
[IPhone] How to subClass UITableViewCell and use it to not clear UILabel background color on UITabeViewCell selected?

Dear All, In my app, I use a label to display a specified color by set background color in a customized UITableViewCell (because this color maybe changed according incoming data from internet), after viewDidLoad, everything is ok, but when this cell is selected (highlighted) the color is cleared. After searching, I found out that some ...

Creating a swatch library.

Hey all, I'm working on cleaning up my code from previous semesters. Previously I created a 151 color swatch library in c++. However because of my time crunch and lack of experience, I created it entirely as a block of define statements. Which, for hard coding values into spots worked fine. However there are some obvious weaknesses to t...

What is the difference between saturation and brightness?

Hey, In Colors theory, what is the difference between saturation and brightness? Thanks for help and time. ...

How to ensure CSS opacity changes to text/links don't change the color value in Firefox/Windows?

So I noticed that when I do an opacity change to a text or link element in Firefox (3.6+) on Windows, along with an opacity change, the color changes as well. For example, the blue text link shifts to a yellow just before it disappears. Have a look at and move to and from the text link named ...

Default Navigation Bar Color

I have some items that change the navigation bar color when the detail pages are accessed. My issue is getting back to the default navigation bar color. What color is it? It is not blue or gray for sure. Also when going "back", where is the best place to put this color change? Unload does not seem to work for this. On the table view con...

Why are RGB values inconsistent between iPhone and Mac OSX Color Meter (Particularly the Red channel)?

Hello! I'm programming for the iPhone and I have an 3-channel UIImage taken from the iPhone camera. I'm trying to get the RGB values for different areas on this image. I currently cross-reference the RGB outputs I get from the iPhone with the digital color meter that comes with Mac OSX. Most of the values I obtain are fine, however...

Wrong colours when converting TIFF image to PNG in ImageMagick

Hi there, I'm working on a PHP script that automatically converts TIFF images to PNG files. For that purpose, I use ImageMagick: $ convert a.tif a.png It works to some degree, however, the colours are very acute and deviant from the way they are pictured on my PC. To illustrate the problem, please have a look at the enclosed files, ...

Change skin colour programmatically

Does anyone have any information or advice about adjusting one image so that the skin tones in it will match that of another image? It is a bit of an obscure question but I was hoping there would be someone that has come across this problem before! The purpose of me doing this is so that I can replace a face in one image with a face fro...

Excel VBA Function to Return True or False based on Cell Background Colors in a Range

I keep a spreadsheet of my timeline at work and when I meet and expect to meet certain milestones. The data (dates) is stored left-to-right and each project has it's own row. The milestones are permantely set and occupy Range(O:AA). My data is color coded as Green (Complete), Orange(Deadline), Blue(Not working on), Red(Not applicable). ...

emacs color-theme problem

I created my own color theme using this website. I've added a new .el file to my ./site-lisp/color-theme/themes directory with the following code: (defun your-config-name-here () (interactive) (color-theme-install '(your-config-name-here ((background-color . "#ffffff") (background-mode . light) (border-color . "...

color the lines of logcat on Linux [android]

The Logcat in Eclipse has colors ofr errors, warning, debug, ... How can I do to get the same result on Linux (Ubuntu) when I run the command 'adb -e logcat' in a terminal to get it colored? ...

Visual Studio 2010 intellisense colors

Is it possible to change the color of intellisense in Visual Studio 2010. As you can see in this screen shot. Its virtualy impossible to see the types of the parameters because they're displyed with a white foreground colour on a grey background. ...

Converting a RGB color tuple to a six digit code, in Python

I need to convert (0, 128, 64) to something like this #008040. I'm not sure what to call the latter, making searching difficult. ...

Referring to a brush resource in a VisualState ColorAnimation

I'm trying to style the Calendar control and need the buttons to adopt the colors we already have defined as named resources. But the storyboards require colors in the ColorAnimation, and I'm not sure how to use a brush there. For example, I need to turn this <VisualState x:Name="MouseOver"> <Storyboard> <ColorAnimation Duration="00...

The RGB or html color of paper

I am trying to find the color of paper from a paperback novel. Maybe it is a stupid question but I am working on a program in my spare time that provides a large number of pages for a user to read through and am looking for the comfortably familiar color of a well worn paperback novel. My scanner seems to bleach the pages I have tried to...

Android easy switch color-scheme of application

Hi! How would you implement different color themes in your app? All I can see now is plain set color onCreate every activity and control... Also, how would you store different color schemes in xml? Just an entries of with different names? Thank you! ...

Print image with embedded color profile using GDI

What is the correct way to print an image containing an embedded icc profile? The way I am trying right now is to: call DocumentProperties to get the size of a DEVMODE struct call DocumentProperties to get a default DEVMODE set dmICMMethod = DMICMMETHOD_SYSTEM and dmICMIntent = DMICM_CONTRAST call DocumentProperties to merge my setti...

primefaces linechart conditional coloring

hi all i am using primefaces linechart component to display some sort of data every things works fine but i would like to display negetive data with diffrenet color how can i do this? is it possible at all? thanks in advance ...

How to dynamically compute a list of colors?

In order to represent a List of Objects with different colors in a GWT-Widget, we need to get dynamically a List of colors with as much different colors as objects. Since the size of the List can vary, we need to be able to compute such a List of colors. ...

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color

Hi, I am newbie to iphone programming, I am trying to develop an app which uses page control. My view's background color is white and page controllers default one is also white, which makes page control invisible on my view so I have changed the back ground color of page control to make is visible. Now, the view appears patched and bad....