
Which color combination to use on websites?

Hi, Just interested in knowing if there are any good (and short! :-) ) articles which talk about the color combinations that would look good on a website. i.e For tables (odd and even row), which one will be good in all situations For alerts? For menus? etc Thanks! ...

[Android] Textview Selector when pressed

Hi all! I have a basic LinerLayout with a TextView and an ImageView I would like to do the same thing as with a button: when you click on this linear layout, the background changes. I can change the background when I focus the LinearLayout (with the trackball), but I can't when I click on it! And I don't know why. I tried a lot of thin...

java color image processing

I am trying to get the different amount of colors inside an image in java, but I don't know if there is a library for this propose of not. the project is about finding out the different colors from one image, and then print out the name of the colors. any idea??? please help me if you have any answer. ...

stdlib and colored output in C

I am making a simple application which requires colored output. How can I make my output colored like emacs and bash do? I don't care about Windows, as my application is only for UNIX systems. Thanks. ...

How do I set the color for an NSAttributedString on iPad?

I've seen a lot of questions related to colored text answered with "check out NSAttributedString", but the NSForegroundColorAttributeName constant that is defined for Mac OS does not seem to be defined for iOS 3.2+ ...

Cocos2d iPhone sdk: removing background from tilelayer when running an action?

I am try to apply an action to a tilelayer of a cctilemap, but when it starts, the layer adds a black background below the tile layer, which covers anything below it. How would I go about removing this background, or changing it to transparent? ...

Is that possible to set gradient on text color ?

Firefox 3.6 allows to set gradient on backgrounds. Is that possible to set gradient on the text color as well ? For example: HTML: <span>Hello</span> CSS: body { background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, red, white); } span { font-size: 13em; color: #222; } I would like to "replace" #222 with -moz-linear-gradient(left, ...

jQuery Get Elements Color ?

Hi Guys, I have the follow HTML <div>This is some <span>special <a href="#">text</a></span> and it's super</div> And CSS span {color:#333;} a {color:#777;} a:hover {color:#AAA;} I am wondering what I can use to setup a function that I can extract the color of the <a> and <a>:hover elements? Thanks ...

Change foreground/background color of Item in Listbox programmatically in WPF

How can i add different items with either background/foreground color different in WPF listbox? ...

Using PIL and NumPy to convert an image to Lab array, modify the values and then convert back

I am trying to convert a PIL image into an array using NumPy. I then want to convert that array into Lab values, modify the values and then convert the array back in to an image and save the image. I have the following code: import Image, color, numpy # Open the image file src ="face-him.jpg") # Attempt to ensure image is ...

Generate colors based on letters in PHP

How would I generate a color based on what letter a string begins with - perhaps A could be blue, Z could be green and the other letters would be the gradually changing spectrum in between? Thanks in advance. ...

Distance measure between HSL colours

Hi, I am coding a program that allows a user to choose various foreground and background colours in RGB. I want to not allow them to chose foreground and backgrounds that are too similar and decided to convert to HSL and use HSL euclidean distance as a way to check for similarity. Is there a good weighting to use for HSL space (rather...

How do I change hexidecimal colours programmatically to get lighter or darker?

I want to have a base colour, say 0x0066FF and I want every iteration after that to get slightly darker for example. ...

color IE fallback for rgba() does not work

Why the following fallback for IE color: red; does not work ? In IE7, the color is black rather than red. Live demo here HTML: <div> <span>Hello</span> </div> CSS: div { width: 200px; height: 100px; background-color: blue; text-align: center; } span { font-size: 2em; color: red; color: rgba(250, 250, ...

Color (colour) differences between browsers?

I have just noticed a site I am working on looks different in Chrome than other browsers (saf, ff), everything is more saturated in Chrome, even a background-color rgb. I can't figure out what is making this happen, can't be anything to do with img color profiles otherwise the rgb background color surely wouldnt be affected.. Any ideas?...

What's the best way to analyse the colours in an image (Java)?

Hi guys, I don't have much experience doing image analysis so I thought I'd ask more enlightened individuals :) Basically what I want to do is analyse an image and work out what the most common colours are (these will be averages obviously). Does anybody know of an effective way to do this? If at all possible I'd like to avoid using an...

Python - Find dominant/most common color in an image

Hi, I'm looking for a way to find the most dominant color/tone in an image using python. Either the average shade or the most common out of RGB will do. I've looked at the Python Imaging library, and could not find anything relating to what I was looking for in their manual, and also briefly at VTK. I did however find a PHP script whic...

Andrioid Button set Background to Transparent Color

How can I set the Background for a button to a transparent Color, like transparent Blue for eg, instead of a solid blue? When I use button.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE) it sets it to a solid blue. Thanks Chris ...

converting uiimage to negative colors 2nd time crashes the app

Hi! I want show an animation with a negative image and a normal image. To start, the getPhoto method is called and the user can get an image from library or take one with the camera. When the animation is running I want to be able to set the image to a new one, but then the app crashes. -(IBAction) getPhoto:(id) sender { UIImagePi...

How to change Visual Studio 2008 menu items color ( not the text editor but windows of VS more like skin)

hi there, i am working in Visual Studio 2008 and is bored of default theme of blue menu items so wanted to chage it. but so far have no clue ho to do it. found a theme editor which changes themes but this is for VS2010: Please note that...