
Shade the last 3 days in color .. help!

Hello, I have got a range of date in one column, which i want to shade the last 3 days in blue and the rest in yellow. e.g. If the date is from 1/7/10 to 10/7/10, i want to shade the (entire) rows with date 8/7/10,9/7/10 and 10/7/10 in blue and the rest 1/7/10-7/7/10 in yellow. (Date in column K) I need VBA script to perform the job...

Is there a way color-code the iPhone Debugger Console display in Xcode?

I observed Android programmers using LogCat to see colored Debugger Console output. It looks like you can have different classes do their debug output in different colors. Is this possible when developing for iPhone? ...

Problem setting Android tab background color

Hello, I'm adding tab icon via selector like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_cart_selected" android:state_selected="true" /> <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_cart" /> </selector> http://img844.images...

How to Remove Background Color (PowerShell)

I was playing around with PowerShell today and added a background color to all text I want it gone! Anyone know how to do that, as a side note I was trying to change the color of the whole blank area that fills the application (formerly known as the background ...good job Microsoft) so if you know how to do that please do share. ...

Button setBackgroundColor no highlight effect

When I create a Button, Button myButton = new Button(this); myButton.setText("Click Me!"); it creates a button, that on click, turns "Orange" to indicate the click. To the button when I add, button.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE); It creates a blue rectangle, and on click does not have a hightlight effect. I don't mind the rectan...

identify the surface of 3d cube

Hi guys I am developing an iPad application which just drawing a 3d cube. User can rotate it with finger motion and can zoom in/out with pinching it. Right now I am coloring whole cube (every surface) at same time. Now if I want user to color each surface of cube separately, means user will tap one surface and it will color that surfa...

app running on simulator but not in ipad..!!!

Hi guys, A'm stucked with a very strange problem.....really cant get how to come out with that..!! I am developing iPad application in which I am drawing a 3d cube with openGL programming for ipad....Everything is fine....I drawn the cube and also colored it with different colors....This all things I have tested on simulator, everythin...

Colored source in java project in Eclipse

Hi, when I create a New Project in Eclipse, source files such as .html .xml are colored, but when I create New Java Project they aren't. How can I change this ? Thanks for help ...

Tired of Visual Studio themes

Hello Everybody It is really so relaxing to use dark or blue background for editor so i interested in Visual Studio color themes. I found alot of them which was looking nice at first sight but i realized all of them has ugly problems when i use them. Color settings wasn't tuned well in all scenario so there were a lot of time that i ca...

Can anyone help me explain sourcode color histogram below using php GD

I want to take the color histogram value of sourcode below: description $ WR = array (48 reference colors r) $emin = sqrt(pow(($r - $wr[0]),2) + pow(($g - $wg[0]),2) + pow(($b -$wb[0]),2)); for($k=1;$k<48;$k++) { $e = sqrt(pow(($r - $wr[$k]),2) + pow(($g - $wg[$k]),2) + pow(($b -$wb[$k]),2)); if ($e < $emin) { $n = $k; ...

Get intermediate color from a gradient

Say I have a liner gradient as shown: QLinearGradient linearGrad(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, 100)); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, Qt::red); linearGrad.setColorAt(0.5, Qt::yellow); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, Qt::green); How to get the color of the point QPointF(0, 28.5) in this gradient? Indeed I want to have this kind of color distribution to...

How to calculate easy to read color for a random backcolor?

Hi there, in my current tool there is a colored box with some numbers in it. The backcolor of the box is defined by some sort of list but can also be altered by the user. The forecolor (== fontcolor of the numbers) cannot, and i want to make sure that the user can always read the numbers, so i´d like to adjust the forecolor of the numbe...

How do I convert a Color to a Brush in XAML?

I want to convert a System.Windows.Media.Color value to a System.Windows.Media.Brush. The color value is databound to a Rectangle object's Fill property. The Fill property takes a Brush object, so I need an IValueConverter object to perform the conversion. Is there a built-in converter in WPF or do I need to create my own? How do I go a...

Changing org.eclipse.swt.widgets background color in Windows

Right now I am trying to change the background color of a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with the following code: Button sceneButton = new Button(border, SWT.TOGGLE | SWT.FLAT); sceneButton.setBackground(Color.RED); This works fine when I run the program in Solaris, but does nothing when I run the code in Windows. Is this...

VIM: Restore original foreground color for Normal highlight group

Howdy, Is there a way in vim to restore the terminal's original foreground color after changing it with the ':highlight Normal' command? For example, I'm using vim.exe 7.2 in a Windows Command Prompt. My Command Prompt has green text. When I start vim.exe, I can run the following command to change the text to red: :highlight Normal ct...

how can i send information from a java applet to my html/javascript/css?

Hello all, I have a simple page with a header on top and a java applet on the bottom. the applet uses an input (passed via php get parameter, aka index.php?url= This java script will calculate the average color throughout the picture. i'd like the header to match this average color. how can i send this info...

How do I serialize a System.Windows.Media.Color object to an sRGB string?

I need to serialize a color used in a WPF application to a database. I'd like to use the sRGB values, because they're more familiar to those of us that have spent the last few years doing web development. How can a get an ARGB string (like #FFFFFFFF) from a System.Windows.Media.Color object? UPDATE: I was misled by the documentation on...

How to use use cmyk color codes in android?

Hi Everybody, I have an doubt, I don't know how to use cmyk colors in android. If any one knows please help me. I am waiting for your valuable replies. Thanks & REgards Niladri ...

Color code from color name

I have an array of colors, I am to write a javascript function to translate them to their color code in hex, for example start with the colors array and output the codes array var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]; var codes = ["#f00", "#0f0", "#00f"]; Please someone help me out how easily it can be made done. Thanks ...

Expression to change specific value text color in string of values in SSRS based on another field

I have a field in my SSRS report, that contains a string of numbers delimited with commas (from a coalesce select in sql). It looks like 12, 91, 160, 171, 223. I would like to change the text color of only ONE specific value (160 for example) in the field, IF the value is also in another field of the report. I already have this for an...