
Serialization: Change the name of the root node without changing the class name

Goal Take a class named "Item" and output its serialized XML as: <Template><!--some properties --></Template> Problem The root node is derived off the class name that is implementing IXmlSerializable. // By the time I get here 'writer' already has a root node public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) { writer.Wri...

Adding more hardware v/s refactoring code under a time crunch

Background: Enterprise application - very will written for its time in 2004. Stack: .NET, Heavy use of Remoting, ASMX style web services, SQL Server Problem: The application allows user to go through various wizards for lack of a better term, all of their actions are stored in what we call "wiz state", which is essentially XML that is...

Simple C# Xml Serialization

I have a class: public class Car { public string Model {get;set;} public string SeatFinish {get;set;} public string Audio {get;set;} } I want to use XML serialization attributes to serialize it to the following xml <Car> <Model>name</Model> <Options> <SeatFinish>Leather</SeatFinish> <Audio>5 speaker</Audio> </...

Serialization third-party classes with Simple XML (org.simpleframework.xml)

I have decided to use Simple XML serialization and was stucked with basic problem. I am trying to serialize java.util.UUID class instance as final field in this small class: @Root public class Identity { @Attribute private final UUID id; public Identity(@Attribute UUID id) { this.id = id; } } Tutorial shows h...

Cannot serialize member.... because it is an interface

Hey Guys, I have been having this problem and been pulling my hair out over it. I have the followin error: Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: Cannot serialize member HannaPrintsDataAccess.Customer.CustomerAddresses of type System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[[HannaPrintsDataAccess.CustomerAddress, HannaPrintsDataAccess,...

C# XML Serialization of Attribute

I have some XML which I would like to serialize into a class. <MasterData> <Data> <SomeInnerData> some inner data </SomeInnerData> </Data> </MasterData> <MoreData> <SubMoreData>moredate</SubMoreData> </MoreDate> [System.SerializableAttribute()] public class MasterData { public string SomeInnnerData {get;set;} public string ...

Using XML class Attributes, how to represent an XML tag with both inner text and attributes?

Lets say I have this XML file: <weather> <temp>24.0</temp> <current-condition iconUrl="http://...."&gt;Sunny&lt;/current-condition&gt; </weather> I'm trying to create a C# class to represent this using Attributes in order to call XmlSerializer and have strongly typed tag access. I think the structure will look something like thi...

XMLSerializer & Indentation [SOLVED]

Hi guys, im having a hard time trying to indent .xml files using XMLSerializer. I've tried serializer.setFeature("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#indent-output", true);. I've tried to append \n into FileWriter but the output is the \n's and \t's at the beginning of the file and not in the right place. I've tried setPropery with t...

XmlSerializer and embedded WhiteSpace

I have the following xml that contains a white space Field1Value . When I deserialize that xml I lose the single space character. The value of Request.Field2 is "". Is this a bug in the xml serializer? Can anyone recommend a solution/ workaround to keep this space? ... var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); ...

Deserialize Xml to the correct type, include Assembly qualified name on xml?

I have a few classes to serialize, and deserialize, those classes implement an interface and thats all I really know at runtime about them. The serialized xml is stored in a database and then, at some point I will need to deserialize this xml into a valid type. I was thinking of using XmlSerializer , but the constructor requires that I...

How can I rename class-names via Xml attributes?

Suppose I have an XML-serializable class called Song: [Serializable] class Song { public string Artist; public string SongTitle; } In order to save space (and also semi-obfuscate the XML file), I decide to rename the xml elements: [XmlRoot("g")] class Song { [XmlElement("a")] public string Artist; [XmlElement("s")...

How to lock a file to a thread when serializing?

I'm building a generic xml repository that uses a datacontractserializer to serialize/deserialize the files and I'm unsure as how to ensure that the files cannot be altered when they are being read. My code to read all files is like this: public IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class, new() { List<T> instances = ...

How can I get rid of unwanted attributes in serialized XML?

I am serializing objects to XML with the following code: public static string SerializeToString<T>(T objectToBeSerialized, string defaultNamespace) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CloseOutput = true, Ind...

C# How to fill class created using XSD.EXE from database

Normally I write a class and add XML Serialization to it for my web services. [XmlRootAttribute(ElementName = "dsXmlSummary", IsNullable=true)] public class Class1 { //declare properties //make database calls to pull data and load properties } I am working on a project that requires me to use a strict XSD, I've followed instru...

Is it possible to define an XSD that doesn't care about additional elements?

I have an XSD that defines and element which has been decrecated for some time, I now wish to remove this element and remove it from the class definition (I'm using the .net XmlSerializer with an XmlReaderSettings set to fire validation events). I'd like some of our clients who can't / won't remove the deprecated element from their xml ...

XMLSerializer to string (JQuery) for Cytoscape.

I use Cytoscape Web for generating gene maps. It needs string to draw and I have XGMML files so I used JQuery for getting the XGMML file and turning them into strings. Here is my codepiece: $.get("ENSG00000148606.xgmml", function(data) { if (typeof data !== "string") { if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE data = data.x...

How to serialize/deserialize generated WCF proxy code?

I am trying to serailize/deserialize generated WCF web service proxy code from svcutil. While I'm able to serialize the objects, I'm not able to deserialize them back to objects. Here's the XML I generated through serialization: <RootObject xmlns="http://schemas.myco.com/online/sync/2008/11"&gt; <WrapperObject> <Objects> ...

How to XML-serialize a dictionary

I have been able to serialize an IEnumerable this way: [XmlArray("TRANSACTIONS")] [XmlArrayItem("TRANSACTION", typeof(Record))] public IEnumerable<BudgetRecord> Records { get { foreach(Record br in _budget) { yield return br; } } } However, I realised that now I need a dictionary contai...

Xml Serialization + Dynamic Element Name

I want to know if it is possible to change the element name base on some condition... something like this: [XmlRoot(ElementName=BaseEntity.useShortTag==false?"a0912":"Product")] public class Product : ONIX.Entities.BaseEntity { public Product() { } public string RecordReference { get; set; } } ...

C# .NET Serialization - how to include schema in output

I've produced a class using the XSD.EXE for an XML web service. My question is how do I include the schema? Current XML output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dsXmlSummary xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.tempuri.org/dsXmlSummary.xsd"&gt; <ad...