I have a bunch of documents in a MarkLogic xml database. One document has:
Having multiple colors is not a problem. Having multiple colors that are both red is a problem. How do I find the documents that have duplicate data?
I've been tasked with writing some XSLT 2.0 to translate an XML document to another XML document. I'm relatively new to XSLT but I have learn alot during the days I've do this. During this time I have had to map simple values, i.e. 002 -> TH etc. This has been fine for small lists of less than 10 values, I used xsl:choose. However I need...
I have a table that stores data about errors that occur (via SSIS) , the main column that has information is stored as XML. I want to be able to query name/value pairs in this column.
To explain in SQL->(Select * from #tmp Where seq='7406834')
CREATE TABLE #tmp(id INT, category varchar(10), details xml)
INSERT INTO #tmp(id,category,d...
Is it possible to open 2 documents from an xQuery and do a join on them?
I've been working with a document repository using XQuery (via Java and .NET interfaces) and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for unit testing XQuery modules?
I can easily select all comments from XML by
select @XML.query('comment()')
but can't find how to delete them. Is there appropriate syntax for @XML.modify('delete ...')?
I have an untyped XML column in Sql Server Database which holds values such as
I was trying with the following query
declare @x xml
set @x='1'
select @x.exist('xs:int(.)')
But here the problem is exist function will return 1 even if @x='<root><a>12</a></root>'
I would like the ou...
I have a column in a SQL Server 2005 table defined as an XML column. Is there a way to select records from this table based on the order of two nodes in that column? For example, we have the following structure in our XML:
I want to see if there are any records that have latitude/longitu...
How do I select the inner text of an XML node using XQuery?
Microsoft Books Online shows how to retrive an attribute below:
DECLARE @myDoc xml
SET @myDoc = '<Root>
<ProductDescription ProductID="1" ProductName="Road Bike">
<Warranty>1 year parts and labor</Warranty>
<Maintenance>3 year parts and labor...
I have an XML document I generate on the fly, and I need a function to eliminate any duplicate nodes from it.
My function looks like:
declare function local:start2() {
let $data := local:scan_books()
return <books>{$data}</books>
Sample output is:
<title>XML in 24 hours</title>
<author>Some Guy</a...
I was answering some quiz questions for an interview, and the question was about how would I do screen scraping. That is, picking content out of a web page, assuming you don't have a better structured way to query the information directly (e.g. a web service).
My solution was to use an XQuery expression. The expression was fairly long...
I can get the first record back from the code below in SQL Server 2005. How do I get them all? If I remove the '[1]' index I get some singleton error...
declare @xml xml
set @xml =
'<my:myFields xmlns:my="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/infopath/2003/myXSD/2009-03-16T20:13:11">
I am trying to match against ids stored as list element using XQuery.
For example,
<intValues>1 2 3 4 5</intValues>
<intValues>6 7 8 9 10</intValues>
is it possible to return items that include 3 in the intValues?
So to expand...
I have some XML
<item value="9"/>
<item value="3"/>
<item value="1"/>
<item value="8"/>
<item value="4"/>
I have an XPath "/root/list/item [4]" which I believe will retrieve the 5th 'item' element (whose value attribute is 4)
This suggest...
I'm writing a user-defined function to extract values from an XML column in SQL Server which represents a simple dictionary of string key-value pairs. The only way I've made it work so far seems overly complex. Do you have any simplifying suggestions or tips for the DictValue function below?
I want to be able to grab content from web pages, especially the tags and the content within them. I have tried XQuery and XPath but they don't seem to work for malformed XHTML and REGEX is just a pain.
Is there a better solution. Ideally I would like to be able to ask for all the links and get back an array of URLs, or ask for the text...
I have a function which contains a constructor:
declare function local:Construct ($id)
<tag id="{$id}"/>
I use the function in return of "FLWOR":
for $val in ...
return local:Construct(data($val/id))
This works.
Now I want to concatenate two Constructs like this
for $val in ...
return local:Construct(data($val/id1)...
Hi all,
I what to use XQuery to convert string like "aaa=1&bbb=2" into xml
I have tried the following code, but failed!
xquery version "1.0" encoding "GBK";
(:: pragma type="xs:anyType" ::)
declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/BNetAP/Xquery/query2xml/";
declare function x...
I noticed that DataLogic (or is it MarkLogic?) and SqlServer 2005 both support xquery for RDBMS access and (seem to; haven't tried this myself yet) offer xquery inside JSP/ASP.
That leads me to wonder whether java code could disappear from the presentation layer. I.e. JSP/ASP would only contain html plus xquery code that accesses the DBM...
For, example, there is an xml:
<article-list xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="3.xsd">
<article section="physics">
Increasing linear dynamic range of commercial digital photocamera
<author>M. V. Konnik</author>
Methods of increasing linear optical dyna...