
xhtml validator

Hi, why w3 validator show error? "Line 5, Column 7: end tag for "head" which is not finished </head> Most likely, you nested tags and closed them in the wrong order. For example <p><em>...</p> is not acceptable, as <em> must be closed before <p>. Acceptable nesting is: <p><em>...</em></p> Another possibility is that you used an eleme...

how many div's can you have before the dom slows and becomes unstable?

I am developing a jQtouch app and each request done via ajax creates a new div in the document for the loaded content. Only a single div is shown at any one time. How many div's can I have before the app starts getting unresponsive and slow? Anyone have any ideas on this? EDIT: Its an iPad app running on Safari, and it would be less t...

MVC2 Inline XHTML Validator?

I am attempting to setup http://www.thejoyofcode.com/Validator_Module.aspx on a local MVC2 project. I have followed all of the steps listed in the setup guide but I cannot get the validator to kick in. If I create a bog standard .htm file or a webform with .aspx extension, I can get it to work. Anyone had any joy with this? ...

Should we use both overflow: hidden and display:inline?

For floated elements should we always define display:inline along with overflow:hidden, when we clear float using overflow:hidden? is it good for IE compatibility? should we always follow? #secondary-col { float:left; overflow:hidden; display:inline; } ...

Are free and open source templates, themes, self content management systems replacing the need of web designers?

Are free and open source templates, themes, self content management systems replacing the need of web designers? You can find templates online for pretty much anything these days. There are html and css templates, templates for Wordpress, all sorts of different cms templates, e-ecommerce templates, etc. Many of these are pretty cheap a...

Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5?

Facelets relies on XML namespaces to work with XHTML. How are HTML 4, and as far as I know, HTML 5 do not support namespaces. Also HTML 5 has some new elements that are not available in XHTML. Even HTML 4 and XHTML have some differences regarding elements and attributes they support. The question is: Is it possible to render HTML 4/5 do...

SVG Scaling Text to fit container

This is likely a very simple question, but how do I get text in SVG to stretch to fit its container? I don't care if it looks ugly from being stretched too long or high, but it needs to fits its container and be as big as possible. Thanks ...

.com/ VS .com in external links

When we give link of external sites then how we should give link? This http://www.sitename.com/ or this http://www.sitename.com Are both same? ...

Put text input inside label for radio button?

I'm trying to make a radio group specifying a bunch of options, and an extra option "other" with a text input to specify. The code for this particular radio button I'm using is <input type='radio' name='RadioInput' value='Other' id='RadioInput_Other' /> <label for='RadioInput_Other'>Ohter: <input type='text' name='RadioInput_Other_...

IE layout issue in XHTML

Hi, I am developing my first XHTML web page and I am facing issues on IE 7/8 (not a surprise I guess). If you go to: http://gtc.wcreations.net/ortho/eskulap/test.php and open it in IE8, then after navigating to: Dla pacjenta menu item and then "ABC PACJENTA" you will see that whole menu list is being refreshed anytime I hover to differen...

Positioning Photos in a Grid (HTML)

Hey Everyone, I've been trying to code this page for a while, but my biggest problem is that I can't seem to get the photos perfectly positioned. For some reason, there is a small bottom padding in each <td>which is messing things up. Here is the table code: <table> <tr> <td rowspan="2" style="height:353px;"><img src="da...

Positioning DIVs with Javascript

I have two divs that I need to position horizontally dependent on the width of the user's screen. I've styled their vertical position in CSS, and I am trying to position them horizontally using Javascript. My divs: <div id="tl"> blah blah </div> <div id="bl"> blah blah </div> My CSS: #tl { position: absolute; top: -14px; ...

How to prevent auto correction / suggestion of text in textarea?

We provide a page where a student can provide his answer to a certain question. This information is obtained via an input text area box and we would prefer that the browser doesn't auto correct and indicate grammatical errors on the student responses (e.g. obey is correct but obay is wrong). The browser shows a red underline if there are...

How to make href will work on button in IE8

I want href will work on type="button"in IE8. <a href="submit.php"><input type="button" value="Submit" class="button" /></a> Other browser working fine but on IE8 the code above not working. How to fix it? Update <form action="submit.php" method="post""> <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" /> </form> I know this wa...

Is google hosted jquery working for you?

All other links are working of this page but this not this link not working http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js is it working for you? Update: Like in this case is there any method if google hosted version not working then local jquery should work on server? ...

Go to iframe when src changes

I am working on a new home for my browser. When the src changes of the iframe (click search or something) I want to leave my site and go to where the iframe is going. How do I do this? edit:// example: http://imgur.com/OvnCz.jpg ...

Pipe Chars in HTML Classes

I couldn't find anything in the W3C docs that said pipe chars, |, aren't allowed, for instance: <div class="class1|class2"> Don't worry about what I might be using it for. I was just wondering if it's "legal". ...

What is the mean of "On Page SEO"?

What is the mean of "On Page SEO"? Is it related to mark-up , accessibility and semantics? Edit: Does "On Page SEO" requires input from XHTML Coder? Is it a job of developer? ...

IE8, XHTML, position: fixed; and z-index.

I have an XHTML 1.0 transitional Doctype. I have a <div> that is position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; z-index: 200;. Inside that <div> I have two buttons which are position relative, aligned right, with a set z-index of 201; In Firefox the bar at the bottom and the two buttons are correctly located at the bottom. In ...

How to change source order of <div> in less steps/automatically?

How can I do this task automatically. I need to change source order of the divs, which has same id in above 100 pages. I created an example: This is default condition <div class="identification"> <div class="number">Number 1</div> </div> <div class="identification"> <div class="number">Number 2</div> </div> <div class="identificat...