
Enterprise Architect Certifications

Hello, I've been a java developer for quite a while, I want to advance towards a position as software architect. Since I'm quite young (26) and my business (consulting) is rather hierarchically organised, I considered starting out with the SCEA - since I'm already SCJP I'm confident about my learning techniques and the ability to deal w...

What are the free online certifcations available for Computer Science engineering students?

Hi friends, I would like to know about free online certifcations available for UG students in Computer Science engineering and can help in adding weight to the resume. I know there are many certifications from microsoft and Sun etc! But I cant afford them right now. Thnks in advance ...

Updating MCPD in WinForms from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 - what study materials (MS books) are required/recommended?

For my 2.0 exams it was simple - I just bought the MCPD Self-paced Training Kit which contained the books for exams 70-536, 70-526 and 70-548. But now that I want to update my certification to 3.5 (prior to going to 4.0) via exam 70-566, I can't seem to find what books to buy for studying purposes (besides revising the previous exams). I...

Is asp.net 3.5 training track independent from asp.net 2

Hi all , I am a newbie to the asp.net world and i want to take the straight way for fast learning and to start producing some applications So i want to take asp.net certification and training but i found that there are a lot of new features in asp.net 3.5 and many new features and concepts also was introduced in asp.net 2 My question...

Programming Certifications - other than SCJP/SCWCD/CEA "Family"

Except SCJP / SCWCD / SCEA for the Java are there any other related certifications a developer "should look" for. Is it something similar for python ? C ? C++ ? SQL ? PS: I know that some programmers affirm that certifications are useless and experience is what's important, but I strongly disagree. Learning for SCJP was great. I found ...

What is Java Verified?

According to their homepage, Java Verified "is the industry-recognised Java testing and signing programme." To me it sounds like another "gimme your money and we'll do some testing and the give you a nice Foo Compliant Approval Seal of Exellence". Is it something you'd expect to have for your Java ME app? Would it make a difference to ...

Java - what's your favourite "gotcha" question for SCJP?

Hello everyone: As I am preparing for, and planning to take the SCJP exam probably in next year, I am wondering if any Java programmer would like to share their "gotcha" question here, something simple but very helpful as a reminder to refresh your Java knowledge and skills. For example, my favourite one is like this: System.out.print...

scjp certification

hi every all i already completed scjp 1.5 exam. how many years it's validity? ...

New college grad, psychology major, wants to code professionally. Should I get Sun Java-certified?

I just graduated from a fairly well-known liberal arts college in May. Interestingly, I majored in psychology, with a concentration in social psychology. In college I took Intro to Computer Science and hated it (used to blame it on myself; now I blame it on the professor :) However, I've always wanted to be a programmer, and finally got ...

DB2 certification vs Oracle certification

I am really confused between which certification to take up? Both of them are good for DBA. I have started working with Oracle and have no knowledge of both the databases. ...

How much .NET Framework material will .NET 4.0 MCTS cert exam questions cover?

I am planning to get my MCTS for Visual Studio 2010. The list of exams I need along with descriptions and topics covered can be found here. There is now no equivalent of exam 70-536 for the new exams. I did some searching and although it is clear to me there is no replacement of the exam, it is not clear to me whether there are .NET fr...

The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi, I have a piece of code that works in a VS.C# project, but when this code is part of a webPart in Sharepoint, it throws an error. ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(validateUrl); Http...

I'm looking for a website where has the list of posters about Microsoft Certificates roadmap/learning-path.

All what I found are separate pdf files. I need to find the whole list (greedy :D) but don't know where to find. Do you have any ideas on that? [Edit] Files I've found (by google for it): File 1 File 2 ...

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Exam Crash Course

I decided to test the theory that work expands to fill the time given and give myself as little time as feasible to complete my preparation for this exam. My appointment is in exactly one week and I started preparing yesterday. I have a lot of experience designing web-centric applications but not that much in the way of EJB. My goal is t...

SCJP 1.6.0 materials and changes

Hi, I am interested to write SCJP 1.6.0 certification exam.What are the materials I need to go through.Please provide some useful links and books.Is there any difference in the exam pattern after ORACLE merger? Thx ...

php certification exams.

I want to give certification exams of php. Please help me. Give suggestion about it. Thanks, ...

Microsoft Certification Advice : Silverlight path

I apologize if this title is misleading. I already know that Microsoft isn't planning on releasing a Silverlight certification due to their quick development cycles (please correct me if I am wrong). I have started a new job that places a lot of emphasis on Microsoft Certifications, as of late I have been doing Microsoft Silverlight deve...

Study Materials for Sharepoint 2010 Development Exam (70-573)

My boss wants me to become certified in Sharepoint 2010 development ... like yesterday. What are some good study materials for the test? ...

Shell Script Certification

Hi guys, I'm a UNIX shell script programmer, and I would like to know if there is any certification specific for Shell (bash, korn,etc) programmers. Could you help please? Also how about CX-310-105 exam to take Oracle Solaris Associate, does it have value on the market? Thanks ...

significant certificate for web developers?

Hello dear, I like to improve my career. And can you suggest some certifications for web developers? I find out w3school's certificate for HTML, CSS, JavaScript. How about it? Thanks! ...