
How can I make one child window draw over another within the same form?

Let's say I have ten child windows within a form. How do I make sure one of those windows is drawn over all the others? For example, how do I make sure that window 6 always overdraws windows 1-5 and 7-10? I don't want the window to be drawn over everything else on the screen, just everything else within that form. I've already tried usi...

Z-Order in javafx

How do i set z-order for VBox in JavaFX ...

Google Maps relative z-order (between different map elements)

I've been having a lot of trouble with a Google Maps mashup because the API only lets you set a z-order for specific item types (e.g. marker, or overlay). For example, you can set a marker's z-order, but that only affects the z-order relative to other markers. I have a map with polygons and markers, but at certain times, I want to make...

Change Window Owner without activation

I need to attach a transparent, layered window to any application window present in the system, with the added feature of the user not losing the keyboard focus. So I went with the owner method: use GetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_HWNDPARENT and tracking the owner movement with a simple out of context hook (SetWinEventHook). Also, using WS_...

How can I write a BringToFront method for a WPF UserControl?

I am developing a UserControl, call it CoolControl, that is meant to act somewhat like a window, with a few special features. So far, it can be resized and dragged all around the screen. If I add multiple CoolControl objects to my application window using XAML, the last one that was declared is always in front. This is fine, but I wan...

How do I change the Z-Order of sprites in Objective-C?

Sorry if this is answered somewhere else, but I couldn't find it. It's pretty simple, I want to set the Z-order of the sprites I create in Objective-C, specifically in Cocos2D. This is the error I get when trying to build the following code: CCSprite *mySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"mySpriteImage.png" rect:CGRectMake(...