
How to insert a xml node as first child in another xml document in java?

for eg. root= <root> <param value="abc"> <param value="bc"> </root> NodeToInsert= `<insert><parameterDesc>afds</parameterDesc></insert>` The output should be = <root> <insert><parameterDesc>afds</parameterDesc></...

C# XmlDocument.CreateDocumentType

hi all, I am trying to figure out of the CreateDocumentType() works in C# and although i have already found and read the msdn page on it, i can not get it to work for me. I am simply trying to create this line in my xml document: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-tra...

How to generate an infrastructural web service passing xmldocument forth and back

Hi all, I got a problem with implementing a very simple web service with the following signature: public Response RR_Service(Request request) Throws Fault where Request, Response and Fault should accept any custom XML (or a anyType, or a SOAPElement, or … ). My environment is: Windows 7 Eclipse Helios, Tomcat 5.5 Jre 6.0 Axis 2 (...

updating CDATA in xml

hello folks., i have xml file which contains CDATA i need to update the CDATA as like in this example. i am modifying "span" here <elements> <![CDATA[-div[id|dir|class|align|style],-span[class|align]]]> </elements> should be updated as <elements> <![CDATA[-div[id|dir|class|align|style],-span[class|align|style]]]> </el...

NSXMLParser for xml! why is it so hard to use? is there an easy way?

For the last few hours I have tired to get my head around using NSXMLParser. I understand parts of how it works. WHY Oh WHY! is this so hard? Is there an easy way to do it, like just name the tag and get the contents? Oh how I miss XmlDocument object from .Net. Thanks a million. ...

Building SOAP message with XMLDocument VB.NET

I am having some problems building a properly formatted SOAP message using XMLDocument in VB.NET(C# answers are fine though). I am using the following code to manually create my SOAP message, what is happening is that the namespace prefix of the soap:Header and soap:Body are being stripped in the output XML: Dim soapEnvelope As XmlElem...

Validating XmlDocument with a XSD

I am developing a system that will receive a XML (XmlDocument) via webservice. I won't have this XML (XmlDocument) on hardisk. It will be managed on memory. I have a file XSD to validate the XML (XmlDocument) that I receive from my WebService. I am trying to do a example to how validate this Xml. My XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <note> ...

xmldoc.Childnodes.item() question

I decided to try out the tutorial on this website http://www.csharphelp.com/2006/05/creating-a-xml-document-with-c/ Here's my code, which is more or less the same but a bit easier to read using System; using System.Xml; public class Mainclass { public static void Main() { XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); ...

Read namespaces from xml document

hi, how do I read namespaces from the XML document? <fx:FIBEX xmlns:fx="http://www.asam.net/xml/fbx" xmlns:can="http://www.asam.net/xml/fbx/can" xmlns:flexray="http://www.asam.net/xml/fbx/flexray" xmlns:ho="http://www.asam.net/xml" xmlns:ni="http://www.ni.com/xnet" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"...

Error opening large documents created by OpenXML SDK

Hi everyone! I would like to ask if there are any limitations concerning the size of a document created by OpenXML SDK? I have been creating documents that contain headings, tables and paragraphs, and everything works fine, but lately I tried to create a document with 285 chapters - each containing seveal headings, paragraphs and table...

Force XML character entities into XmlDocument

I have some XML that looks like this: <abc x="{"></abc> I want to force XmlDocument to use the XML character entities of the brackets, ie: <abc x="&#123;"></abc> MSDN says this: In order to assign an attribute value that contains entity references, the user must create an XmlAttribute node plus any XmlText and XmlEntit...

Documenting overloaded methods with the same XML comments

Say I have this constructor: /// <summary> /// Example comment. /// </summary> public SftpConnection(string host, string username, string password, int port) {...} which has these overloads: public SftpConnection(string host, string username, string password) : this(host, username, password, 22) { } public SftpConnection(s...

GetElementsByTagName which is not case sensitive?

i'm using GetElementsByTagName to extract an element from an xml. GetElementsByTagName is case sensitive - it throws an exception if the node name is 'PARAMS' instead of 'Params'. i dont want that , can i use a different way in XMLDocument so it wont be case sensitive ? ...

Setting InnerXml for XmlDocument causes missing End-Tag

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Foo")); doc.DocumentElement.InnerXml = "Test"; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); doc.WriteContentTo(XmlWriter.Create(result)); At the end, result is: <Foo>Test that means the end element is missing. Why is ...

Why does XmlDocument.GetElementById always return null?

I've got some XML (valid XHTML) that looks like this: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[ function change_header() { document.getElementById("myHeader").innerHTML="Nice day!"; } ]]></script> </head> <body> <h1 id="myHeader">Hello World!</h1> <button onclick="change_header()">Change text</button> </body> </html> A...

IE9 selectSingleNode missing from beta, how to overcome this in JavaScript?

XMLDocument object in Internet Explorer 9 does not contain definition for selectSingleNode Xpath-based traversal anymore. Of course, I googled a little and came across this thread, where it is unsure is it missing by specification or by the fact it is still "in beta". http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/iewebdevelopment/thread/0...

Problem with XmlDocument deleting import prefixes.

I create a xml document and try to get the string out of it like this: string path = "c:\temp\window.xaml"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(@path, FileMode.Open); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(stream); string insideString = doc.FirstChild.OuterXml; Here is the content of a window.xaml file: <Window xmlns="http://...

API choice, should I return XPathNavigator or XmlDocument

I'm building a new API for an existing service. The methods in it will be called from with in XSLT as .net extensions however I can see me needing to use the same API to do some .net XML juggling too. I've been toying which how best to write this all night. For it to be XSLT friendly I'll be returning XML in a XPathNavigator object so t...

insert XmlDocument into a XmlDocument node

I created a basic XmlDocument with one node: XmlDocument bigDoc = new XmlDocument(); bigDoc.LoadXml("<Request></Request>"); and I'm getting another XmlDocument that I want to insert inside <Request> node. It doesn't work for me: XmlNode requestNode = bigDoc.FirstChild; requestNode.AppendChild(anotherXMLDocument); It thorows an e...

C# Adding data to xml file

I'm building an Parts app in order to learn C# and WPF. I trying having trouble adding new parts using XmlWriter. I can create the xml file, but can not figure how to add additional parts. Should I be using something else like XmlDocument? Here is my code behind: private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ...