
Swing JLayeredPane.getLayer() - Documentation error or actual side effect?

I'm trying to figure something out about JLayeredPane in Swing. If anyone has used this class, feedback would be appreciated. The documentation for getLayer(JComponent c) states: Gets the layer property for a JComponent, it does not cause any side effects like setLayer(). (painting, add/remove, etc) Normally you should use t...

Recommendations for Documentation with an Open Source Project?

We are looking at documenting a fledgling open source project, and I was hoping for some suggestions on good methods and or tools that worked well for you. Further, as a developer, do you prefer online docs, wiki based docs, help files, or some other? ...

Can LaTeX be used for producing any documentation that accompanies software?

Although related to this question about LaTeX being used outside mathematics and academia, I'm specifically wondering if anyone uses or is familiar with anyone that uses LaTeX for generating any type of documentation relating to software. If so, could you say whether or not you like LaTeX and the purposes for which you use it? Thanks. ...

WebForm_PostBackOptions documentation

Is there any documentation on the parameters to WebForm_PostBackOptions? I can't find anything by Googling. ...

How to best version design documents?

There has been some discussion on SO (here and here) before on how office documents can be versioned, however I think my question is still a little different. My programming projects start with a project folder that is empty except for a subfolder named "Design Documents", which contains a draft of the project's functional spec to begin...

Website JavaScript Strategy - What to Include?

I've been using the jQuery library in our company website for a few weeks longer than its "official Microsoft endorsement". As we find ourselves applying it more and more throughout the site, questions are now being asked about our design vision and implementation strategy for jQuery. Currently, we have none. I've put some initial tho...

Resources for Basic Unix System Administration (OSX)

After, reading and understanding Dan Benjamin's post about installing Ruby, Rails, etc. on OSX (Leopard), I really jumped at using usr/local, maybe at my peril and without understanding it fully. I've had no problem running Rails on my local machine, but I still feel like I don't quite wrap my head around these basic sysadmin practices. ...

Documents with different "Filters" / Levels of information

I often have one document that needs different levels of depth for different "viewers". Typically we end up with different documents that need to be kept in sync, or color/format-marking relevance to different users. I wonder if there's another way to deal with that, if I am the only one stumbling over that, and how you deal with it. ...

Documentation tools which integrate with Sharepoint?

Are there any documentation tools that easily integrate with Sharepoint 2007? With integrate I mean, that the tool provides means of publishing documentation to Sharepoint 2007 which are indexed and searchable from within Sharepoint. BTW: We use currently use HelpStudio. ...

What's your favorite dictionary (the one with the words)?

I am taking a writing class, and my professor spent 10 plus minutes extolling the virtues of a good bound dictionary. He named quite a few user interface features that satisfied his requirements more completely in a book. However, I don't desire to limit this question to the bound copy. He went on to dismiss many online editions due t...

Interface Control Document examples?

I am leading a team of fellow student programmers this semester on a long-term project (long enough that I may graduate before it's done). I've worked with ICD's in an internship, but not everyone on the team has had this experience, and I can't show them the documents I worked with due to a non-disclosure agreement. Can anyone give ...

Offline .NET 3.5 Documentation

Where can I download a chm file containing .NET 3.5 API Documentation? It seems is not available in msdn! ...

Additional Xcode Documentation Sets

Xcode's help system includes documentation for all the Cocoa and Carbon APIs. However, it would be nice to also have documentation for the standard C and C++ libraries, POSIX APIs, BSD system calls, etc., integrated into the same system. Are additional Xcode documentation sets available, or is there any way to integrate man pages or ot...

How much documentation is optimal for an Agile project?

I recently joined a new project utilizing Agile methodology. The documentation is scarce to none, except for sticky papers on the whiteboard indicating stories, completed, in-progress, etc. The project is a web app for a workflow that is fairly complicated. Is this common or is it still useful to have functional/tech specs, etc. with ...

Looking for a wiki-style, standalone, version-control-"safe" documenation package

This may sound like it's not a programming related question, but stick with me here... My team and I have found that documenting our project (a development platform w/ API) with a wiki is both useful to us and useful to the users. Due to some organizational issues, we're forced to do multi-site development without network connectivity. ...

Specific examples of Agile documentation?

In an answer to the question Documents for a project?, Chris Ballance replied that "User Stories" and a "burndown chart" are the two most useful types of project documentation for a developer. My question is, do you know of any good example[s], which I can see (for example on the internet, or in a book), of these kinds of documentation?...

documentation of code changes and source control system

what is common if working in a team of developers: make special documentation that somebody introduced a method or changed a method (with his name or acronym) ///remark: introduced by sbd ///remark: changed on 12.12.08 by sbd or not doing this at all? in my opinion it is not necessary because i can get this information out of the so...

.Net XML Documentation Standard

I have looked at the Suggested related questions but none of them are what I am looking for. As a new developer I am trying hard to follow best practices and documentation is a big one. As I go I am trying to create XML docs in my code. I discovered the GhostDoc plug in which helps speed this up. My question though is; Is there a c...

How good is Subversion at storing lots of binary files?

I'm looking for a place to put a few GB of documents (mostly .doc and .xls). My team already has a Subversion server set up for managing the documents we create, so I'd prefer to use that if possible. How well will Subversion handle all this extra stuff? Most of it is legacy information and will only ever have one version, but it is p...

What's the best online reference for JSF tags?

What's the best online reference for JSF tags? Nothing much turns up in Google for this technology, so I find it really hard to know what tag to use and when. Mostly I find examples of people asking "how do I do XXX" - I want the document the people answering have read! I just need a simple list of tags for each of the popular JSF tag ...