
How can you make a gradient background without images?

Like this. in general i will make 1 px wide image of this then will repeat-x. but is it possible to make same type of background with CSS3 , if yes then tell me how tp make same of this. with all browser compatibility IE 8, 7, 6 , FF , Chrome, Safari, iphone. ...

is there any solution to get support of CSS Gradient in firefox 3.5 and lower?

is there any solution to get support of CSS Gradient in firefox 3.5 and lower? http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/11/building-beautiful-buttons-with-css-gradients/ ...

Is there any solution to disable Javascript style changes in print?

Is there any solution to disable Javascript style changes in print? For instance, if I'm hiding something through Javascript but I want to include that hidden info in print. I hid a div using Javascript and I want to show that div if Javascript is disabled. Now the problem is, because div is hidden using Javascript it's also not showin...

Converting the children of XElement to string.

I am using an XElement to hold a block of HTML serverside. I would like to convert the children of that XElement into a string, sort of like an "InnerHtml" property does in javascript. Can someone help me on this please? :) ...

What are practical pros to have Doctype DTD as a first element in our (X)HTML file?

What are benefits to have Doctype DTD as a first element in our (X)HTML file? What is their role in web development and browser (Desktop and Mobile both) compatibility? What are cons to not to use any Doctype? Are all browser does affected from Doctype? ...

Can we have multiple <tbody> in same <table>?

Can we have multiple <tbody> in same <table>? If yes then in what scenarios we should use multiple <tbody> ...

Is it necessary to have <tbody> in every table?

Is it necessary to have <tbody> in every table? According to Standards. ...

Is there a way to keep dropdown's mouse over state stay on to test css styling in firefox?

Is there a way to keep dropdown's stay on to test css styling in firefox? for example : suppose if on this page http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/example/bones1.html i want to keep dropdown on just to edit and styles in firebug. Edit: the given link is just an example ...

JQuery - Select all but last list (from multiple lists.)

Hi, I'm wondering if this is the most elegant and efficient way of doing this? I have multiple 'tag' lists, and through CSS, I want the tags to appear inline (display: inline) and be comma-separated. The challenge that I'm having is to append commas to all but the last list item in each ul.tagList: <ul class="outerList"> <li> ...

CSS @font-face not working in ie

I have the following css that works within Firefox but not i.e.? Obviously the fonts are within the directory... Any suggestions? @font-face { font-family: "Futura"; src: url("../fonts/Futura_Medium_BT.eot"); /* IE */ src: local("Futura"), url( "../fonts/Futura_Medium_BT.ttf" ) format("truetype"); /* non-I...

Cancel a rogue jsp comment at the beginning of an html document

I'm working as a front-end developer on an old jsp-based cms that is no longer supported by our vendor. At the beginning of a certain page template, the html document starts with: <!%@ include file = "setCookie.jsp" %> This will always be the first line of the file. The display is not an issue in Firefox, but IE tweaks out. I've tr...

Weird resizing in every browser except IE

I've been coding my site and it looks perfect in IE 8 but when I view it in Safafi, Chrome, and Firefox. Everything is unexplicably smaller. How do I make the webpage look normal like it does in the IE 8 browser? My site is at : http://www.jjosephs.byethost22.com/visibility/fixed/index_2.htm I've been messing with he code for days now ...

HTML/CSS - Inner-Div 100% Height across multiple columns?

I have looked at many of the other questions but I think my problem is a bit different, and if I am wrong, I'd be happy to see the link and close this question. You can see my problem here: http://www.phoenixdev.net/test.html The first sub-section's right border does not go all the way down -- I need it to or else it looks rather funky...

Blank or white space at bottom of web page in Android browser

I am making a web page to be viewed in all platforms including the Android web browser. However, I have a problem. I have a Droid Incredible, and when I view the webpage on my phone's browser, there is a little over 1 screen high of blank space added to the bottom of the page. I've made the page as absolutely standard as possible (XHTML...

xhtml <object> problem with explorer

I have an html page with this code <object data="ciao.xhtml" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/xhtml+xml"> </object> ciao.xhtml contain a well formed xhtml with svg embedded. It work well in chrome and firefox but when i test it on explorer i don't see enything ...

How to use this EmChart to get perfect font sizes in ems?

What is the purpose of this chart and how to use? http://aloestudios.com/tools/emchart/ ...

Where we should declare font size, line height and font-family to body, before css reset or after?

For example if i'm using eric meyer reset and i have to apply this style to body. body { font: 100%/1.5 "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;*/ } should i keep this before reset css or after? html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, ci...

Forcing tags to close in dynamic text

In many places on many of my sites, users are permitted to enter formatted text through a WYSIWYG or through plain text with tags. Naturally, such input is sanitized for security threats, but it is not stripped of tags nor is it fully entity encoded. Something like <p>hello world</p> ends up going back to the end user as <p>hello world</...

What the difference between the support for css by HTML4.0 and XHTML1.0?

I'm not a front-end programmer, but I first realized the issue just when I found the css.maxHeight is not supported by HTML4.0. when the DOCTYPE refers to HTML4.0, maxHeight in css doesn't work, but change the DOCTYPE to XHTML1.0, it works. So, now have the question, What the difference between the support for css by HTML4.0 and XHTML1....

HTML Cache control

What is the difference between below 3 meta tags? <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> Do I need to use all those tags to avoid browser caching? ...