
HTML - Auto navigation with Named Anchors #

well we can have name anchors in our page like the following code <!---Some HTML Code--> <a href="#Mark_1">Mark 1</a> <a href="#Mark_2">Mark 2</a> <!---After some HTML Code--> <a name="Mark_1"> <!---After some HTML Code--> <a name="Mark_2"> by doing so we provide links that to scroll up and down a page and all but I have seen seve...

More than one anchor tag in IE6 not working

Hi there I tried to use windows.location.hash="test.asp#page#section13" and in all browsers it works ok but in IE6 the link in URI is replaced by test.asp#pagesection13. So it seems IE6 doesn't support multiple anchors. Any way around it (except rewriting everything)? Yours Jerry ...

"Skip Navigation" link not working in Google Chrome

I follow this page to make a "Skip Navigation" link, however it is not working in Chrome (5.0.375.127). When I tab and enter the link, it scroll to the content, but when I continue to tab, it starts from the top but not start from the content. That page's skip "Skip Navigation" link is not working in Chrome either. Is it a bug of Chro...

HTML - overRide statusbar link location display

when on Mouse Over state on a link the status bar shows the link's location in the status bar like in the following image... is there a way to change\override this to show some desired text... ...

ie disregards anchors

Hi! I have an anchor on my webpage: <a name="here"></a> and I link to it as usual: Which works just fine in FF but for some reason it doesn't scroll to the anchor in internet explorer. What now? What cunning hack do I need to employ to solve this mystery of the ages? (Darn that ie browser) ...

highlighting next <dd> tag after clicking an anchor

I'm using some code I found to highlight an id after clicking an anchor link. I'd like to modify this to instead highlight the next <dd> tag in a definition list: <dl class="mainfaq"> <dt id="q1">Q1</dt> <dd><p>A1</p></dd> <dt id="q2">Q2</dt> <dd><p>A2</p></dd> <dt id="q3">Q3</dt> <dd><p>A3<...

What does "href" stand for in HTML?

I understand what the "href" attribute in the anchor tag (<a />) is for, but what does the "h" stand for? ...

Setting the .Top property, removes the Anchor property

I have used Anchor property for some of my controls at design time. but when I change the .Top property of those controls at run time, it seems that it is messing with the Anchor property and does not honor it anymore. what is happening? how to fix? ...

Simulate click at an anchor tag via javascript

I am trying to change the text in browser's address box by simulating a click on an anchor tag via javascript. This code works just fine in IE, but not in FireFox or Chrome. <script type="text/javascript"> function UpdateQueryString() { var controlRef = document.createElement('a'); = "t1"; contr...

jQuery: How do I not hide a section with anchor in url

On my page most p-sections under a h3-heading are hidden. If you click on them, the content beneath is shown. Only the first section is shown when the page is opened. I use jQuery to hide these section like: jQuery("#area h3:first").addClass("active"); jQuery("#area p:not(:first)").hide(); But what, if there is an anchor in one of the...

onclick event in anchor tag not working in IE

The following works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but IE 8 will not call the submit() method when the anchor link is clicked. <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="submit();">Sign In</a> The submit method is defined on the same page as follows: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function submit() { // other code ...

Is it better practice to add the file extension to an "href" value?

If I have a very simple http directory: default.html info.html contact.html etc... Should default.html link to the other files in the directory, I've always been able to simply use an anchor tag thus: <a href="contact" target="_self">Contact me!</a> Will this always work, assuming that there is only one file in the directory wi...

How to make a span fully clickable?

I'd like to make a span fully clickable. <span><a href="#" title="Remove" id="159" class="remove">159</a><input type="hidden" name="t[1][p][]" value="159"></span> The span is assigned a background image which is floated to the right. The image is a plus sign which will basically serve to indicate the record can be moved to another div...

how to avoid crawler to follow anchor empty link (with jquery action)

Hello, I have in my site some links that are just used to display informative popups. For example I have something like : <a href="#" id="myLink">show more info</a> And in my .js file I have something like : $(document).ready(function() { $("#myLink).click(function() { displayPopup(); }); }); But google crawler or other ...

XHTML: Placing DIVs in A tags

Hello! Is it alright to place div tags inside anchor tags? Will contents of the div redirect the page to the href of the anchor tag? Thank you. ...

Scrolling to an element within a div

I have an absolutely positioned div which acts as a modal window in the center of the page. The modal window is vertically scrollable with a scroll bar on the right hand side. The page itself is also vertically scrollable with a scroll bar on the right. I would like to be able to click on a link and have the modal window scroll to the ...

.NET WinForms Anchor Property

Hello. I have a form that has a panel in it. I've set the panel anchor and it works great, when I resize the form the panels height is increased. The problem is: I've got several group boxes in the panel, and when the panel's height is increased, the group box vertical spacing should be increased equally. How can I do that? ...

PDF Anchor tag to another page

Is there a way to go to other pages in a PDF document wiht out having to provide the full URL int the Link tag? Everywhere I look, before the HTML is converted to PDF, they use link tags wiht an HREF that contains the site and pdf location. If they download this file, why would I want them to link to the website to view another page? T...

Anchor link containing multiple headings?

According to the W3C wrapping multiple elements in 1 anchor tag is invalid. I was wondering is there is a neat CSS solution for combining multiple heading and image tags into 1 valid clickable anchor? I'm building a property listing site, and I want my 'mini listing boxes' to only have 1 anchor. Here's my invalid code: <a href="listin...

jQuery UI dialog with iframe and anchors

I am loading a page into an iFrame in the dialog. This is a help page with anchor tags. When I load the page using an anchor or even when using the anchor tags in the dialog the browser jumps up to the anchor, even if the dialog is centred. See: Is there a workaround for this? An...