
Best articles/documentation about OpenID?

What is the recommended read if someone like to be first introduced to OpenID and later go more deeply into details to be prepared for implementation of OpenID based single sign-on? Pointers to some introduction articles for start, then to more thorough documentation and advices are welcome. ...

Where can I find information about Javascript engine internals?

I'm looking for books / articles / papers on Javascript engine internals along the lines of the many reference works about the JVM internals, CLR internals, etc. I could (and likely will) look at the source code for JavaScriptCore and V8/Chromium, but if there's a book out there or some other "guided tour" documentation, I'd prefer to r...

pubs database documentation

Hello all, is there a documentation of the pubs database (it comes as a demo DB for SQL 2000)? for example, what is the roysched table? what represents lowqty and hightqty and discount columns from the discount table? minlvl and maxlvl from jobs table? Thanks ...

Where to put the doxygen comment blocks for an internal library - in H or in CPP files?

The common sense tells that the Doxygen comment blocks have to be put in the header files where the classes, structs, enums, functions, declarations are. I agree that this is a sound argument for a libraries that are mean to be distributed without its source (only headers and libs with object code). BUT...I've been thinking of the exact...

XML Commenting tips for C# programming

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night (depending on your timezone). This is just a general question about XML commenting within C#. I have never been very big into commenting my programs, I've always been more of a verbose variable/property/method namer and letting the code speak for itself. I do write comments if I'm coding somethi...

Getting started with Tomcat docs

Are there any good "Getting started with Tomcat" documents/tutorials/sites? The official docs are horribly written and jump from the intricacies of compiling Tomcat to how you should lay out your site on disk. Specifically I want to get Tomcat serving through Apache httpd. ...

How do you learn deeply about newer technologies that don't have a well-established book?

Recently I've wanted to learn about Solr, the web front-end for Lucene. I went so far as to purchase the only existing book solely about Lucene (Lucene in Action, by Manning Press) but it barely had a word on Solr. So there I am, trying to do a proof-of-concept implementation for a professional project, and I'm reading source-code, m...

Unable to exclude directories from PHPDocumentor

Hi all, I'm trying to run PHPDocumentor on my WAMPServer setup. It runs fine, but I'd like to exclude certain directories, such as \sqlbuddy\ which don't contain my own code. Ironically, PHPDocumentor appears to be ignoring my --ignore switch. I've tried several ways of expressing the same thing, but with the same result. Below is the c...

Is there a standard template for AS3 documentation?

I've seen it used a couple places: Is this just a coincidence or is it somewhere I can grab? I'd love to use it for a new project I'm working on. Thanks! ...

How do you organize your Documentation?

I need a documentation system for a team. This team, man, we got a big ol' web service, and we got new products in the pipeline. And currently, there's only a wiki hosted on a trac system. And believe me when I say the organization smells, well, far south of cheese. Most of the time you want to find something as a developer, you probably...

Allocating resources for project documentation

What would you suggest for the following scenario: A dozen of developers need to build and design a complex system. This design needs to be documented for future developers and the design decisions must be noted. These reports need to be made about every two months. My question is how this project should be documented. I see two poss...

Where to find out the method used for excel functions

Hi all, I am looking for a source for the processing steps behind Excel functions. For example I would like to know how exactly the function PERCENTILE(array, percentile) works. Having embarked upon a quick search I couldn't find anything really, so was wondering if anyone here knew of a better source. The reason for my search is that ...

What constitutes a development environment, and how do you document it?

What items go into a software shop's development environment, how do you document it, and what processes do you follow to make changes? I thinking about this from the standpoint where I want to make it easier to bring new hires up to speed quickly by having all this on a checklist we follow when setting them up, and then while I'm at it...

How to document a database

(Note: I realize this is close to , but I don't think it's identical.) I've started work at a place with a database with literally hundreds of tables and views, all with cryptic names with very few vowels, and no documentation. They also don't allow g...

Trac documentation?

I'm trying to write my first little plugin for Trac and am kind of lost as to what the API exactly is. For example, exactly which fields are offered for "ticket" objects, among many other things. Does anyone know of a good place to look for Trac API documentation? Can't find anything on the web site but maybe I'm just looking wrong... ...

Best resource for learning tcsh?

Hello everyone, The question is pretty self-explanatory... I am looking for websites or documentation that will teach the basics of tcsh shell programming. Thank you ...

Application (Not a Markup Language) for Producing a User Manual

Hi, Can anyone recommend a program to create user manuals with? Not a markup language (like LaTeX or DocBook) but more something interactive like Scribus. As I'm not the only one that will update the manual the software should be something that's easy for a novice to pick up but still has some advanced features (like linking in text f...

Java JAXB Pros/Cons and Documentation

It's been a while since I used Java in anger so please forgive me if this is silly. I have just got started on a Java project where we are using JAXB to de-serializing an incoming XML string (from Jetty Server). The project is only using JAXB for this situation. What are the alternatives to JAXB? What are pros/cons of JAXB to these alt...

What is the best way to document an XML-RPC API?

I am using XML-RPC as the interface to my project's Java web service, and I need to document it. It's really more than simple documentation. It is intended to be a document that will explain why XML-RPC is being used, how to use it with different languages (we use Java, PHP, Javascript, Perl, C++, and Python), what all the methods do, wh...

Generate single-file HTML docs with Doxygen

Can Doxygen create the HTML documentation as a single, very long file? I want something like the RTF output, but as HTML. The reason: I need my API published as a single, printable, document. Something that can be loaded into Word, converted to PDF, etc. Thanks. ...