
Jquery Tabs Help

So I am trying to make a tabs in a menu but cant make the whole width of each of the tabs 219px. it only allows me to make the li 219 but I wanna make the li a 219px. I cant seem to figure it out. Also is there a way to make a next button or would the best way to go to each tab and literally put in the next tab in a type of way? any he...


Hi, Having an .html file is it possible to force the browser to treat the contents as XHTML? I mean the file opened from both local or web location. Maybe some on-the-fly convertion or something like that? The background: Firefox and Opera supports natively MathML when the code is embedded in a XHTML file. I need to get a .html file w...

Is there any good tutorials to convert HTML+ CSS to wordpress?

Is there any good tutorials to convert HTML+ CSS to Wordpress? not PSD 2 HTML? I mean if HTML CSS is available we just need to convert a XHTML CSS template to installable Wordpress 3.0 Theme? I'm not talking about PSD 2 HTML. For example this is free CSS template http://www.freecsstemplates.org/preview/regeneracy/ I just want to downloa...

Do you know best site on Net to learn XHTML 1.0 strict , Like other than W3schools.com but with better and latest content?

Do you know best site on Net to learn XHTML , Like other than W3schools.com but with better and latest content? I have to link some friends who want to learn HTML? I like the "Try it editor" of W3C schools but not the content. I need semantic discussion also. what is the element all about and what is the semantic value, even if's it's v...

What is the role of xhtml in Html5?

I am reading and hearing conflicting information on this subject. w3c closed XHTML 2.0 working group and asking us to look at XHTML 5 coming out of HTML5. How is this different from XHTML 1.0 or 1.1? ...

This simple XHTML will not validate. What is the problem?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>My Title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myStyle.css"/> </head> <body> <div> ...

Why this code showing error in W3C validator?

Why this code showing error in W3C validator "character data is not allowed here" <blockquote>all visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event -- in the living act, the undoubted deed -- there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its feature from behind ...

How to add site search function to website using XHTML/HTML?

I really want to learn how to make my own search engine for my site. I have the defined buttons and labels, but it doesn't search. I can't figure out the HTML or XHTML code for actually searching the site. This is the code I have so far: <p class="search"> <label>SEARCH</label> <input name="search" type="text" class="txt" /> ...

Is it necessary to look, website same in all browser?

Is it necessary to look, website same in all browser? Is it a legal requirement in some country? isn't it need of pixel perfection ( to inch to inch match with Design) a madness? isn't it asking IE6 Pixel perfection, as of now, is a madness? Is it sin to to use JavaScript for visual enhancement, like to enable border radius in IE using ...

How to convert any fixed width layout to flex-width layout?

How to convert any fixed width layout to flexi-width layout? any quick tips? In a website should we make every thing flexi-width, i mean left or right sidebar and main content column ? Should we make everything in 100% width or we should define a max-width for better readability? ...

solving markup validation errors

http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fratingscorner.com%2Fproduct_rating.php%3Falias%3DRashtreeya-Vidyalaya-College-of-Engineering-Mysore-Road-Bangalore%26product%3Dcolleges&amp;charset=%28detect+automatically%29&amp;doctype=Inline&amp;group=0&amp;ss=1&amp;st=1&amp;outline=1&amp;No200=1&amp;verbose=1 hi guys, i so...

Safari anchors on links not working.

My html anchor is as follows. <a name="template-8"/> <h4 class="template" id="template-8">A title</h4> As far as I know the browser should skip to the element with a matching name or id attribute. When I type in the url http://my.site.com/templates#template-8 safari jumps down the page as expected. However when linking as below the...

Can this auto-stretcing scenario be realized undex XHTML/CSS?

I want two horizontal areas in my webpage. The first one is the menu. It's on the top. Unfortunately I don't know its size, and it might change in response to user actions. Below the menu is the main area which should stretch at least as far as the bottom of the window (if there is little content) or beyond (if there is a lot of content....

How to use <col> tag correctly and is it supported in all browser?

What is the use of tag and is it supported in all browser? I was trying <col style="background:red"> but it's not working. I'm on FF 3. <table width="100%" border="1"> <col style="background:red"> <caption> Table Caption </caption> ...

Is it not wise to always expect semantically correct mark-up, in my own and others code?

Is it bad to be semantic purist all the time, at work? is it not achievable all the time ? when i saw code of any other person/interviewee. I know selection of element for a purpose is most important thing. what i should judge person ability from his code; from a good written, managed, optimized css or how he wrote class and id names...

How to maintain the HTML semantics when HTML is used for drawing diagrams (like organizational chart)

I have created an organizational chart using ASP.NET on web page. The web page is using strict DOCTYPE and following W3C standards. The chart has a hierarchical layout decided by the manager field in the table that contains employees in the organization. The chart layout has nodes with employee image and other details like job title, ...

php: remove <p>, </p>, <br> and <br /> from beginning and end of string

help... $chars = " \t\n\r\0\x0B"; $pattern = '('.implode('|',array_map('preg_quote',array('<p>','</p>','<br />','<br>'))).')'."\b"; $data = trim(preg_replace('~'.$pattern.'$~i','',preg_replace('~^'.$pattern.'~i','',trim($data,$chars))),$chars); That code is set to remove all <p>,</p>,<br> and <br /> from the beginning and end of a htm...

Flash video player VS HTML 5 Video.....

I need to add a video player to play a video on a webpage. usually i use Flash player with the help of swfobject library. which works if flash player and javascript both are enabled. I'm currently using XHTML 1.0 strict doctype. My question is can i just change my doctype to HTML 5 doctype and add Video player using HTML 5 video. for ...

Floating Tables Problem Unwanted Space XHTML Strict

Hi I have two floating tables side by side. One is set to float left, the other one is set to float right. The problem is when two table are floating, they both are out of flow so next table comes without any spacing. So I add a width attribute clear:both. But now it gave me a lot of unwanted space! it's height set to:0 (the div's) and...

Useful ways for multilanguage navigation and static content on your site?

Hi, I have a big site running under Apache and PHP and in few mounths I should consider to add some different language version of it, but I'm not sure about the right way (or ways). My problem it isn't the user data, because I can use db tables with different languages (en, de, it, etc.) so I want concentrate my answer on navigation and...