
how to create an illustration for c++ structures placement in-memory?

I want to create a few illustrations for one of my c++ related articles. This illustration must show how different structures are placed in memory ( variables, vtable, pointers etc ). I want illustrations to look something like this, like this or like this. Of course i can draw such illustrations by hand using gimp/photoshop or writer/ms...

What is the most useful *project* documentation that you've encountered?

I have a big problem with keeping documentation up to date, especially since the underlying infrastructure of my application undergoes many changes during the early stages of development. I find it's very difficult to document a moving target. However, this can make things a little difficult for new developers who are just coming on ...

javadoc: @version and @since

Is there a reason to include both @version and @since as part of a class? They seem to be mutually exclusive. Also, what does %I% and %G% mean, and how to set/use them? @version %I%, %G% thanks ...

Best way of writing design doc?

How do you go about writing API specs in a design doc. Now there are many ways to write it. But whats the best way to write it so that the reader enjoys reading it.. and its fun to write it. Something like joel on software. ...

Have you ever read C++ standard paper

Whenever I follow C++ related IRC channels, I see folk giving each other C++ papers' standard's links to come to a decision on ongoing discussions, since they all boil down to standard, naturally. However, those papers are rather boring and hard to read. How do you manage to read those bloated papers? and Is reading those papers inevitab...

How do I find Microsoft APIs?

I'm a java programmer, and if I see something that: I don't know about or just want to find a method description without opening an ide or am on support I type java [classname] into google, and there it is. If I try this crazy stunt for C# I'll come up with a whole heap of tutorials (how do I use it etc). If I manage to get to MSD...

Doxygen documentation for the Boost libraries?

Is there doxygen documentation of the Boost libraries somewhere on the web? I could create my own, but I think it should already exist somewhere on the web? Thanks! ...

Should source code be the only software design documentation?

I just came across Jack Reeves' articles asking "What is Software Design." I think he makes excellent points and now wonder whether source code should stand as the only software design documentation we create and leave behind. I think this fits in well with the ideas of DDD's Ubiquitous Language and could easily become readable documenta...

Developer Documentation: Sharepoint Document Management vs. ScrewTurn Wiki

Background Info I am working on setting up a method for my company's developers to share documentation and information about our various internal systems. This would range from information that would be useful for bringing a new employee up to speed, to descriptions of common problems users have with the systems and their resolutions. ...

Documentation driven design. Your experiences.

I noticed this project (pitz) that is being written first with the documentation, then tests, and finally code. Has anyone else tried this "Documentation driven design" and if so, what are your experiences with it? ...

Clone detectors

Anyone know some good clone detectors? I'm searching for examples and algorithms on how they work to study them. A clone detector is a program that detect repeated code in the src file. An example of a clone detector I already found, was this for eclipse: But I'm really interested is in d...

Is there any way of delivering server-based Help without a Web server?

We want to provide Help for a client/server system. In the current version of the system this is done client side with traditional HTML Help (i.e. lots of .chm files sitting on each client machine). For a variety of reasons (e.g. to allow quick/easy updates to the Help) we want to move the Help content (i.e. the actual topic files) onto ...

Documentation on compression / decompression techniques

I've finished my current "part-time" project and am looking for something new. I've decided to have a crack at writing my own compression / decompression utility. I'm not planning on selling it or anything - it's more for my own interest. Preferably, it will be be in C# but Java or C is OK. Can anyone suggest some good sources on comp...

user guide and read me question

What is the difference between an application User Guide and a Read Me file? ...

Web Application Technical Document

I need some guidance and preferably some examples of a web application technical documentation. What specifically do I need to include in the Technical Document? I have created a web application. Do I document all the pages, classes, dlls, etc? I hope someone can give some good examples of technical documents they have done for their...

Handling paper documentation

After every new program written a lot of paper documentation remains. Apart from the usual scribble notes from the programmers there usually is a nice heap of papers containing physical model explanations, calculations and so on (equations, tables, graphs, little pictures describing variables ...) We usually do numerically intensive ca...

What formatting language should I use for project documentation

I'm planing to move project documentation for a fairly big software project from using Microsoft Word files with manual versioning in the filename to storing it in the source version control system. This would all be the type of documentation written by the developer team, release notes, upgrade instructions and administration guideline...

Xcode Documentation Subscribe Buttons

When I go to Help > Documentation in Xcode, I notice the various "Subscribe" buttons in the left sidebar. What exactly happens when I click a subscribe button? ...

Time management - no documentation provided

My situation: I recently migrated my company's old ordering system to a new one I developed for them. It had to be backwards compatible and work with the existing database structure until the migration was finally completed. Now that the migration is partially complete, I would like to redesign the database, but I find myself almost 100%...

Tools for tutorial/cookbook style documentation

Do you use any tool for writing tutorial style, or cookbook style documentation? How do you keep it up to date (e.g. changes in output, changes in signatures, changes in command line parameters,.. )? Right now I do everything manually, and it's a pain. I know the tools for producing reference docs, like Sandcastle and NDoc. That's not w...