I'm facing a problem that's really strange. It's in every browser.
Everything is working correctly, until you try to go to a section using the hash ( like #contactUs in my page)... try this url : http://mahersalam.co.cc/projects/2011/#contactUs
You will see that the page SHIFTS 10px to the top. if you take off the hash, it works again....
Is the order of attributes in a certain tag releveant.
Specific case:
This is from a selenium testfile. Given a testcasse
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<head profile="http://selenium-ide.openqa.org/profiles/test-case">
<meta content="text/htm...
The following markup when viewed in Safari on Iphone and Ipad displays the body background color for 1 pixel between the two tables. What is this and how do I stop it?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtm...
Hello all. Just trying to get the hang of using the semantically correct XHTML markup.
Just writing the code for a small navigation item. Where each button has effectivly a title and a descrption. I thought a definition list would therefore be great so i wrote the following
<dt>Import images</dt>
<dd>Read in new image nam...
Do you know any good article on "When to use display:block when :inline and when :inline-block" and why?
and when we will have to override display:?? through css for any HTML tag/element?
in this code of toogle open and close button is different
<a> and <a id="close">
I want...
it works fine for one div
(function($) {
return false;
How to make this slide toogle effect for multiple di...
Our site http://m.sa2010.gov.za has a simple menu structure that relies on floating divs to stack 2 columns of menu elements. Unfortunately it seems to wrap all elements on top of each other when viewed from most Blackberry phones? Any suggestions.
works beautifully on most mobile devices including iPhone. Check it out.
Hi! I've got a trouble with Chrome5.0.375.70, but FF 3.6.3 and Opera 10.53 are OK. Below is the line of code:
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = data.documentElement.innerHTML;
The data object from the code is a document (typeof(data) == 'object') and I've got it by ajax request to chapter01.xhtml:
<?xml version="1.0" e...
Can we use like this <body class="all" <!--[if IE 7]>class="ie"<![endif]--> >?
I want to keep all CSS in one file.
If I use XHTML 1.0 Strict currently, then should I not use those XHTML elements/tags and attributes which will not be in the HTML5 spec? E.g. <acronym> and <big>
if we are providing a seperate "printer friendly page" for each page of site then do we need to use print media css in site?
only screen css is enough in this case?
Is there a way to take a DIV that has a background image on it, then apply a CSS3 gradient on it to simulate a lightsource?
The reason I ask was because I was thinking of making the BODY tag on a page use a repeating background pattern, apply the CSS3 gradient lightsource on it, and then stick a white DIV on top of that where all the pa...
Possible Duplicate:
Can HTML5 do most of what Flash does today?
I'm not necessarily for Apple, but I am sort of against the need for 3rd party vendors, if a browser can accomplish the same task, efficiently.
What are the advantages of HTML5 over HTML4, will there be a new XHTML, and will HTML5 have any interactive features th...
Possible Duplicate:
Is it ok to use <strong> in place of <b> blindly ?
When to use <strong> and when to use <b> or other ways to give look of bold? strong has semantic value ( and useful for screen reader while b is presentation (and even valid in HTML 5).
my question is not what is the difference between strong and b.
The q...
My page use to validate for XHTML but I added the addthis buttons to page and it gives a new namespace:
<a addthis:url="http://domain.tld/path/to/stuff" addthis:title="Teh Title here">
I tried:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:addthis="http://addthis.com/" lang="en">
Doesn't work.
Can we register namespac...
Is there a built-in schema datatype for xhtml data? Suppose I want to specify a "boozle" element that contains two "woozles", each of which is arbitrary xhtml. I want to write something like this, using the relax NG compact syntax:
namespace nifty = "http://brinckerhoff.org/nifty/"
start = element nifty:boozle {woozle, woozle}
This is kind of hard to explain.
I have an absolutely positioned floating secondary content box.
It works great in all occurrences.
Except, when you submit a form and don't fill out the fields (see here, and push send). The box expands to show the errors, and underneath the footer there is a blank space. The best example I can give is...
How to use em perfectly without getting nested issue?
How to get perfect needed size for every needed element?
If i use #Wrapper (font-size:62.5%) because it's easy to calculate font sizes.
How to deal with nested issues of font-size and line-height?
Pages with tables creating problem in print? First page coming blank and content comes in print from 2nd page if pages are having <table>
and if table is long i want to print table heading on each print page also.
font: 8pt/1.5 Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: white;