
How can I add a zoom feature to my existing Flash application?

I have a Flash application with one scene, three frames and a bunch of ActionScript code to provide a number of ExternalInterface hooks. The three frames contain a single Input Text box which, as the <embed> tag is resized using JavaScript, grows and shrinks (not scales) to fit. I now want to add the ability to zoom in/out of this appli...

can we zoom in zoom out the drawing we draw on the Canvas?

We have an old (more than 10yrs old) Java Swing applicatin which draws lots of circles and connections (lines) between those circles on a JCanvas (a subclass of JComponent) based on lab data. Because the data becames bigger and bigger, we cannot display the entire drawing now. We have put the JCavans into a JScrollPane but it is not con...

Zooming in WebView (Cocoa)

I have a Cocoa application with a WebView and would like to add buttons to zoom in and out, and was wondering how to accomplish this. I am also using custom scrollbars (via NSSlider) so the scrollbars that are part of the WebView are hidden. ...

WPF: Zoom and Scroll to selection (sample)

Is there anyone who experienced with the scrollviewer component in WPF? I have a basic selection zoom, and the problem is that it does not scroll to the right place. Output, trying to zoom the flower: Actually, the RectangleZoom (see bellow) method scales the picture, but it does not focus it on the specified rectangle, but always in ...

Pinch Zoom in webview [Android]

Hello On my website, which is loaded in the webview, there is a map. There are also java scripts that detects double tap for zoom, dragging etc. But is it possible to have a javascript that detects the use of pinch zoom ? there are several examples of it working on an iphone, and on my website there is a script for the pinch zoom but it...

GWT MapWidget - Restrict Zoom Levels?

I'm trying to restrict the user to a certain subset of zoom levels (i.e. 8-10 for instance), but there does not appear to be any setMaxZoomLevel/setMinZoomLevel on the MapWidget class itself. Digging further I see theres an addMapZoomEndHandler event which is great for knowing about a zoom after the fact, but no corresponding addMapZoom...

UIView zoom and draw issue

Hi everyone! I have UIView wich have to be zoomed in After zooming i have to draw on this view and then zoom out. And certainly the zoom out picture have to include new drawing in proper size. So the question is -How can i zoom UIView (or maybe i should use UIImageView instead, then the question is how can i draw on UIImageView) -And...

iphone: render text vs. burn into image

This might be more of a philosophical question, but is there a compelling reason to go one way or the other when presenting text above an image: 1. Burn the text into the image on the server side and just show the image on the iphone or 2. Send the background image and the text separately to the iphone and have the iphone render the t...

Changing the zoom out action for a UIWebView

I'm trying to change the way a UIWebView reacts when the user do a pinch out gesture (when he's doing that, I zoom out and show multiple webView). I see 2 solutions but I can't make them work : Setting scalesPageToFit to YES, and then getting events that are sent by the API to change the behavior. Problem: I don't find how to catch th...

PDFTK - and the ability to change the default view

Hi All, I have been merging PDFs using PDFTK with great success, the pages that are used to generate the pdf are set to 'click to show one page at a time' (basically the whole of the first page is displayed when the pdf opens, based on the height of the page). however the generated pdf defaults back to filling the reader based on its w...

automatically adjust google map zoom to accomodate marker points in a google map

Using the latest version of google maps. How to add markers using longitute and latitude and automatically adjust the zoom level of the map to include all the markers using javascript. ...

scale a UITableView to fullscreen from inside a UIScrollView

Having failed in trying to puzzle together different sources to any form of coherent approach or concept I turn, once again to the learned people of StackOverflow. My problem is quite specific and maybe that's why I'm having trouble finding information that fits or maybe I just suck at searching. Either way, here goes. I am building an ...

fire zoom in event in firefox with javascript

Hello, i'm trying to fire the zoom in event from firefox with javascript. But i can't access to this firefox function. I would like to do the same thing when you press view -> zoom -> zoom in. So that pictures and text will enlarge. Is there any possibility? I'm using Firefox 3.6.10. Thank you all in advance. ...

How to recenter map in iPhone app on zoom in/out using MKMapView

I am developing an iPhone application in which I need to show an image at a specific Latitude & Longitude on a Map. The requirement is - Even if the user zooms in or out on this map screen, the map control should automatically center itself after the zoom, to the same Lat & Long. I am using MKMapView. I have tried to go through all avai...

Get browser window position regardless of zoom

How can I get the browser window's left edge (including menu, border, caption, etc), without it being "fixed" to take into account the zoom level? (This question addresses the basic question, but does not consider zoom.). window.screenLeft or window.screenX work fine on Chrome and Safari, but these report "fixed" values using IE6, IE8 ...

Best way to zoom and pan a 2D cocos2d iphone game

What's the best way to implement a pan-able zoomable game map with Cocos2d for iPhone. It would be like Mobile Safari except with a game map that doesn't fit completely on screen. Or like how it's done with Angry Birds, Cut the rope, etc. This would not be a side scrolling game, just a fixed game area that you can zoom in/out of. I'm n...

Focus and zoom in on a UITextField when touched?

Hello - How in the world does one get the iPhone view to zoom in on a focused UITextField? I need to tap on a text field that I want to edit, and my view should zoom in to the tapped text field and pull up the keyboard (which it already does), similar to how many Internet text fields gain focus on the iPhone. Is this some type of overla...

UIScrollView: content offset calculation after zoom

Hi All, Could somebody advice which formula used to content offset calculation after zoom in UIScrollView? Let's consider following example: I have a UIScrollView with content view in size (1000, 1000), then if I programmatically setZoomScale to 2.0 and in scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale method I will have the following: conte...

Zooming multiple subviews in an UIScrollView

How would I go about zooming multiple subviews of an UIScrollView simultaneously? I have a UIScrollView inside another UIScrollView (with paging enabled) and inside the inner scrollview I have four UIImageViews. I would like for the zoom to persist when I scroll to the next page, thus displaying the next image. Relevant code follows: -...

Firefox and Opera Zoom In Zoom Out using javascript

Hi I want to achieve zoom in/out feature which is available in chrome and IE For instance in IE I can easily set the zoom, percentage by using the following javascript code document.style.zoom="20%"; How can I achieve the same in Firefox and Opera, any help,guideline is really appreciated. ...