
Is anyone programming in Oberon?

I am interested to know if anyone is currently (or indeed, previously) is programming in the language Oberon (or its variants, Oberon 1, Oberon 2, Oberon 2007, or any other language derived from and largely compatible with Oberon) If so, what tools do you use? Do you have any self-written tools, or customisations such as syntax highligh...

Change Control Document

I'm starting to lead a lot of reforms at the company where I work and the next thing I want try get in place is a decent change control document. I've searched but I can't find a template so far. Would it be possible to maybe share some Change Control documents amongest ourselves? ...

RDoc CONSTANT comments?

In RDoc, is there any way to show constant comments? I would like to comment a constant in a project of mine but and realizing that they dont show up in the RDoc output. I checked documentation which is likely to have comments for their constants, but never saw any ( It's possible that the...

Auto generate function documentation in Visual Studio

I was wondering if there is a way (hopefully keyboard shortcut) to create auto generate function headers in visual studio. Example: Private Function Foo(ByVal param1 As String, ByVal param2 As Integer) And it would automagically become something like this... '---------------------------------- 'Pre: 'Post: 'Author: 'Date: 'Para...

Where can I find ASP MVC documentation?

Could anyone can tell me where I can find full ASP.NET MVC beta documentation? ...

Do you use design marker interfaces to document your Java code?

I just stumbled upon this article by Bruce Wallace: Design Markers - Explicit Programming for the rest of us Bruce describes a way to use interfaces to explicitly document things about your classes that can't otherwise be enforced in code. Bruce's example: Immutable classes Suppose you have a class that should be immutable. There is...

What is your preferred document format for documenting databases

I am in the process of writing an application which, among other functionality, generates MediaWiki documentation of an MSSQL database (objects, tables, table data). My question is which document formats you prefer, or are required to produce. I have too many ideas to follow, so your answers should set my priorities ;) (I know there ar...

Do you say "Click the button" or "Click ON the button" ?

English is not my natural language, but I still have to write a user's guide for my application in English. If I want to instruct the user to click the "Cancel" button do I say: Click the Cancel button to close the window. Click the button Cancel to close the window. Click on the Cancel button to close the window. Click on the button C...

Taking over a project - What should I ask the previous programmer?

I'm taking over a development of a commercial web site. This site was developed over two years by another programmer. It's mostly a one-man job (maintain and expand the site). I'll have a 2-3 days transition period when the other programmer will show me the system. But from what I know, there is little documentation. Everything is in the...

What's the best tool to manage documentation for Restful API?

I'm building a RESTful API in ASP.NET. I'd like to document its features with a tool that will keep all the functionality and actions organized and grouped for easy editing and can export the documentation in various formats (HTML, PDF). I'm not looking for an auto-generating script that will parse my code - especially since the intern...

What do you think of using YouTube for online help videos?

I've been looking at youtube as a way of providing online help demonstration videos for software I develop. The advantages of using youtube are as follows: it's faster than writing a user manual (which no one reads anyway) it appeals to users 'inherent lazinesses' - you can't make it any easier for a person, they just sit there and wa...

What are good guidelines for writing a design document to ease transitioning?

I am transferring ownership of a project to a team far away. What are tips to smooth the transition? I am wondering about code-level transfer, so anything related to design docs, code-level documentation, etc. How do you document your prototyped code after the fact? ...

What is the best way to document data reader method calls?

When working with namespaces such as System.Data.Odbc or System.Data.OracleClient the various data reader methods generally require an integer corresponding to a column be provided to the functions (e.g. OracleDataReader.GetInt32). My question is this, what is the best way to work with these functions so that the code is fairly self-do...

What's your favorite unofficial doc?

Hey, As of late, I've been noticing that with google, the best docs for a given library/framework/whatever are often not the official documentation. Maybe this is because it takes a user to understand which parts are hard to learn? Anyway, even with google, the best docs aren't always easy to find (see: the purpose of stackoverflow =D ...

Can intellisense be exported or extracted from Visual Studio to a text file?

I'm trying to write some documentation for a webservice that has been provided by one of our vendors for an application we're integrating. A bunch of the interface is custom objects defined in the web service itself. The vendor has put up significant resistance to providing any documentation for this application and so I've taken it up...

Defining Business Rules

I have been tasked to come up with a list of the Business rules in one of our current applications. We have a very old document that has somethings, but has not been maintained, and as such is very outdated and inaccurate. In an attempt to do it better than before, and hopefully more useful I have been asking fellow developers what type...

Good documentation tool?

Anyone know of a good website documentation tool? There are a ton of them out there for classes, assembly's, dependencies, etc... but seemingly nothing decent for interface and control documentation ...

Offline Java Documentation

I've finally gotten around to learning Java and am looking for some documentation for Java that I can download and read offline. Something like Sun's stuff but zipped up or as a PDF or CHM. I'm using Eclipse so something that integrates with that would be nice. It already seems to have some of what I want somewhere (the javadoc stuff) b...

Where can I find documentation on functions available in the Ruby Shoe GUI Toolkit?

Is there any documentation that discribes all the available functions and objects in shoe? update: 2008.01.21 I am looking for a list of all the methods that can be called against an animate object. For example I only figured out how to pause an animation using the toggle() method by reading source code from the shoebox (http://the-sh...

WordPress: Useful plugins for building a user manual?

What are some recommended WordPress plugins that make building an online user manual more effective? I've been browsing the plugin directory, but was wondering if anyone has already been down this path and could make some recommendations. Edit: Doh! Using a wiki didn't even occur to me until these responses! I started building a site us...