I'm using the Youtube AS3 Player API to load video's in a Flash Project.
I get this really annoying Error when loading the Player swf:
SecurityError: Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: parent: http://www.degoudenglimlach.be/main.swf cannot access http://www.youtube.com/[[IMPORT]]/s.ytimg.com/yt/swf/watch_as3-vflbgr4dW.swf.
I tri...
I have been noticing some strange (but consistent) behavior with the
chromeless YouTube Player API. I have a Flash AS2 SWF that uses
cueVideoById() to show the thumbnail images of videos which works
great. When the thumb is clicked I call playVideo() to play the
For some videos this loads the video and when I look at the traf...
I want to lazy-load the results of my Youtube API search, so that as the user scrolls down, Youtube players are being added to the page. It seems that the lazy loading plugins are focused on images, but what I will be loading is just HTML, because I'm using iFrames to load the Youtube players (as per the new Youtube embed style). How can...
1) I register account in Youtube.
2) People, who is logged in in my website can upload their videos on my site.
3) Videos is uploaded to my Youtube account.
4) So, one account of youtube holds all uploaded videos by my website's members
Is it possible to do that? If you didn't understand, feel free to ask.
Thank you very much.
+I w...
I have a list of youtube video links on a page. I want to let user mark interesting ones, programatically add them to a watching queue, and then forward a user to YouTube where they can watch all those videos in sequence. Is it possible?
I am trying to get a youtube video to play in a fancybox popup window. The popup window comes up okay, but the video does not play. Firebug indicates that all the necessary elements are loading, but no video.
On this page everything works fine.
On this page the window pops up but no video.
Here is the html:
<div id="play-btn">
For people that have experience with the Youtube Javascript API, I was wondering would it be possible to create a completely customized audio player using the API. My objective is to simply use the API to play sound from a embed youtube video, pause, change volume, from javascript buttons, without ever displaying the flash object itself....
I'm trying to add multiple cromeless youtube player using
function playVid() {
ytplayer = document.getElementById("ytPlayer");
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="playVid();">Play</a>
it is playing good but showing error in IE8 "Object not supporting this... ". Any sugg...
I got this error when using Youtube Direct: (link)
when i try to upload video to Youtube.
"Could not retrieve YouTube upload token: 400: Upload token returned from YouTube API is null. Please make sure that all request parameters are valid."
Its hosted on appspot. My app is authenticated and developer key is provided.
Did anyone had ...
Heya guys,
I want to let users on a website I'm building to log in with YouTube after clicking a link, so they can post comments on YouTube on some videos that I'm displaying from a YouTube feed, as well as let them upload their own videos that I would link on the website.
Problem is, I'm using an unauthentificated instance of the Zend...
I want to retrive uploaded videos from a certain youtube channel and I want to display the list in a UItableview. Then when user clicks on a row the video will play. Is this possible to do with youtube api?
Im new to Iphone app development and I need to get this done asap. Can some one provide some code samples or point me in the rig...
Does anyone know how to check if a Youtube video is embeddable using the Youtube API? I've tried using this URL:
but the response I get, pasted below, doesn't seem to have a field for embeddable?
rel: http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#overall
max: "5"
I have a requirement to upload a facebook video to youtube.
The idea i have in mind is to create a new facebook application in which the user will select from his list of facebook videos to upload to youtube.
However, is such an application possible ?
Can i upload a video from facebook to youtube directly ? If not, is a workaround po...
I noticed that the Zend GData YouTube class does not yet support the new rating system on Youtube. How can I extend the class so it reads from yt:rating rather than gd:rating? Are there any methods I can use to manually pull the data out of the returned XML?
Also, in order to even make the new rating tags appear, I had to do this:
If this is possible how can it be done?
I'm creating a web application that uploads websites from my server to youtube on behalf of the users.
I have followed Google's documentation for PHP and been sucessful in obtaining a session token.
Here is my code I'm using to retrieve my session token:
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
Hello guys,
I wanted to get some help on this. I need to take the link that is being pulled in from a feed and extract a portion of the url and then populate it in an img tags src.
html += '<'+ options.titletag +' class="rssRow '+row+'"><a href="'+ entry.link +'" title="View this feed at '+ feeds.title +'">'+ entry.title +'</a></'+ opt...
Hi guys,
I'm attempting to get data from http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/recently_featured?&start-index=1&max-results=15&v=2
and print the titles of the videos, but I get an exception in the line
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
what's the problem? Any other way to get th...
In the following link
its given how to get the response results for json-in-script. But how to do I append the result if i want to call
I have an app which requires the Youtube videos and Audio Podcasts to be played inside my app and not giving out control to youtube player or safari.
What is the method that can be used to embed Youtube videos and Audio Podcasts into my iphone app?
Any tutorials about the above issue are most desirable as I am new into this.
Please gi...