
android apply color to alpha animation

is there a way to apply a color to an alpha animation in android? I know how to use the <alpha> element, but i'd like to have the alpha apply a color as well as an alpha so i can hightlight a layout. is this possible? ...

Determine web browser selection/focus color from JS?

Is there any way, from Javascript, to determine either the system's selection color (the color it makes text that the user selected), or the system's focus color (the color that is added to the outside of a tab-focused link or form element)? ...

Changing the Color Space of NSImage

Hi everybody. Is there a way I can change the color space of an NSimage or NSBitmapImageRep/CGimage or the like. I am open to any way. Preferably the way photoshop does it. ...

When I load an image in OpenCV it is always darker than the original. Why?

Hey guys and gals, So I load a color .png file that has been taken with an iphone using cvLoadImage. And after it's been loaded, when I immediately display it in my X11 terminal, the image is definitely darker than the original png file. I currently use this to load the image: IplImage *img3 = cvLoadImage( "bright.png", 1); For th...

How to Set text color in OpenGl

Hi there, I am new to openGL and wanted to set the text color tried the glColor3f function but it changes the drawing color as i only want to change the text color what should i do? ...

What is the best background color to conserve battery life?

I'm developing a web based mobile application and I was thinking about the default background color. Do different color backgrounds use different amounts of battery life? For the best battery life should I choose black or white or some other color? I would assume that because there's a back light behind the LCD then white would use the...

Apply ARGB color to a textview programmatically.

I'm currently using something like: TextView.SetBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); in my java code. I'd like to be able to add some transparancy to the textview through the java... This is easy to do in the XML via #AARRGGBB format, but I have not found a way to accomplish this programmatically. ...

How do I auto correct colors in an image ?

I will work with a set of arbitrary images. Some of them might need some color correction. I've opened up an image that needed correction in Photoshop and noticed the yellows were a bit high in the Histogram. I applied Auto Color and that improved the image. How does that work ? How implement that ? Do I look for peaks in the histogra...

Are there any color-generating algorithms?

Is there a good algorithm for generating colors for use in graphs such as line / pie / bar charts? Virtually all graphs have a built-in list of colors that they automatically assign to elements added to it. But sometimes you need to manually assign the colors yourself, and in that case you'll want to avoid manually inserting colors yours...

Where color of cursor line is defined?

If I set cursorline option I get my current cursor line underlined and all characters which color is not specified also turn to yellow (yellow appears only if Normal highlight group is untouched). I wonder, where this color (yellow) is defined? Edit: I know about CursorLine highlight group. The problem is that in default colorscheme whi...

Automatically choose a good border color based on background color

Hey all, I'm looking for any resources on choosing "good" colors based on one specified color. Specifically if I gave an input of say... #6e93a8, a nice corporate blue, it could spit out a darker blue for a border color and perhaps a white or black for text based on how dark the given color is. Keep in mind I can input any hex value. I...

How to track an area enclosed by a rectangle on a video in C# ?

Hi, this is what I am doing, I take the input from a web camera onto a picturebox in C# and draw a rectangle on the video using a mouse. Then I plan to track that particular area(e.g. right eye)enclosed by the rectangle, as the video streams, for instance if the person moves to the right, the rectangle will also move to the right but wil...

Color console in ANSI C?

Is it possible to color the console output in just plain ANSI C? Without an external library? Can this be done in Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X? ...

jQuery UI switchClass fails under IE8

I'm trying to use jQuery UI to animate a transition on a form and while the code works correctly in Firefox and Chrome, a Javascript error occures in IE8. I'm using jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js and the error given is: Message: 'end.0' is null or not an object - Line: 819 - Char: 6 My CSS: .formfield { background-color: White; ...

Mixing colors(adding and subtracting colors) like in Art Class!

Hey all, I'm building a color class and I'm looking to add operations more(color, percentage) & less(color, percentage). This requires being able to add and subtract colors and I'm having a hard time with the arithmetic. How do I use RGB or HSB(HSV) or HEX to do operations like: Operation - echo color('blue')->more('yellow', 100%); b...

blinks or flash bgcolor

I have there is a table showing the last 10 news. But when I want to put any new command to the news appears in the td blinks or flash bgcolor ...

Group photos by color

I have a pretty big number of photos and a RGB color map (let's say of about 100 colors). How can I group the pictures by color and obtain something like the following: ? My current idea is this: Using ImageMagick, do this for each photo: Resize it to a smaller size so that it can be processed faster....

Adjusting the colours of a whole scene

I am developing a 2D game in C#/XNA where the sprites/backgrounds/etc are Texture2Ds. I am interested in rendering a particular scene in either "daytime" or "nighttime". Obviously one option would be to have two copies of every image, one darker than the other, but this isn't very scalable. Is there a way to adjust the colours on the fly...

universal app ipad not showing colors

Hey guys. So I converted an iphone app to a universal app, and when I try to change the background colors, e.g., view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];, it would change while running on the iphone. However, the ipad will only show gray. Does anyone else get this? Same thing for interface builder. Thanks, ...

Android - Where to set the color of pressed,focused... Tabs?

Hey, I created a small Tab-Layout. Now how can i specify the color of the TabWidget depending on its state (focused,pressed..) I built a new .xml, but i dont know how to set it to my Tabs: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <selector android:id="@+id/tabSelector" xmlns:android=""...