
How to save (preserve) the zoom state of flot graphs on Update with AJAX

I have a simple application which polls database for data every minute. When new data is fetched, I am updating the graph using ajax. However, whenever I update the graph (re-plot it with new values added to plot data) the current state of zoom is lost. Before updating the graph, I want to preserve the latest zoom position. After updatin...

Zoom events that work in an android Mapview

I need to redraw the overlay after the user zooms. What is the best way to do this? I've tried everything I can think of (saving a getZoomLevel() state, overriding onUserInteraction()), nothing actually works. The problem is, that draw() is being called when the user clicks zoom, so the information my draw method gets (About the map's st...

Determining where to animate the map given a list of GeoPoints

My android application loads some markers on an overlay onto a MapView. The markers are placed based on a dynamic list of GeoPoints. I want to move the map center and zoom into the area with most items. Naively, I can calculate the superposition of all the points, but I would like to remove the points that are very far from the mass of p...

Calculating zoomToSpan() degrees based on min/max lat/lng to be in the mapView

I have a cluster of items on an overlay in a mapView. I know where the top/bottom/left/right most objects are. I want to use the zoomToSpan() method to zoom onto that area. What is the proper way to calculate the lat/lng degrees for this method ? ...

CSS Margin/Padding Issue on Browser Zoom

I am having difficulty getting my page to show up correctly at various browser zoom settings. http://andstones.ca/newsite The content is aligned if the user is zoomed out on the page, but once they zoom too far out and refresh the page, or if they are too zoomed in and the page loads, then the content pane is shifted. This does not ...

Android WebView Zooming using the ScaleDetector

HI, Is it possible to support zooming of a WebView (similar to the default browser) when the user pinches and moves their fingers closer / further away. Im using 2.2 and tought this would be possible using the ScaleGestureDetector. THe problem is that I can't seem to find a method to set the scale. WebView.getScale() returns the curren...

How to synchronize two UIScrollViews while zooming on iOS-3.2 / iOS-4.0 devices

I have two scroll-views on the same base-view. i want to synchronize their zooming. When anyone of them is zoomed in/out, remaining one will also zoom in/out with same zoom scale. ...

uiwebview reset zoom programatically

hi, Is there a way to zoom out or reset a uiwebview programatically ? if yes how ? ...

Enabling zooming in UITableView

Hello, So I'm trying to enable zooming in UITableView so you make the cells bigger. I know UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView. So I went to the interface builder and changed minimum zoom to .75, max to 4.0, paging enabled, bounce scroll enabled. However, it is not zooming. Any thoughts? Thanks ...

reset the image after scrolling in Iphone.

Hi friends... I m scrolling a image using this code- (id)initWithImage:(UIImage *)productImage { if (self = [super init]) { // Custom initialization imageView=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(70, 55, 200, 200)]; [imageView setImage:productImage]; scrollView=[[UIScrollView alloc]init]; scrollView.frame...

iphone sdk - positioning of custom items within UIScrollView during zooming

Hello, my application has a UIScrollView with a UIView as subview. Both are the same size. The scrollView contains a large image and the subview is a "overlay" view that holds markers that are set when the user taps at the large image (a map). It is basically a simple app that allows to set markers on certain locations on a map. so far...

how to use variable instead of constants

how to use variable i in place of '1.4'.i want to use variable i to zoom out and zoom in the webview. [tp stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.body.style.zoom = '1.4';"]; Thanks in advance ...

Pinching works great in Simulator, but doesn't work at all on device

Has anybody come across this problem? I have created an UIScrollView of images, much like the Camera Roll. Each image can be pinched to zoom in and out. Got my code working great on the simulator. I put the code on my device (both an iPhone and an iPod Touch) and nothing. The images don't pinch, nothing happens. Am I missing someth...

Magnify pan and zoom Image in Silverlight

How can i implement zoom , Pan , Magnify in silverlight. I have big image so my image is inside scroll viewer. and after zooming and panning i need to save position and zoom setting in database so when user back to screen can see same image area. ...

Zooming at mouse position without messing up scrollbars?

I'm creating an image editing program in GTK\C, and I can't figure out how to make zoom work; I need to zoom my Cairo-based canvas to the mouse cursor's position, but Cairo only zooms to center of the image it displays. The normal way to get around this is to transform, zoom, and then transform back; but that messes up the scrollbars sur...

two UIImageViews in one UIScrollView! How to zoom in the right UIImageView?

Hi folks, i have two UIImageViews as childs in one UISCrollView. You can flip sideways to display pages of a brochure. (12 Pages). Now i wanted to zoom pages. I couldn't get it up till now to zoom the right ImageView. I know i have to implement - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { return someView ...

UIScrollingView ... Scrolling works but zooming not !

Ben send me a tutorial about displaying several images in a scrollView. ( http://kwigbo.com/post/758575763/uiscrollview-image-gallery-tutorial ) I made it to adopt it to my need in an IPad App and i got it to work so far. BUT ... I'm banging my head for hours now to implement zooming images and couldn't make it work. I have a UIScrol...

Div position changing on IE7 zoom (IE7 zoom Issue)

I am having a div positioned as a menu drop down.The div is positioned absolute and given left, right, top and bottom positioning to keep it in the exact position. On zooming the browser, the div is moved away from the actual position. Can anyone help me out to solve this issue? <script> var leftSubMenuHolder = ''; ...

How do I check for valid images paths in jquery script? They aren't showing up.

I'm trying to use a zoom plugin for interactive maps I put everything into the site and as far as I can tell the scripts are all working. There are no console errors so I'm guessing the problem is that the image paths are not correct because nothing except the containing div is showing up. Looking at it through firebug all I can see is ...