So I've got a simple page with different ways to filter the data (almost everything is working.) For example, you have a page with a list of the users. You can choose a page number, you can choose what to sort by (and what direction to sort in) and how many results per page.
The way it works is whenever one of those variables are change...
hey guys,
I'm using asual's jqueryAddress for history support in a wordpress site where I'm loading content without refreshing the page.
when i navigate through the site, for some reason the address is updated twice:
(had to modify the urls above because I don't have enough 'reputation points' t...
How do you create a link (<a>) that will send the user to Twitter and auto-populate the status field with some text? I've clicked links like this before, but not sure how it's created.
I have a page with several links. I want to make that when a user clicks link #1 he will be redirected to a contact form and select item #1 in the dropdown menu. Same goes for #2 and item #2 in the dropdown menu. Is this possible ?
I am looking to standardize the processing of ajax #anchors at the server side, using MVC.
Before a controller action is invoked I want to convert every request with ajax anchors into a request without ajax anchors, so that the controller code does not know there were anchors in the request:
For example:
1) /user/profile#user/photos ...
I want to accept an arbitrary regular expression from the user and anchor it on both sides in order to enforce a full match (^<user's-regex>$) however I don't know if I have to take into account the fact that the user may have already anchored his regex.
It looks like Perl, C++, .NET and JavaScript all allow double multiple anchoring.
The named anchor at the bottom of the page doesn't work more than once on an iPhone. Any suggestions? Thanks, Andy.
<title>anchor scroll test</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
I have bunch of html and I need to get all the anchors and the anchor value using Regular Expression.
This is sample html that I need to process:
<P align=center><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10px"><SPAN style="COLOR: #666666">View the </SPAN><A href=""><SPAN style="COLOR: #666666">online versio...
Dear all
I have database of website link, it list out in main file ,when i try to click that link it get to redirect on that database link.
my code is
// getting from database
echo '<li onclick=\"window.location='.$result->website.'\">
<a href="#">'.$result->option.'</a></li>';
The Main.h...
Hi - here's what I have:
<form method="post" action="index.php#error_message">
If form submission validates, at the top of index.php, I have:
header('Location: thanks.php#thanks_message');
So, by the time it gets to the thanks.php page, it should anchor to #thanks_message. Works fine in IE, Firefox, Ch...
Ruby 1.9 regex supports lookbehind assertion but I seem to have difficulty when passing anchors in the pattern. When anchors are passed in the lookahead assertion it runs just fine.
"well substring! "[/(?<=^|\A|\s|\b)substring!(?=$|\Z|\s|\b)/] #=> RegexpError: invalid pattern in look-behind: /(?<=^|\A|\s|\b)substring(?=$|\Z|\s|\b)/
I've seen a number of examples of the opposite, but I'm looking to go from an anchor/hash URL to a non-anchor URL, like so:
None of the examples at have fun...
I have the following embedded iframe
<iframe width="100%" height="400" src="reallylongpage.html" />
reallylongpage.html has 2 anchors #top and #bottom
I want my iframe to load reallylongpage.html at the bottom of the page so I did
<iframe width="100%" height="400" src="reallylongpage.html#bottom" />
But this has the undesirable ef...
I've written a HTML Email using tables (:sad face:) and it displays perfectly while using Internet Explorers Send -> Page by Email. My issue is that my jump links
<a href="#jumplink">Go to the jump link</a>
no longer work, thye just open the complete URL of the page that I was sending. I've looked through the source of emails in...
With An anchor I can write the following line:
myControl.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left);
And it will anchor myControl to the left and the top.
Why can't I do the following:
myControl.Dock = (DockStyle.Top | DockStyle.Left);
I can write the above line, but all it does is set the DockStyle to left.
Any thoughts/rea...
I used this,
<a title="Logout" onclick="javascript:document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LbLogout').click();" href="#" class="logout">Logout</a></li>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LbLogout" runat="server" style="display:none"
onclick="LbLogout_Click">Sign out</asp:LinkButton>
The anchor tag doesn't seem to fire my linkbuttons on...
I have an anchor link like:<a id="linkOwner" runat="server"></a>
In my codebehind I am disabling it based on some condittions like:linkOwner.Disabled = true; But still the link is click-able.How to fix it?
Hello I'm looking for a way to add anchor-based URL navigation to jQuery masonry..
Here's the example:
I'm trying to be able to direct people straight to a filterable class (ie: ../filtering.html#red)
Seems like there should be an easy solution but I'm a Javanoob so I would really apprec...
the url is :
so how to get the 'a_1' using jquery
Hi there. Apologies for the title, I found it hard to define my question succintly and that was the best I could do. If someone wants to edit it to add a better title then please, be my guest.
Anyway, the question. We have on our webpage the capability for users to delete something. They do this by clicking on a delete link, something t...