
How can I generate comments from xs:documentation tags in a wsdl?

Aloha I received a nice wsdl with xs: documentation tags like: <xs:complexType name="Supplier"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> The supplier of the product </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> Is there any way to generate ///<summary> tags from this? I'm using visual studio 2008 ...

How can I extract <%doc> content from Mason?

Is there a tool like javadoc to extract the <%doc> content and the various methods with their parameters in Mason (Perl)? I'd like to add some basic documentation to components I'm writing and it would nice for the documentation to be auto-generated from the code. Edited to answer question from benrifkah: My intention was to look for a...

Which is the best kind of documentation for end-users?

Documenting for end-users is hard because read documentation sucks if you don't use to do it. And if you want to push the end-users to use it, you need to look for the easiest way. I guess that the best way to document is using screen recordings. Do you agree? Do you think there are better one? ...

What are these tags @ivar @param and @type in python docstring?

The ampoule project uses some tags in docstring, like the javadoc ones. For example from line 86: def start(self, ampChild=None): """ Starts the ProcessPool with a given child protocol. @param ampChild: a L{ampoule.child.AMPChild} subclass. @type ampChild: L{ampoule.child.AMPChild} subclass """ What are ...

If you are working in a non-English speaking country do you write your development documentation in your mother tongue?

I know that the "native" language of programming is English, but I was wondering on how many programmers dare to write the development comments/documentation in a language other than English or on the contrary take extra burden of using English everywhere to make their code international. UPDATE: The general wisdom is (based on the answ...

Has anybody made a german config file for the GhostDoc AddIn?

Hello, has anybody made a german version of the GhostDoc template textes? This would be a great help. Greetings, Andre ...

What information do plug-in developers need for my Application?

I am developing an application that can be extended using "plug-ins". The plug-ins will be pretty basic, allowing developers to add new "actions" to my application. What documentation/information do I need to provide so that developers can do what they need to? I was thinking a short example and a general overview of how the applicatio...

What do gurus say about Requirements Traceability Matrix?

Our organization is at CMMI Level 2, and as part of the requirements of the level, we have to maintain an RTM which more or less contains the following entries for each requirement: Requirement Description Reference Section Functional Specification Document Reference Section Design Document Reference Section Test Cases Document Now, ...

Producing documentation for Python classes

I'm about to start a project where I will be the only one doing actual code and two less experienced programmers (scary to think of myself as experienced!) will be watching and making suggestions on the program in general. Is there a good (free) system that I can use to provide documentation for classes and functions based on the code I...

Graphical User Interface Specification Template

At my job we put some elements of the design for graphical user interface in both the functional specification and the technical design documents. However, this is often easy as nearly 100% of the time we are making modifications to existing software. What would one do if they wanted to produce a separate document for GUI specificati...

Technical tips for writing great JavaDoc

What are your technical tips for writing great JavaDoc? I'm looking for things beyond the standard "Explain the function well" content-based tips. We all know that! (right?) I'm interested in things like these: What tags should definitely be a part of one's JavaDoc, and which ones are not worth remembering? When do you use @see vs. ...

Javascript reference for offline browsing.

I am going offline for a few days, and would like to bring the javascript documentation with me on my laptop :) Does anyone know of a place where I can get downloadable reference documentation for javascript, preferably for firefox? I have cheked the mozilla site, but have only been able to find an online version. Thanks, Jonas ...

Best documentation system for .NET?

I've never used a documentation system before, typically using commenting by hand but I think it would be nice to do so for a new project. What do you guys/gals advise? I've heard of Sandcastle but not sure if that's the best out. (This is for an open-source project so it needs to be free unfortunately.) ...

How to properly document an extension method

So, I have a few extension methods, for commonly used stuff, and in documenting them, it's occurred to me that I have no idea how to consistently write the summary tag in the XML comments. For example: /// <summary> /// Gets a subset of characters from the left-hand side of a string. /// </summary> public static stri...

Function and class documentation best practices for Python

I am looking for best practices for function/class/module documentation, i.e. comments in the code itself. Ideally I would like a comment template which is both human readable and consumable by Python documentation utilities. I have read the Python documentation on docstrings: I underst...

Where is detailed documentation on Class::DBI's sth_to_objects() method?

How do I find detailed documentation on the behavior of the sth_to_objects() method in the Class::DBI module? ...

C# Documentation Resource(s)

I've recently decided to start programming in C# without Visual Studio. This means I'll be compiling all of my code with "csc.exe" and another editor. I'm not an 'expert' with C# by any stretch of imagination and with no IntelliSense option I have no way of seeing of knowing what I am/can work with. I've been looking for something aki...

How best to write documentation (ideally in latex) targeting both the web (html) and paper (pdf)?

Latex-to-html converters I've seen in the past have been pretty awful. Editing raw html is no fun and doesn't seem to translate well to the printed page. How do others solve this problem? Links to examples (both pdf and html) would be great. Added: This question is pretty similar, though specifically about books: http://stackoverflo...

Storing and displaying a glossary of terms on the web

I am in the process of developing a reference guide for a project's variable names and their usage. I would like it to be easy to update and maintain. I would like to be able to view the guide with a web browser. This guide will be for internal use so large audiences and multi-browser support is a low priority. My current approach consi...

What are your Rails bookmarks to help you solve problems and learn?

When you're solving a problem in Rails, what websites do you turn to as resources? (... other than StackOverflow!) I'm not looking for links to tools such as IDEs, but rather information resources. One url per answer please to help voting. ...