
SharePoint Documentation Images

Not exactly programming per se, but I am looking for some good images for diagraming SharePoint solutions for documentation. The Microsoft white-papers always have good diagrams and I am looking for something that I could use. Either visio shapes or jpeg/gif images would be ideal. Update: See Below

Document key ingredients of good software development?

I am writing an architecture and design document for software development at our company, that will contain the rules and guidelines for developers to follow. It is targeted at J2EE web applications, but I constantly keep mentioning the same basic 'ingredients' (for lack of a better word, and to avoid buzzwords) to introduce and defend c...

wpf complete reference

Hey I am looking for a complete wpf tags documentation to use it with wpf controls. Anybody seen something like this? 10x ...

Anyone using nDoc or a similar tool to help with system documentation?

I'm looking at a few tools to help improve my documentation process, and nDoc came up during a discussion with another developer. Any suggestions or tools you might recommend? ...

How to maintain several translations of a documentation set written with Sphinx?

I am starting a personal project and I'd like to provide documentation for my French speaking fellows as well as for the English speaking others. So how should I organize my directories? What to separate (I guess sources, some conf items like language for generated navigation links...)? What not to separate (a maximum of configuration...

Improving Code Readability

When it comes to code documentation, it is usually accepted that code should explain itself, and inline code documentation (excluding public API documentation) should only explain meta-code issues such as workarounds, explanations on why specific implementations were chosen, etc. How do you accomplish making your code more readable and ...

"Interfaces" in Python: Yea or Nay?

So I'm starting a project using Python after spending a significant amount of time in static land. I've seen some projects that make "interfaces" which are really just classes without any implementations. Before, I'd scoff at the idea and ignore that section of those projects. But now, I'm beginning to warm up to the idea. Just so we...

Documenting a data model

What is the best way to document a logical or conceptual data model. Whilst tools like Visio allow you to define entities, attributes and relationships they do not support the collection of other vital information about a model such as validation rules, entity life cycles data owners. They also aren't very useful for communicating the...

A good Javascript API reference documentation related to browsers and DOM

I am looking for a good API documentation for Javascript especially related to browsers and DOM. I am not looking for any kind of Javascript tutorial, but simply a documentation for all standard Javascript classes and for classes used in web browsers. Something similar to Java's Javadoc ( ) ...

Where to find hardware documentation for writing device drivers?

I have been studying device level programming and was curious what everyone's experience is as far as finding documentation for the hardware? For instance, in my systems programming class we wrote a basic serial IO driver which communicated with a terminal, and for that I read the documentation for the chip we were using which explains j...

What is the difference between // and /// in Visual Studio?

Stylecop is telling me to use /// instead of // when I´m commenting. What is the semantic difference for those two and when should I use which one? ...

My summary information won't show up in Sandcastle using VB ''' syntax

I'm trying to take advantage of Sandcastle to help build out system documentation, but for some odd reason none of my <summary> data shows up in the chm ... has anyone had success w/ the latest build of Sandcastle and VS2008 using VB? ...

What methods/techniques/tools do you recommend for documenting systems and infrastructure (runbooks)?

Background I recently joined a small start-up after working at a large company. I'm not a professional system administrator, however, because of my programming and systems knowledge I am now the internal person managing our servers and infrastructure. In the past, I never needed to document our system information: passwords (for serve...

Doxygen: hiding private/protected method...and tips

Hello, I am using doxygen to generate documentation for our API, written in csharp. However, it exposes private/protected members. Is there a way to hide those? I fugured out how to hide files: EXCLUDE = List of file names Yet, I need more granularity and thus shield users from unnecessery API noise. A sample dyxyge...

Documentation templates (html/stylesheet)

Hello! Looking for some kind of documentation template. I want to markup my documentation in html and have a good looking style (stylesheet) for it. I don't looking for template in terms of how you write certain software documents. <h3>Javascript function 1</h3> <code class="javascript">code...</code> <p class="tips">Something smart a...

Doclet for converting line breaks into <br/> tags (wysiwyg)

Does anyone know of a way to output Javadoc, where line breaks are converted to tags? I find it quite annoying to have to remember to add tags on each line of my comments. Without br tags of course the entire comment is condensed into an unreadable block. Ideally the doclet would just replace the line break with a tag. I google'd...

Tricks to Google for desired page quickly

I like to use Google to quickly locate API documentation. To get better results, I type some keywords that give desired results as top lines. For example: JavaScript: MDC Array slice MDC String indexOf Ruby ruby doc Dir glob rubyonrails ActionMailer What are your favourite tricks to pick the desired pages quickly? P.S. ...

Average number of languages you speak? Should documentation be translated?

I found this question on SO, and then went to look at my university, and found the average number of languages that software engineering students speak is two to three. I know this is not directly related to programming, but with the amount of companies employing persons from different countries (especially here in Europe, I don't know ...

What's a good example for class inheritance?

I'm writing documentation for an object-oriented language, and I wonder what kind of classes would be a good example for inheritance. Some common examples: class Person { } class Employee extends Person { } Currently my favorite, but I don't like Person->Employee because 'Employee' does not exactly look like fun. class Bicycle { } c...

Best way to save web articles/pages for future reference?

I'm trying to manage a personal knowledge base using a personal wiki (currently using MoinMoin, before that MediaWiki). Apart from organizing e-books and papers, I would like to be able to save web pages for future reference in my personal wiki. I've researched a little bit, and I found a couple of browser add-ons for more advanced savin...