
iPhone Dev, UITableView Background Color

I am having a problem with the background color of my table view. In Interface Builder, I have the background color set, and it shows correctly there. When I run my application, however, there is no background color there (it is the default white). I have discovered that I can set the background color in the table view delegate file: ...

Set background color in PHP ?

What is the easiest way to set background color in PHP ? ...

Can I remove an already rendered CSS attribute or declaration?

Is there any way to remove a CSS attribute/declaration that has already been rendered on an element? For example, if I'm using a CSS reset stylesheet to set the margin on images to 0, I can no longer use hspace or vspace values (yes, I know they're deprecated in HTML 4+). Is there a way to remove this declaration so the browser renders...

Powershell colored directory listing is incorrect with format-wide

I got this colored dir script from function ls { $regex_opts = ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase -bor [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled) $fore = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor $compressed = New...

Can I make IntelliJ IDEA look more like Eclipse?

I've been developing in Eclipse for a long while, but am taking a hard look at IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3 because of its good Flex development tools and Maven flexmojos integration. But I just CAN'T STAND the look of the thing on Ubuntu 10.04. Coming from Eclipse, the fonts and colors make everything very hard to read....very straining on the...

Convert HSB color to HSL

Ho do I convert HSB color to HSL? Photoshop shows HSB color in its color picker. HSL color can be used in CSS. I tried this JS: function hsb2hsl(h, s, b) { return { h: h, s: s, l: b-s/2 } } But hsb2hsl(0, 100, 50).l == 0 instead of 25 Update: Can I do that without converting HSB → RGB → HSL? ...

Possible to implement an XForms Color Picker? (Not using Orbeon)

Hi! I'm looking to implement an XForms Color Picker/Selector/Control (you know where it shows boxes or shades of colors in a dropdown type control). Is it possible to do this in XForms (without using Orbeon; I am using XSLTForms)? Is so, how is it implemented, or can anyone point me to (simple) code examples that do? Thanks! :) ...

Rainbow Text on an HTML page... each character is a different randomly generated color.

I would like to be able to create a page using HTML and scripts to display text in which each character is of a different randomly generated color. With a javascript graphics library that supports the creation and use of RBG colors and the Math.random() method, it is simple to make randomly colored lines/shapes/etc, but I do not know ho...

Similar Color Shades codes

If I see a particular shade of red on a website, how do I find out what the same shade will be in a different color? Example in Green or such? ...

Flex 3 - Change box border colors

Hi! I have a question that might seem "basic" but I just cannot figure out how to do it... I have a box and I'd like to change the borderColor. Till there, nothing special. Just a box.bordercolor = xxxxxx... BUT, I'd like to have the top and bottom border with one color, and the left and right border with another color... And that's t...

how to run 'color' command in NAnt script

I've just started using Nant for my builds and tests. I want to make it change the color (or background) of my command prompt text when it fails so its easily noticed. The command in command prompt on Windows is 'color 4' to change it to red and color 7 for back to white. How do I make this run in a build script, echo doesn't work, exe...

Generating color templates for web pages

I'm working in a program that called Artisteer 2. This program constructs template designs for joomla, dumpress, html, css, etc. How can I build an algorithm that generates the color of my site? ...

Coloring substrings in an HTML multiple select option

I have a multiple select box that is populated with a set of options that contain a substring that a user enters as a keyword in a search. The user can then select what they want from the generated select box. To make things easier, I would like to highlight the substring in each of the options in the select box. Is this possible, and...

Choosing Hex Color Code From Multiple Options

Hello, Trying to get this to function, randomly chooses 1 of the 3 color choices. Is rand only capable of generating numbers? or Numbers/letters in a series. <div onclick="location.href='<?php the_permalink() ?>';" style="cursor:pointer;background:#<?php echo rand (DDCA73, A0AA47, ADBAE1)?>;" class="post bg thickbox" id="thickbox post-...

Jquery Animation Problem

Hey Guys, I wonder how I can fix this propabably easy problem. Ive installed the color plugin for a smooth change of the backgroundcolor. So but when Im hovering over it a few times in a short amount of time, it'll repeat and repeat the animation like its a stack. How can I fix that? Any idea? $("#page-bar > ul > li").mouseenter(fun...

CSS3 TextArea Highlight Color

I've been using the following CSS3 option to change the highlight color of text on a webpage. However, the only element on the webpage is a textarea, and the following CSS doesn't seem to do anything. ::selection { background:#B9B9B9; color:#000000; } Am I doing it wrong? Is it possible to change the highlight color of a textarea? Or ...

Algorithm that find the percent of color in a gradient image

Hi all. I want to know how to find the percent of color in a gradient image with library GD of php. Please help me ...

Programatically working with color gradients

I have a python app that uses GIMP gradients to color images. Other than letting the user choose which GIMP gradient to use, the user doesn't have much more control over the coloring. I'm thinking of how to make it easier to let users edit or create color gradients. Are there preexisting tools for working with creating/editing color grad...

IPHONE: How do I identify a transparent pixel within a png image?

I am currently looking for a way to identify some terrain within a png image, How do I check to see if a pixel is a certain colour? or even better a certain alpha level? Any help would be great. Adam ...

C code changes terminal text color; how to restore defaults? Linux

I have a C file running on Linux. It prints some lines in red (failures) and some in green (passes). As you might expect, it uses escape codes in the printf statements as follows: #define BLACK "\033[22;30m" #define GREEN "\033[22;31m" printf(GREEN "this will show up green" BLACK "\n"); If the BLACK at the end wasn't there, the ter...