
jQuery contents() find the page height of anchor link in iFrame

I have an iFrame that when loaded stretches his whole length without scrollbars. After 1 second I want to scroll to an anchor in the iFrame. I think I need to get it's height? How can I do this? HTML: <iframe id="help-frame" src="help.php" scrolling="no"><\/iframe> JS: $("#help-frame").load(function() { document.getElementById...

[Cocos2d] anchorpoint issues with CCUIViewWrapper

I am having some issues understanding and using anchorPoint. As I understand it, the default anchor is (.5,.5) which applies transforms about the center of objects. However, when I placed a UIButton into a CCUIViewWrapper, I noticed that scaling it would scale about the right side of the object (i.e. if I scaled from 0 to 1, it would g...

css, select previous anchor

<ul class="list"> <li><a href="">Text 1</a></li> <li><a href="">Text 2</a></li> <li><a href="" class="selected">Text 3</a></li> </ul> how do I select the anchor for Text 2 without adding an extra class? (and no javascript) <style type="text/css"> ul.list li a.selected ******{background-color:#000} </style> output: <...

Understanding HTML anchor tag

Let'u start with following example: Create three pages in same directory: test.html index.html Your test.html: <html> <head> <script> function test() { alert('Going to'); window.location=""; } </script> </head> <body> <a href='' onclick="test();"></a><br/> <input type=...

Trigger event with newly created anchor elements

I'm using the fancybox lightbox plugin in jquery. It hooks into anchor tags such that the following pulls up an image that is chained with the other images referenced with rel = "example_group": <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("a[rel=example_group]").fancybox(); }); </script> <body> <a rel...

How to collect information from navigate url and anchor link using jquey?

I am having links like: <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkTitle" runat="server" CssClass="itemTitle" > </asp:HyperLink> <a id="linkOwner" runat="server" class="authorName"></a> I am assigning the NavigateUrl from code behind at run time like: lnkTitle.NavigateUrl = "MyPage.aspx?id=" + userID; linkOwner.HRef= "M...

jquery .click overriding anchor href when i dont want it to!

Hi, I have a set of nested DIVs that slidetoggle using jQuery as the user clicks on them. Inside the innermost DIV there is an anchor tag with an HREF that should navigate somewhere. The problem is that when I click on the link it slidetoggles just like the parent DIVs instead of navigating to the url. If I right click the anchor and sel...

Anchor <a> alignment off in IE8?

We have three anchor tags. When all on one line they display correctly in IE8: But when you separate the anchor tags onto separate lines for better code readability they do NOT appear correctly (there is a random extra "e" character and the alignment is off): Any ideas? ...

Get Hash URL from anchor and load into Div

Hello there, I have a video gallery that has a menu on the left and loads the content into a div on the right hand side. The menu is generated from php video posts so we need a general script that will effect everything. -- The problem -- The links will load the URL of the video as an anchor on the current URL - eg. http://www.divet...

Event handler for location.hash changing?

I have a flash document viewer embedded in my page, where the user can view the preview version of the document, and then purchase the full version if they like. Is it possible to have a hyperlink in the document itself "BUY NOW" which would command the browser to do something on the current page without having to refresh? I'm imaginin...

Jumping to content location of a different page with ASP

Does anyone know how to jump to the content location from a href link on another page in ASP? I understand the anchor concept shown below, but this only works with html not ASP. <a href="yoursite.html#jumpHere">link</a> ...

Anchor split into two pieces on IE7

Top: IE8 Bottom: IE7 How do you fix IE7 so it doesn't split my anchor into two pieces? I know display:block and float:left would solve this, but I'd rather have it be inline. This way, I can have text both to the left and right of any arbitrarily placed anchor button. #launchChrome { font-weight: bold; text-decor...

Anchoring a button that is inside a panel

I have a panel anchored to top-left_BOTTOM of the form. there is a button at the bottom of this panel that I want to move correctly when I am resizing the form by pulling down the bottom edge of the form. but now the panel is moving correctly but the button does not. what should I set to do this? thanks ...

Outline applied to an anchor containing an image isn't the right height in Chrome

For a site I'm working on, I'd like to have a dotted outline appear around links when they are focused/hovered/active. I'd like this to happen for text and image links. The issue I have is that whilst my code works great in Firefox and IE, in Chrome 7.0.517.41 the dotted outline is the same height as my text, not the height of the image...

Define URL to jump to a specific page element, height or anchor after ajax call.

I have a website running on wordpress and ajax. All the content ist loaded via ajax with deeplinking and hashHistory. URLs look like this: On one of the pages i want to implement multiple facebook like buttons to boost some of the contents popularity . To make this happen i need to specify dif...

SplitContainer - What causes the inconsistent behaviour I experience when the orientation is set to horizontal?

Hi coders, Starting from scratch in a new project in which the properties of the default Form1 form have not been altered I drop a SplitContainer on the form and set its properties to: Anchor - Top, Left Dock - Fill Orientation - Vertical I then drop a second SplitContainer into the left-hand panel (panel 1) of the first SplitC...

Go to anchor without changing url

On loading a page I would like it to go to #content without changing the url. I thought I would be able to use window.location.hash = "content"; window.location.replace("#content", ""); but #content still exists on the url. Any better method? Edit: Also tried window.location.hash = "content"; window.location.replace(window.loca...

JQuery: programatically added anchors aren't associated with my click function

I'm new to JQuery and I'm trying to use it to implement an enhancement in an old web application. I'm gathering a list of strings from a server and rendering each one of them in its own anchor tag such that they appear in a comma delimited list. I assign that generated markup to a span's inner html: $.getJSON("http://domain/restOfURL"...

Regex anchor question

Would an anchor like "^" or "\A" at the beginning of this regex make any sense - any difference? $string =~/(.*)([a-z])$/ ...

Loading with AJAX and going to anchor in loaded content

I'm building a website to organize comics collections. So you have on the left a list of yours comics and if you click on one of them, the page with the details about that comic is loaded on the right with AJAX with the jQuery load() function. I don't have a page for every comic but for every serie (one for all the "Walking dead", one ...