
Is it possible in W3C's XML Schema language (XSD) to allow a series of elements to be in any order but still limit occurrences?

I know about all and choice, but they don't account for a case where I do want some elements to be able to occur more than once, such as: <Root> <ThingA/> <ThingB/> <ThingC/> <ThingC/> <ThingC/> </Root> I could use sequence, but I'd prefer to allow these children to be in any order. I could use any, but then I coul...

Automatically Generating SQL Schema from XML

We are attempting to use a SQL Server 2003 database for our test records and want a quick way to take NUnit and NAnt output and produce SQL schema and data. Is there a simple way to generate SQL Schema using the XSD file describing these XML documents? ...

Can XPath return only nodes that have a child of X?

Is it possible to use XPath to select only the nodes that have a particular child elements? For example, from this XML I only want the elements in pets that have a child of 'bar'. So the resulting dataset would contain the lizard and pig elements. <pets> <cat> <foo>don't care about this</foo> </cat> <dog> <foo>not this one either...

What XML do I send for a field thats declared as nillable?

I have an application with a REST style inerface that takes XML documents via POST from clients. This application is written in Java and uses XML beans to process the posted message. Now, the XML schema definition for a field in the message looks like this: <xs:element name="value" type="xs:string" nillable="true" / > How do I send a...

XML based website - how to create?

I would like to create an xml based website. I want to use xml files as datasources since it is a kind of online directory site. Can someone please give me a starting point? Are there any good online resources that I can refer to? I am pretty confortable with ASP and Javascript. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Aravind ...

Parse multiple XML files with ASP.NET (C#) and return those with particular element

Greetings. I'm looking for a way to parse a number of XML files in a particular directory with ASP.NET (C#). I'd like to be able to return content from particular elements, but before that, need to find those that have a certain value between an element. Example XML file 1: <file> <title>Title 1</title> <someContent>Content</s...

Where can I find good tutorials on XSL-FO (Formating/ed Objects), the stuff one feeds to fop and get PDF's ?

On a company that I've worked, me and my colleagues, implemented a tailored document distribution system on top of XSL-FO. My task was to get the script to deliver the documents and configure the CUPS print server and the Fax server, so I never had the time to get my hands dirty on XSL-FO. I'm thinking of implementing something in the ...

Using .Net what limitations (if any) are there in using the XmlSerializer?

Using .Net what limitations (if any) are there in using the XmlSerializer? For example, can you serialize Images to XML? ...

Searching for regex patterns on a 30GB xml dataset. Making use of 16gb of memory.

I currently have a Java SAX parser that is extracting some info from a 30GB xml file. Presently it is reading each xml node storing it into a string object, running some regexex on the string storing the results to the database For several million elements. I'm running this on a computer with 16GB of memory, but the memory is not be...

Select Element in a Namespace with XPath

I want to select the topmost element in a document that has a given namespace (prefix). More specifically: I have XML documents that either start with /html/body (in the XHTML namespace) or with one of several elements in a particular namespace. I effectively want to strip out /html/body and just return the body contents OR the entire r...

Whats the best way to pass html embed code via rss feed to a rss parser in php?

Im trying to put an html embed code for a flash video into the rss feed, which will then be parser by a parser (magpie) on my other site. How should I encode the embed code on one side, and then decode it on the other so I can insert clean html into the DB on the receiving server? ...

Abusing XmlReader ReadSubtree()

Hello. I need to parse a xml file which is practically an image of a really big tree structure, so I'm using the XmlReader class to populate the tree 'on the fly'. Each node is passed just the xml chunk it expects from its parent via the ReadSubtree() function. This has the advantage of not having to worry about when a node has consumed...

Simplest way to have a configuration file in a Windows Forms C# Application

I'm really new to .NET and I still didn't get the hang about how config files work. Every time I search on google about it I get results about web.config, but I'm writing a windows forms application. I figured out that I need to use the System.Configuration namespace but I'm kinda dumb and the documentation isn't helping. How do I def...

Send data between two PHP scripts

I want to have a PHP script send a XML formatted string to another PHP script that resides on a different server in a different part of town. Is there any nice, clean way of doing this? (PHP5 and all the latest software available) ...

What is the format of the Remap XML file for IKVM?

In this article Jeroen explains an example of using an XML file to remap Java Bean getters and setters to .NET Properties. What would the XML file look like if I wanted to, say, remap a Java method called "showDialog()" to "ShowDialog()" in .NET? Has anyone worked with the remapping option before? Any idea where to get information on ho...

Before XML became a standard and given all its shortcomings, what made XML so popular?

Yes XML is human readable but so is comma delimited text and properties files. XML is bloated, hard to parse, hard to modify in code, plus a ton of other problems that I can think about with it. My questions is what are XML's most attractive qualities that has made it so popular???? ...

Denormalize an XML schema programmatically

I need to take any given valid XML schema (XSD) and denormalize it to a simple form containing no refs, no includes, etc. All simple type definitions should be inline, such that when looking at any given element, all declarations are visible without performing another lookup. I've found some tools that have this built-in, but I need to...

How best to test the validity of XML from a method?

I have some WCF methods that are used to transmit information from a server application to a website frontend for use in binding. I'm sending the result as an XElement that is a root of an XML tree containing the data I want to bind against. I'd like to create some tests that examine the data and ensure it comes across as expected. ...

Convert a UTF-8 string to/from 7-bit XML in PHP

How can UTF-8 strings (i.e. 8-bit string) be converted to/from XML-compatible 7-bit strings (i.e. printable ASCII with numeric entities)? i.e. an encode() function such that: encode("“£”") -> "&#8220;&#163;&#8221;" decode() would also be useful: decode("&#8220;&#163;&#8221;") -> "“£”" PHP's htmlenties()/html_entity_decode() pair d...

What are the "must have" features for a XML based GUI language

Summary for the impatient: What I want to know is what you want to have in a new gui language. About the short answers mentioning $your_favorite_one; I assume you mean that, such a language should look like $your_favorite_one. These are not helpful. Resist the temptation. I'm thinking on the user friendliness of XML based languages suc...