body?

Why Textarea and textfield not taking font-family and font-size from body? See live example here http://jsbin.com/ucano4 Code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head...

Is there any Inheritance problem with <table> and it's elements, like <form> elements?

Is there any Inheritance problem with <table>, tr th td tbody thead tfoot also like form elements? In IE 6+ and FF 3+ with Strict doctype. Tables also have inheritance turned off in some browsers. You may notice that in some browsers, your tables’ text will be larger, clunkier and not so pretty. This is also due to inheritan...

Please explain in detail this part of YUI3 CSS Reset..

What is the usefulness of these 2 things in CSS reset? What is the problem in resizing of input elements in IE and in which version? and if legend color doesn't inherit in IE then how it can be solved adding color:#000; /*to enable resizing for IE*/ input, textarea, select { *font-size:100%; } /*because legend doesn't inherit in I...

How to make div clickable?

I want to make this div click-able and want to use same href of inside <a> and want to keep link in inside <a> also (so if JS is disabled then link will be accessible). <div id="example"> <p> some text </p> <img src="example.jpg /> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt; link </link> </div> I mean i need like this. <div id="exampl...

Which PNG Fix will work in this condition?

I'm working with client's CMS and it's adding images like this and i can't change this. I tried IE7.js but it's not working <img src="~/imagefolder/CF88B05B445A4D008806C8B3E2830679.png?w=400&h=300&as=1" /> ...

How to make inline png <img> transparent using css?

How to make inline png transparent inside div? using css <div id="report'> <p> some text </p> <img src=transparent.png" /> </p> </div> this is image for example . Other than ball i want to make transparent other white area. Which is looking grey in IE6 I want to do in css like this div#report img {.....} is it possible? Edit: ...

XHTML editor wanted!

I need an editor that outputs clean HTML, and preferably strict XHTML with CSS, as I am going to display the resulting pages as help pages in a java application using xhmtlrenderer ("Flying Saucer") which apparently very much prefers XHTML with CSS 2.1. Having searched stackoverflow for HTML editor and XHTML editor, I've found several m...

Is there any pros to duplicate browser/keyboard functionality?

Is it good for user experience to duplicate browser/keyboard functionality? For example: to provide these links on a web-page. "Back to top" link "Print this page" link "Add to Favorite" link "Back" button/link "Text zoom" button Are they really create Site's usability and accessibility? How screen reader will behave these links, ...

Will Hiding Form Labels Impact Web Accessibility?

Hello, I have a shipping form. Three input fields surround the shipping address. Below are the labels (and in parenthesis their "for" values) 1) Address/P.O. Box (for="shipAddress1") 2) Address 2 (for="shipAddress2") 3) Use for International Address only(for="shipAddress3") Our designer has proposed to label them simple as "Street ...

How to highlight parent li text only on :hover?

How to highlight Article only on mouse over? current when i hover on Article it highlights all child item also. Is it possible to highlight Articles only see example here http://jsbin.com/ubunu/2 <style> li:hover {background:red} li li:hover {background:yellow} </style> </head> <body> <p id="hello">Hello World</p> <ul> <li>Weblog...

How to declare JavaScript and CSS XHTML-compatible?

Hi! I'm wondering how to declare JavaScript code within a CDATA section so that it is compatible with XHTML. Which method is correct/recommended? Method 1: <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ CODE // ]]> </script> Method 2: <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ CODE /* ]]> */ </script> Is the second one also sui...

How to change link if JS is disable and enable ?

I need if JS is enabled then this link will be this <a href="#" class="collops">see sitemap</a> And is js is disabled then link should be this <a href="http://stackoverflow.com" class="collops">see sitemap</a> ...

Delete text in text box using PHP

Hello, is there a way to remove text from a text box using a submit button? I don't want to delete text from all boxes on the form. And I don't want to delete text 'onclick', for the element. I need the code to clear the text box, to initiate from within a block. For example <input name="text" value="submit" /> <input type="sumbi...

Tricky issue with using xslt with badly formed html...

Hi there, I am fairly new to xslt (2.0) and am having some trouble with a tricky issue. Essentially I have a badly formatted html file like below: <html> <body> <p> text 1 </p> <div> <p> text 2</p> </div> <p> Here is a list <ul> <ol> <li> ListItem1 </li> <li> ListItem...

503 (Server Unavailable) WebException when loading local XHTML file

Hello! So I'm currently working on an ePub reader application, and I've been reading through a bunch of regular XML files just fine with System.Xml and XmlDocument: XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.Load(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "META-INF/container.xml")); XmlNodeList xnl = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("...