
Passing info via URL and parsing it with PHP

Hi guys, I need to pass information via a URL to a PHP function that parses the received data. So basically when they click on the specific link, it will go to the specific page, but also send through the arguments and values for the waiting PHP function to parse them and depending on what the values are do specific functions. eg: http...

Which solution of CSS3 Box radius emulation for IE is Quickest in rendering ?

There are many JavaScript, .htc, jQuery solution available to make round corner in IE 6,7,8. http://www.dillerdesign.com/experiment/DD_roundies/ (It does not work in IE 8) http://www.htmlremix.com/css/curved-corner-border-radius-cross-browser http://alt-web.com/DEMOS/CSS-Rounded-Corners.shtml http://blue-anvil.com/jquerycurvycorners/...

Problem with the position of the loading image.

I have a loading image in the page which is appended as child to one particular <div id="event_list">. This "event_list" <div> is a child of map <div>. At the initial position the loading image is coming correctly, but when I change the map <div>'s position as to absolute the loading image is not correctly coming. I may not be clear in e...

fit container height to layered content (to visible layer)

I have a div, the container and few other divs inside - the layers. Visibility of layers is switched dynamically with JavaScript. I want the container to fit its height to visible layer when switching between them, but also when we are zooming the page in or out. Generally I want to create a page that instantly loads all of its contents...

Should I write Polyglot HTML5 documents?

I've been considering converting my current HTML5 documents to polyglot HTML5 ones. I figure that even if they only ever get served as text/html, the extra checks of writing it XML would help to keep my coding habits tidy and valid. Is there anything particularly thrilling in the HTML5-only space that would make this an unwise choice? ...

CSS Element 100% of Parent

I'm having difficulty getting a 100% page height including contained divs. What seems to happen is that the inner div expands to 100% the height of the entire parent element, and not just to the bottom, even if it's been displaced by an element above it, so the child overflows the parent. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYP...

XHTML+XML plus XSL plus jQuery don't work in safari

This is my XHTML/PHP file: <? header('Content-type: application/xhtml+xml')?> <?="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"?> <?="<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"ie-fix.php\"?>"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.o...

JAXB and XHTML inside XML

Hi, I'm using Apache cxf to create objects from a WSDL. Everything works fine but I have some XHTML inside the SOAP message and i don't know how to access it. The resulting xml is <folder> <id S="ID-KMEHR" SV="1.0" SL="idfolder">1</id> <patient> <id S="ID-PATIENT" SV="1.0" SL=" ">05040199</...

JSF2: limiting cc:attribute to a given object type within a List

If I had a managed bean as follows: @ManagedBean @RequestSchoped public class Example { private List<String> stringList; private List<Long> longList; // getters, setters, etc. down here } and had a custom component which accepted a List as an attribute: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W...

Why won't this simple code validate?

Hey, I have some very simple code below that I can't get to validate on http://validator.w3.org/check and the errors make little sense to me. I'm stumped here can anyone see/understand the issue(s)? Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://www.openmobileallianc...

good website creation tutorial

Hello, I know that there are a lot of books where html xhtml css and javascript is described but maybe You know is there any example of creating modern website from scratch using above techniques with nice design and so on? Thanks for help ...

[Forms XHTML/Ajax] - Best way to add a dynamic amount of elements to a form?

I have a complex form that has a static section and one that can have from 0 to many divs that containing radio buttons, textfields and textareas. I'm wondering what's the best way to add elements to the section that has a variable amount of form inputs. I have a working solution, but it's probably not the best: I use javascript to add...

Is there a reason why sites like Facebook/Digg/Reddit would not parse the proper meta tags on a page for title/description?

Any given article on our site has the meta tags for title, description, image, and keywords in the head element, but for some reason none of the news aggregate sites won't pull any of it. http://darthhater.com/2010/06/25/friday-update-preview http://darthhater.com/2010/06/24/official-bioware-stance-on-game-testing-leaks Not trying to p...

"Converting" XHTML 1.0 Strict to HTML5

OK folks, So I have a valid XHTML 1.0 Strict webpage. I'm aware of the differences between XHTML and HTML, but, what are the differences between XHTML and HTML 5? Would a 'conversion' be as easy as changing the Doctype, and it would all still validate OK? Or, are there markup differences that would need to be changed first? Thanks! ...

Setting max AND min height property in CSS (or via jQuery)

Hi there, I have a simple but annoying problem. I need to set min-height AND max-height of a div element. For example min-height could be 100px and max-height 200px. I load my page with div height 200px. If i squeeze my browser window, this div resizes and when it hits height=100px it stops resizing. Of course min-height and max-heigh...

How to create xhtml elements with javascript

How can I dynamicaly create xhtml elements with javascript? I want to add a checkbox inside a table cell. So I want the code to look like this: <td> <input type="checkbox" /> </td> Unfortunatly the slash at the end of the input element is not added thus making it not xhtml compatible. The result of my code looks like this: <td>...

Can we have external NoScript file?

Can we have external NoScript file? If javascript is not avaialbe i want to hide + and - from According page. How to do this if i can't edit html <head> i only can add any external css and js file ...

How to add cellspacing="0" if it's not available for any `<table>` using jquery?

How to add cellspacing="0" if it's not available for any <table> using jquery? and if it's available and it has any other value than ="0" then want to convert it to ="0" ...

Is it possible to get make left padding like this, without changing HTML?

How to achieve this with this code. <a href="#">Click to Donate to save rabits</a> a {background:url(rabit.gif); padding-left:70px} I'm getting like this. I know it's possible if with change in HTML , but is it possible to achieve this with this code. ...

How to make width of dropwdown items Flexible?

http://www.lwis.net/free-css-drop-down-menu/dropdown.simple.horizontal.html in this sample width of dropdown is fixed ul.dropdown ul { margin-top:1px; width:150px;} I need width of drop-down dependable of Character inside <a> without breaking in 2 line width should depend on text. ...