
ZedGraph AxisChange() Reset?

I'm using C# When I use AxisChange() to adjust the axis on my graph, it works fine, until I go into the graph pane and manually zoom in and out. After manually zooming in and out, the AxisChange() command no longer works. I was wondering how you can get it so after the axis get fixed, you can again use AxisChange(). Thanks! ...

[ZedGraph, C#] How to Add Real-Time Data in a Dual-Y Graph?

Hi all, For my project, I need to add & update real-time data to my dual-y graph. The Y and Y2 values share the same X value and I created it already. Now I have a function that adds the new point pairs to the curve lists. Here is my problem: My Y and Y2 values are always added to the curve list of the first curve. How can I get the Y2...

ZedGraph label problem

why Xaxis time last label disappear? Always disappear last two label? its coming last point then disappear? ...

How to plot one line and one scatter chart into one plot with ZedGraph libraries in .net?

I am running to a problem where I have to plot one scatter (data points), the other one the best line fit(trend line) for those data points in one chart. The X axis is datetime format which I, myself, am chaning it into a double value with a base date. The plots get plotted well individually. However, I dont get good results when I combi...

Comparison between MS Charts and ZedGraph ?

Question: Anybody has experience with ZedGraph / MS-Chart controls ? I am thinking about which to use ? Basically, I have a tendency to ZedGraph, because I need .NET framework 2.0 while MS-Chart is 3.5 (and I don't know how well a 3.5 assembly works on 2.0) and because I could use it privately, too (I use Linux privately). But I don'...

Select points from Zedgraph by dragging the mouse

Hi, I am a big fan of Zedgraph. I would like to select points on my curve by dragging a square with my mouse. Of course I can build this myself, but I was wondering if it can be done easier? Thanks, Erik ...

How to shift x-axis right/left when resizing ZedGraph chart ?

Hi, I display a stock price chart with ZedGraph, hence using the Y2Axis and XAxis. When I resize by dragging mouse in right corners, or right edge of form, I would like left side of XAxis to shift along with the resize, such that the bar width and bar spacing remain constant. So a drag should make me see more or less candlesticks, inste...

How to disable the zooming using mousewheel for zedGraph

I want to display a non-zoomable zedgraph. How do i disable mousewheel zooming function on zedgraph? ...

Y axis scale with ZedGraph

Hi, I don't understand this Axis scaling.. I'm able to set the max/min by changing ..GraphPane.Y2Axis.Scale.Min/Max However this decouples the bars from the scale.. The bars are at the exact same place as before, even though the scale change. So obviously, they are not anymore related.. If I set the max/min, I want obviously the bars ...

ZedGraph Axis labels

Hi, I have two questions about axis labels: How do I make a label at the Y2-axis, that shows a highlighted label following the dynamic price (y2-value) of the last bar/candlestick? As the red label in this example: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/1266/ss20100928025912.png And possibly also the same on the XAxis, showing the time...

ZedGraph - How to make a horizontal line drag-able?

I have some straight horizontal lines that I want the user be able to drag vertically. How would this be possible? I think the best parameter for line selection would be a fixed number of pixels near the line. So if mouse is +/- 2 pixels, I should change the mouse cursor and make the line drag-able.. I see the CurveItem class has prop...

Trying to create a histogram with ZedGraph

Hello, I am trying to create a histogram with ZedGraph. The bars and data are all good, the only thing needed is I would like my bars to be between tics instead of directly on tics. Sample data : 1, 4 2, 8 3, 1 means that I have : 4 items that are <= 0 and < 1 8 items that are <= 1 and < 2 1 item that is <= 2 and < 3 So currentl...

How can i draw a graph with Date Axis using c++ and zedgraph

I have successfully used the c++ example project to draw graphs from my c++ project using zedgraph. However there is no example with Date axis for c++. The following code is taken from the c# example found here http://zedgraph.org/wiki/index.php?title=Tutorial:Date_Axis_Chart_Demo. Please see my comments with the text //JEM// to see wh...

Binding table adapter query to chart

Hi, I'm writing some code that will synchronize data in database with chart (it's zedgraph in fact - but it doesn't matter). I want to do something like this: chart draws data from databse whenever new data is added to DB, it's immediately drawn on the chart So far everything works ok, because I can bind chart line DataSource to a d...

c# graphing with zedgraph

do you know whether it is possible to select a point and simply delete it off the graph so that the image can be saved without that point? ...