
How do I find duplicate data in xml document using XQuery?

I have a bunch of documents in a MarkLogic xml database. One document has: <colors> <color>red</color> <color>red</color> </colors> Having multiple colors is not a problem. Having multiple colors that are both red is a problem. How do I find the documents that have duplicate data? ...

XSLT: Efficient mapping of two large lists

I've been tasked with writing some XSLT 2.0 to translate an XML document to another XML document. I'm relatively new to XSLT but I have learn alot during the days I've do this. During this time I have had to map simple values, i.e. 002 -> TH etc. This has been fine for small lists of less than 10 values, I used xsl:choose. However I need...

Filter Rows returned from SQL Query by XML type field using Xquery

I have a table that stores data about errors that occur (via SSIS) , the main column that has information is stored as XML. I want to be able to query name/value pairs in this column. To explain in SQL->(Select * from #tmp Where seq='7406834') CREATE TABLE #tmp(id INT, category varchar(10), details xml) INSERT INTO #tmp(id,category,d...

XQuery multiple xml files?

Is it possible to open 2 documents from an xQuery and do a join on them? ...

Unit Testing XQuery

I've been working with a document repository using XQuery (via Java and .NET interfaces) and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for unit testing XQuery modules? ...

How to delete all comments from XML using XQuery on SQL Server 2005?

I can easily select all comments from XML by select @XML.query('comment()') but can't find how to delete them. Is there appropriate syntax for @XML.modify('delete ...')? ...

How to detect a string of data from xml in Xquery

I have an untyped XML column in Sql Server Database which holds values such as 1 <root><a>123</a></root> <root>23d</root> 23 I was trying with the following query declare @x xml set @x='1' select @x.exist('xs:int(.)') But here the problem is exist function will return 1 even if @x='<root><a>12</a></root>' I would like the ou...

Select records from XML column (SQL Server 2005) based on node order

I have a column in a SQL Server 2005 table defined as an XML column. Is there a way to select records from this table based on the order of two nodes in that column? For example, we have the following structure in our XML: <item> <latitude/> <longitude/> </item> I want to see if there are any records that have latitude/longitu...

Using XQuery in SQL Server 2005 to get XML Inner Text

How do I select the inner text of an XML node using XQuery? Microsoft Books Online shows how to retrive an attribute below: DECLARE @myDoc xml DECLARE @ProdID int SET @myDoc = '<Root> <ProductDescription ProductID="1" ProductName="Road Bike"> <Features> <Warranty>1 year parts and labor</Warranty> <Maintenance>3 year parts and labor...

How can I remove duplicate nodes in XQuery?

I have an XML document I generate on the fly, and I need a function to eliminate any duplicate nodes from it. My function looks like: declare function local:start2() { let $data := local:scan_books() return <books>{$data}</books> }; Sample output is: <books> <book> <title>XML in 24 hours</title> <author>Some Guy</a...

Screen scraping: regular expressions or XQuery expressions?

I was answering some quiz questions for an interview, and the question was about how would I do screen scraping. That is, picking content out of a web page, assuming you don't have a better structured way to query the information directly (e.g. a web service). My solution was to use an XQuery expression. The expression was fairly long...

Getting rowsets from XQuery and SQL Server 2005

I can get the first record back from the code below in SQL Server 2005. How do I get them all? If I remove the '[1]' index I get some singleton error... declare @xml xml set @xml = '<my:myFields xmlns:my="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/myXSD/2009-03-16T20:13:11"&gt; <my:field>test1</my:field> <my:field>test2</my:fie...

How to match a list item using XQuery <intValues>1 2 3</intValues>

I am trying to match against ids stored as list element using XQuery. For example, <data> <item> <name>foo</name> <intValues>1 2 3 4 5</intValues> </item> <item> <name>bar</name> <intValues>6 7 8 9 10</intValues> </item> </data> is it possible to return items that include 3 in the intValues? ...

How do I reference the 'next' (as yet nonexistant) XML node in a sequence?

So to expand... I have some XML <root> <list> <item value="9"/> <item value="3"/> <item value="1"/> <item value="8"/> <item value="4"/> </list> </root> I have an XPath "/root/list/item [4]" which I believe will retrieve the 5th 'item' element (whose value attribute is 4) This suggest...

SQL Server XML Query Advice

I'm writing a user-defined function to extract values from an XML column in SQL Server which represents a simple dictionary of string key-value pairs. The only way I've made it work so far seems overly complex. Do you have any simplifying suggestions or tips for the DictValue function below? IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE...

What is the best way to screen scrape poorly formed XHTML pages for a java app

I want to be able to grab content from web pages, especially the tags and the content within them. I have tried XQuery and XPath but they don't seem to work for malformed XHTML and REGEX is just a pain. Is there a better solution. Ideally I would like to be able to ask for all the links and get back an array of URLs, or ask for the text...

XQuery: how to concatenate two constructors in return?

I have a function which contains a constructor: declare function local:Construct ($id) { <tag id="{$id}"/> } I use the function in return of "FLWOR": for $val in ... ... return local:Construct(data($val/id)) This works. Now I want to concatenate two Constructs like this for $val in ... ... return local:Construct(data($val/id1)...

how to create a xml document on the fly with xquery?

Hi all, I what to use XQuery to convert string like "aaa=1&bbb=2" into xml <request> <aaa>1</aaa> <bbb>2</bbb> </request> I have tried the following code, but failed! xquery version "1.0" encoding "GBK"; (:: pragma type="xs:anyType" ::) declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/BNetAP/Xquery/query2xml/"; declare function x...

XQuery as alternative to JSP/Java for web services?

I noticed that DataLogic (or is it MarkLogic?) and SqlServer 2005 both support xquery for RDBMS access and (seem to; haven't tried this myself yet) offer xquery inside JSP/ASP. That leads me to wonder whether java code could disappear from the presentation layer. I.e. JSP/ASP would only contain html plus xquery code that accesses the DBM...

Getting string content of the complex mixed element with XQuery

For, example, there is an xml: <article-list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="3.xsd"> <article section="physics"> Increasing linear dynamic range of commercial digital photocamera <author>M. V. Konnik</author> <content> Methods of increasing linear optical dyna...