
Getting a 400 - bad request when sending an xmlhttp to a wcf using vbscript

we are getting an 400/bad Request when we send a request. Please find our code below. Public Sub test123() URL = "http://dev1.xxxxx.employer/employer/v02/Employer.svc" Dim requestDoc Set requestDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") Dim root Set root = requestDoc.createNode(1, "Envelope", "http://schemas.xmlsoap....

Preload javascript and css components in landing page

Hello, I want to preload a JS file and a CSS file from the landing page to optimize the main site load, after de conversion in the landing. I was looking for information about this and finally tried to get this done using: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', 'jsUrl'); xhr.send(''); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()...

Getting an error - content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type when requesting a wcf using a xmlhttp by vb script

Hi i am new to wcf and xmlhttp, i am using vb script to send the request. i am getting the following error "Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'." Please find my code below, g_XMLLink = "http://dev1.xxxxx.employer/employer/v02/Empl...

javascript XMLHttpRequest requestXML is null

Hi there, I'm trying to grab an xml document from a url and then parse it. I am able to open it fine on a browser, but it doesnt seem to work through my javascript. Can anyone help me? function downloadUrl(url, callback) { var request = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new ...

How to send PUT HTTP Request in Flex

I want to send HTTP PUT Request on one URL to update that content of XML via using API. URL is like this: https://domainname.com/someurls/id.xml I want to update that content. But When I am sending this PUT request, I have seen that in Network Monitor of Flex 4, Its going as the POST request on this web, while I am setting method as P...

How i could access to the information inside the HTML

Hello i had a project what send information using the POST method to make a request in a server app write in Python, i want to know if after i make the request i can have full access to the elements in the page? ...

$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"] returning zero when uploading a file unsing XmlHttpRequest

Hi, I'm having an issue on my development machine which seems isolated to this machine and can't figure it out. I have a jQuery file uploader which posts the user selected file to a php script for handling using XmlHttpRequest. The script works fine on my MacBook Pro running OSX10.6.3 with MAMP 1.9, however on my iMac with the exact sam...

How can I prevent XMLHttpRequest to cache requests without jQuery?

I have an webapplication which refreshs a table each minute from a xml-file. When I edit the content of the xml-file, the log of the script shows a "304 Not Modified"-Message when it try to get the current file. But the file is edited. If i refresh the xml-file http:/xx.de/test.xml in the browser, the webapplication also shows the edit. ...

Quick test if web-page offer asynchronous HTTP?

I am fetching current data from another company's web feed. It is a simple fetch of an XML file over HTTP. They haven't provided me with much documentation - just a URL. Because I need to know as soon as possible when the data changes on their site, I need to poll frequently, which isn't a satisfactory solution for either side. I was a...

XMLHttpRequest Ajax IE Problem

I am trying to do a simple Ajax Demo: HTML file with textbox and button Text file whose content is displayed in textbox when button is clicked. The example works fine in Mozilla but in IE it gives error Access Denied on the line where I use the open method. May be it's restricting the access to the local file system. What should be ...

Problems executing an XMLHttpRequest from file:// to http://

I'm trying to do an XMLHttpRequest from a local file (file://) using JQuery.ajax to something on http:// and from what I can see it looks like the request is going out (the success callback is called and Firebug shows the request) but there is simply no response coming back. Here's basically what I'm doing: $.ajax({ url: "http://st...

How to implement a getter-function (using callbacks)

I have to request data for a JS-script from a MySQL database (based upon a user-id). I did not find a simple solution for JavaScript and it was not possible to load the data using ajax, because the database is available under a different domain. I implemented a workaround using PHP and curl. Now the JS has to "wait" for the request...

jquery getElementById on a ajax data

I got a function in javascript that first checks if the username is the required length and than sends the username to a page for a test if the test is a success there will be a <span id="username">true</span> else <span id="username">false</span> I keep getting an error that getElementById doesn't exist on the return data function...

Parsing SHOUTcast server information table with Javascript?

I'm currently trying to parse the html page using JS. But it's been hard since I'm new to JS... The html page contains a table which has the history of last played songs... This list is what I want to parse. I use XMLHttpRequest() but I can't understand how to parse the elements :( Can someone h...

Question updated - IE8 XMLHTTP json code not working - innerHTML

UPDATED: after some looking around, it appears that the issue is with IE8 and replacing innerHTML in tables, rather than the json code (see here). An alert proves that the json code is returning the expected text, but I can't for the life of me get it to shove into the spot I want it. Apparently there's a problem with innerHTML and table...

Accessing binary data from Javascript, Ajax, IE: can responseBody be read from Javascript (not VB)?

First of all, I am aware of this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1095102/how-do-i-load-binary-image-data-using-javascript-and-xmlhttprequest and specifically best answer therein, http://emilsblog.lerch.org/2009/07/javascript-hacks-using-xhr-to-load.html. So accessing binary data from Javascript using Firefox (and later ...

Ajax the old way

I would like to know how a script manager manages to execute a button click, Dropdownlist selectedindexchange etc.. events without marking the method a [WebMethod] and making it static Does this mean i will be able to call a method using Ajax on button click ? Also can some one provide me a example which posts data to ASP.NET webpages us...

forcing a dom rerender in ie8

I've tried all of the classic ie tricks to get my webpage to rerender the changes that have been made in the dom but nothing has worked. I've already tried element.className = element.className; as well as accessing some part of the dom I changed but that doesn't work either. Here's my code. Onload the body calls queryDB and in the ...

Javascript Syntax Error

Can anyone figure out why this is throwing a syntax error? All of the code looks correct to me. <script type="text/javascript"> var rootdomain="http://"+window.location.hostname; function ajaxinclude(url) { var pagerequest = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, Safari etc pagerequest = new XMLHttpRequest(...

How to force a program to wait until an HTTP request is finished in JavaScript?

Hello, Is there a way in JavaScript to send an HTTP request to an HTTP server and wait until the server responds with a reply? I want my program to wait until the server replies and not to execute any other command that is after this request. If the HTTP server is down I want the HTTP request to be repeated after a timeout until the ser...