
I need a flash effect like this

Please refer to Is there any open source or other tools can accomplish this ? If I need to develop it by our own, what technology can we use? please give me more details. ...

Book about debian packaging

What would be the best book for me to purchase? I consider myself as experienced linux user, but I lack knowledge on one very basic area, Debian packaging. I know how to add a repository to sources.list, but I don't know how those lines are intepreted and how packages are found. If apt-get update gives me errors, I can only solve them ...

Books about the philosophy of software development

The first time I read The Mythical Man Month, I found the book utterly boring, a waste of my time, and thought it was written by some management guru that never wrote a line of code. A few years later, I realized Fred Brooks won the Turing award. Some years after that, after a few large development projects, I started understanding wha...

beginners book for NOT C#

i am looking for a beginners book for for 3.5. Something which starts from scratch and requires no programming background. thanks ...

PHP very fast learning path

I've got a job as .NET developer, when asked if i know PHP I lied about it. I need to learn PHP very fast. What book, course, video training would you recommend? Company is focusing on medium corporate sites. ...

Recommended Overview Book specifically on SQL Server 2005

I need a good overview book on SQL server 2005. I'm trying to move from SQL server 2000/DTS to SQL server 2005/SSIS. I've searched around on safari and most books seem to be about a specific part of SQL Server 2005 or a particular principle. I'm wondering if anyone can specifically recommend a solid book that covers the following areas ...

Best SCRUM books

I would like to know which is the "best" book to get started learning about SCRUM. This is a poll, so one book per answer, please. ...

favorite tech bookstore in NYC or your area?

I'm looking for a good tech bookstore in the New York Area, also I have alot of used tech books I'd like to donate somewhere. does anyone know of great tech focused small bookstores? if your not in nyc, others may be interested your favorite store too. ...

Is there any C++ book that talks about how to implement variants?

Modern C++ design only gets me to typelists. C++ templates the complete guide brings me only to tuples. I want to learn how to _implement variants. Does any C++ book explains this? Thanks! ...

Which will be a good book for EJB 3.0?

I want to study EJB 3.0, but I don't have any idea which I book should buy. Could anyone please tell me the name of any good for EJB 3.0 study? ...

Learning CSS3 - Book / EBook

Could someone suggest a book for me to learn CSS3 from? Thanks ...

Good fuzzy book to start with

Hi, from what you have read or heard about, which is a good book on fuzzy logic/sets/systems? I'm interested in basic of fuzzy systems, fuzzification/defuzzification etc. There are a plenty of such books, however my belief is that only few of them worth reading. Thanks ...

Programming Books - O'Reilly "Rough Cuts"?

Guys sorry if his a little off topic but hopefully you guys still think its programming related. Anyone every buy a "rough cut" book on O'Reilly before? I'm kind of wanting to know you're experience whether positive or negative. Ive tried to google but haven't found munch. I'm interested in a couple of books: WCF book from Juval Lowy & E...

Can you recommend me a good magento book ?

I'm almost ready to use Magento (which is built upon Zend Framework, which i know) and i'm looking for a good book covering setup, config, best practices, creating templates, development, etc. Do you have any to recommend ? I found some which look insteresting : The Definitive Guide to Magento Pro Magento Developer's Guide Php Archi...

Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why?

I'm currently looking at purchasing a few C# 4.0 books, namely: Essential C# 4.0 by Mark Michaelis or C# 4.0 Unleashed by Bart De Smet. I am aware that both books are yet to be released, but would you consider purchasing either of these books, or would you recommend another? Thanks for your time. Clarification: I'm not a .net Ni...

Writing an IT-related book, anyone recommend a good Word template?

I'm going to write a book related to IT and while it will be more narrative than code/screen shots I'd like to use a very professional word template. Does anyone have a recommendation? The templates from Microsoft leave much to be desired. I'm willing to buy commerical if one is available. The APRESS/Wrox format is what I'm anxious t...

What are some of good reference books on writing web services?

Hi, I did a bit of research on the topic, but haven't found the "it" book. Do you have recommendations for books on developing web services? Ideally it explains from the beginning, thought process, development process, maintaining the service, tracking, optimization, and so on. Basically it would guide me through developing web servic...

One good ASP.NET book that just teaches ASP.NET & nothing else?

Is there any one book out there that just teaches the latest and greatest version of ASP.NET without teaching C# or .NET libraries? ...

Good book for writing (java) CLIENTS for sundry web services?

It seems that most of the questions I have to ask on Stack Overflow are about setting up clients for web services. Typically in this case, you have to "deal" with what the service provider has -- you are not at liberty to demand "better" technology be used by the server. The problem of the day is very closely related to this: http://...

Best Book/Resource to Improve my JavaScript.

I am having trouble writing code JavaScript code. I work with ASP.Net MVC and send a lot of data back and forth for Ajaxy features. The problem is that this code is becoming hard to manage and messy: I need to do similar functions but can't find a decent way to reference methods (such as if they are in different files). Methods do not ...