
Ctrl+- (Ctrl+Hyphen-Minus) as ShortCut Key?

It might seem natural to use Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts for an application's zoom in, zoom out, and restore default zoom (typically 100 %) actions. Now, in Delphi, I am able to assign Ctrl++ and Ctrl+0 as shortcuts. The former, though, requires that the plus sign of the main part of the keyboard is used; the plus sign of the...

Android 2.2 App on Zoom1?

We are developing an application for android 2.2.We do not have a developer phone.Can we load android 2.2 image on Zoom 1 Arm platform? Thanks, Dheepak ...

How to properly zoom a WebView together with it's background image?

I'm using the following code which only zooms the loadData. How is it possible to zoom the image inside? Thank you in advance! WebView web = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.myid); web.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/image.jpg"); web.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true); web.setBackgroundColor(0); web.setVisibility(ImageView.VISIBLE...

How to set fix zoom level or scale back in webview?

Zoom works without any problem, but if I select any input field the webview zooms in automatically. How do I can prevent this zoom behavior? set fix zoom level? scale back to previous zoom level? ...

Silverlight help - grid, canvas, zoom

I need to build something like this. Idea is to have User categorized using above pattern over the screen. USER1 will have all first row, USER2 and USER3 will split second row, and so on... Every user will have in his cell his data.. name, surname and some other stuff.. Also, it's important to be able to zoom.. Something like google m...

Silverlight - How to pan inside the grid after zoom in

I have following : <UserControl x:Class="DemoGarbage.MainPage" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="d" d:Des...

how to do a zoom in/out with wxpython

how to do a zoom in/out with wxpython? what are the very basics for this purpose? I googled this, but could not find much, thanks!! ...

Set (temporary) fixed zoom factor in Visual Studio 2010 code editor

Is there a way to configure Visual Studio 2010 (or ReSharper, btw.) to zoom in newly opened files to a specific percentage? (Background: In some cases (working late, different screen) I'd like to zoom in a little to make it easier on the eyes) ...

Silverlight - scrollbars resize problem while scaling scrollbarview content

I'm having strange problem with silverlight zoom and pan feature. I'm having scrollviewer, inside him border, and inside border my main content (some grids, text boxs etc..) My XAML is looking something like this : XAML : <Grid x:Name="Root" Background="Black"> <ScrollViewer x:Name="Scroller" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible...

How to prevent ScrollViewer from using MouseWheel event...

Hi! I'm building SL application for zooming and panning across the layout. Everything is working fine, except that when I zoom in using mouse wheel , after some zoom scrollbars start to use mouse wheel so after that I can scroll not zoom. I only can zoom again if I put scrollbars at the end or begining. How to prevent scrollviewer from ...

UIScrollView not zooming at all

Hi, I made a UIScrollView, added a UIImageView to as a subView, set the viewForZoomingInScrollView: method to return the subView, set the UIScrollView's delegate to self in my viewDidLoad, set my ViewController to be a UIScrollView delegate, set the maxZoom to 5.00 in IB, and I still am unable to scroll I'm using the iPhone simulator, p...

AVFoundation Camera Preview Screen gives wrong zoom

Hello all I'm currently developing an app that has a camera functionality, with a custom camera screen, featuring a preview screen and an overlay. I'm using the AVFoundation classes and methods as per the eradication of UIScreenCapture. The problem I have is that the preview data I get from AVCaptureSession is too zoomed in. If i take...

What do the Android camera zoom numbers mathematically represent?

I'm trying to write a basic augmented reality app in Android, but I'm running into some trouble doing platform-uncoupled calculations because I don't know how to interpret the zoom levels on Android. The zoom levels range from 0 - params.getMaxZoom(), but I can't find any documentation about what those zoom levels actually mean (for...

Maintain div size (relative to screen) despite browser zoom level

Hello all, I'm creating a bookmarklet for my iPhone which will add a scrolling menu to the upper-left corner of the screen. The problem I've run into is that if I visit a site which can be zoomed in, when I zoom in my "floating" div becomes larger as I zoom in the page. Is there a way so that my div will be .2 inches wide (measurable wi...

How to disable the zooming using mousewheel for zedGraph

I want to display a non-zoomable zedgraph. How do i disable mousewheel zooming function on zedgraph? ...

problems trying to use jquery to zoom and pan an image map

Hi!~ I've been working on this for a while now (many months!!) -- using jquery to zoom and pan an image map - which is a bit outside my current skill level so I'm excited that I have gotten this far!!~ but the functionality is not as smooth as it needs to be (the zoom in and out needs to be smoother) - and there are some larger issues wh...

Adding zoom out animation to the activity

Hi All, I have customized my activity to bring it like a dialog. Now I want to stop the default animation and have to add the zoom out animation. To stop the animation I have tried the following. customDialog.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); and in styles <style name="Theme.CustomDialog" parent="android:style/Theme.D...

Add zoom to scrollview...

How can i add a zoom function to my scrollview in Potrate orientation, when the images are in an subview controllers. in orientation change i call a setup function to change if (([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft) || ([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] == UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRigh...

is there a class to get the default picture viewer in an app?

Hi there I don't want to access the images on the iphone, I want to display an image from my app, but like you view pictures in the picture album of the iphone - with all the pinch and zoom controls and such. Is this possible? I thought there might (by chance) be some class like the AVMediaPlayer class that would do this? Thanks Tom ...

PyQt - Function for zooming large Images

Hi, I need a function for zooming very large images (5000 x 7000 pixel) in pyqt. I´ve tried out the functions from gwenview (Image viewer coded in C++ and Qt), but it`s too difficult for me to understand. Thanks! ...