
Does Microsoft SkyDrive have an API?

So with the recent news that Microsoft Skydrive is going to get bumped to 25GB of storage per account, does anyone know if SkyDrive has an API? (And if so, where are the docs?) ...

.NET xml docs - inheriting documentation

NDoc has an XML element inheritdoc which allows you to inherit documentation of a member from the parent class (or an implemented interface). However, Visual Studio (i.e. the C# compiler) does not understand this tag and complains about the documentation not being present or complete. So does StyleCop and some other tools. Is there an al...

Documentation for the Dynamic Language Runtime?

Google has failed me. I want to read actual documentation for the DLR, not news articles, as I'd like to attempt to create my own language upon the DLR's framework. Is there any downloadable, online, or even paper-based documentation for the DLR that I'd be able to use, instead of having to go code spelunking to understand what everythin...

iPhone Documentation - Can I Watch the Getting Started Videos from Linux?

On the Apple iPhone developer center they have some videos such as "Introduction to the iPhone SDK", "iPhone Development Tools Overview", etc. Problem is my mac hasn't arrived yet. Is there any way I can watch these videos on my Linux system? ...

What tools does your team use for writing user manuals?

Basic requests are: human readable / text format (for easy version control) online (for collaboration) easy formatting (markdown ok, html is too much) strict formatting (so authors don't invent new types of titles, bullets etc.) exportable to PDF, HTML easy backup and deployment (so we can "deploy" to customers site as read only versi...

Release notes, what for?

What are release notes for and who reads them? Should/could they be automated by just spitting out bugfixes for the current release, or do they warrant careful human editing? So, anybody with a link to best practices(reasoning behind) in regards to software release notes? ...

Nightmare: Documentation. How do you handle it?

The LAST thing my team ever gets around to is the documentation. It is an important piece of the overall puzzle but it is the one we can rarely find. So what do you use to make the process as easy as possible? We have used in the past which makes things a bit easier. But it can still be a bit cumbersome. ...

Unite two different MSDN libraries (2008 sp1 english and 2008 sp1 russian) into one document explorer?

I'm russian and i've downloaded and installed localized MSDN library. But if an article is translated into russian, there is no english original. I have to launch original MSDN and have two document explorers open simultaneously. Is there a way to unite two libraries (eng and rus MSDN) in one UI? ...

Copying Xml comments for implemented intefaces

When you use a tool like Resharper to implement an interface, you can choose to copy the Xml documentation markup. Of course there are times when the comments are going to be different for the concrete classes - but in the cases where they are identical, we now have a clear violation of don't repeat yourself. Is this an unavoidable viola...

Documentation of software design and architecture

What are the best practices and software tools for documenting software design and architecture for PC based applications based on Java or .NET? Embedded Applications based on VxWorks or Embedded Linux or Windows CE? One tool I have in mind is Enterprise Architect. Is it a good choice? ...

Where to put what when using CVS, Wiki, document management?

Hi, In our company we are currently using CVS for project documents, status reports etc, shared folder for installables/product documentation etc and some teams use Wiki (I don't know for what?). Now, I am confused as to where to put what. It would be great if could describe what tools you use in your setup and for what purpose. EDIT: ...

Getting unit testing code into XML Comment

I am trying to comment an API (.Net) that I am exposing to a customer. I am doing this by using XML comments, and extracting via SandCastle. This is all fine and dandy, however I have unittesting for the API, and thought the code from these would be good to place in the example tags. So does anyone know of a good way to extract unit te...

Any "war stories" on bugs from missing things in the documentation of functions you invoked?

I'm looking for interesting war stories on situations where you had a bug because you missed something important in the documentation of a class you were instantiating or a function/method you were using. For example, I recently messed up by not reading the documentation for the Java Calendar class and noticing that it counts months fro...

Is the documentation of Merb as poor as it seems?

I've read only good things about Merb, but the documentation on the website is basically the api reference, and right now there is no books already published. Any resources about Merb? I guess that I'll start to read the code, but it'd be nice to have another sources of information ...

Rational Unified Process Alternative for Documentation and Templates?

Is there any free or open alternative to RUP? ...

Creating an Information Systems Map

I am in the process of documenting the high level view of the information systems that we have. They aren't all 'silo' applications and components, and I the goal here is to highlight which components rely on which other components. My end goal is to have a 'map' or schema of the components in the company (apps, utility assemblies, data...

Is SandCastle the best "free" code document producing tool?

Is SandCastle the best "free" code document producing tool? Or Is there a more recommended product, that works with .net? ...

What is the most readable, appealing font?

What is the most readable, appealing font? Besides Wingdings, of course. I'm not talking programming font, but for design docs, documentation, web pages, etc. What wins? Times New Roman 10pt, Arial 12pt, Verdana? Anyone have science in addition to their opinion? ...

How to reference an indexer member of a class in C# comments

In order to reference a member of a class in XML comments/documentation, you have to use the following tag: <see cref="member"/> It is better explained here. How do you reference an indexer? I mean, a member like this one: internal object this[ int index ] { ... } Thanks in advance. ...

What documenting expectations can developers reasonably fulfill?

I work at a growing company where developers were doing customer support. Now, that our customer base is growing and we're trying to get the documentation the support staff needs in order answer the questions for the developers. So, In a normal day, how much documentation can be expected of developers. What kind of documentation? A...