
How does the ASP.NET "Yellow Screen of Death" display code?

I thought .Net code gets compiled into MSIL, so I always wondered how do Yellow Screens produce the faulty code. If it's executing the compiled code, how is the compiler able to produce code from the source files in the error message? Feel free to edit this question/title, I know it doesn't really make sense. ...

Direct link from Yellow Screen to line in code

I've been looking for a while for this, and having been thinking about creating it myself, but hadn't got the feeling I knew the right point to start. I would like to have a link on the Yellow Screen that would directly jump to the correct line in Visual Studio. Anyone seen this or done this? If it needs another error page, is it possi...

NullReferenceException on instanciated object ??

This is a segment of code from an app I've inherited, a user got a Yellow screen of death "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" on the *bool l_Success* ... line. Now I'm 95% sure the faulty argument is *ref l_Monitor* which is very weird considering the object is instanciated a few lines before. Anyone have a clue why it...

ASP.NET: Wrong Code Displayed in Crash Dump

So a webapp I've been working on broke, and I made some fixes... it still crashes, but in the YSOD it shows me the old code. I'm running this from the VS 2005 IDE. It won't hit any breakpoints, and it crashes on line 249, which is clearly commented out. I've cleared out my debug/release folders and rebuilt it; restarted IIS (just in case...

Can the ASP.NET Yellow Screen of Death (YSOD) be generated on demand or captured?

We'd like to just capture the YSOD output to use in an erorr reporting email, from a Global.asax error handler, for instance. Is there any way of leveraging the built-in ysod generator? ...

Getting "The 'WhatEver' view or its master could not be found" with Spark View Engine when going to the login page

Uff...long title. As it states, when the redirects to the login page, it adds the ?RequestUrl=/pathToSome/Action to the url. When this happens I get that YSOD :"The view '/PathToSome/Action' or its master could not be found. The following locations were searched:" Any thoughts on why? Thanks Bruno ...

How do you allow two DLL's with same namespace.class to exist in the same application?

Specifically, we are trying to upgrade our telerik controls to the latest version. Unfortunately, the old DLL's are so old that many of the control properties have changed vastly so we've decided to upgrade only the telerik control that is giving us problems (the RadEditor control). So the bin looks something like this: RadChart.Net2.d...

i18n yellow screen of death

System.InvalidOperationException:Värdet null kan inte tilldelas en medlem av typen System.Boolean eftersom den är en värdetyp som inte kan ha värdet null. Thank you Microsoft, intentions are good, I know. As if anybody who really finds this information useful would also consider Swedish as the coding lingua franca. The Moldavians can j...

How would I hook into/replace the "end user" YSOD?

I want to display the YSOD when it would be providing useful information during development or locally on the servers but a semi-generic page in other cases. I know that I could set the defaultRedirect attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag in web.config, but I would rather do some processing to generate a page w...

YSOD Yellow Screen Of Death JavaScript RegExp - Syntax Error

I built up this regex at to parse YSOD but VS is complaining about a syntax error. I am sure I am missing an escape somewhere but I am coming up blank. Here is is in original form. any help is appreciated. var rxYSOD = /<!--\s*\[(.*?)]:(\s*.*\s(.*\n)*?)\s*(at(.*\n)*)-->/gs; UPDATE: Kobi pointed out the obvious...

Exception occuring in ASP.Net MVC app with Log4net on Shared Hosting

Hi. I have a website that was developed using ASP.Net MVC and uses Log4net for exception logging. The website was running fine until about 4 hours ago. We haven't made any changes to the website in the last 2 weeks. The website has been running smoothly since we put it up about 1 month ago. The website is hosted at our ISP on a Shared Ho...

ASP.NET MVC: Weird characters in error page.

Since I uploaded an updated version of an ASP.NET MVC 1 application to the server, the Yellow Screen of Death has changed to something like this: ��I�%&/m�{J�J��t��$ؐ@�����iG#)�*��eVe]f@�흼��{���{��;�N'���?\fdl��J�ɞ!���?~|?"��Ey�')=��y6����h���ͼhR��L�w�|��2=��Ez<����7�:5�<�+oy��:� �T����W�v�<[��~2�g�2��?�ʋ�y�hYՋ������t� _N���M�l�����{�,�...