
Duplicate maintenance - code and documentation

This may not be the best title - I would appreciate it if someone would come up with a better one after reading my problem. Also, I want to say up front that I am largely self-taught on the Internet, so there may be many tools that I am not aware of! I am maintaining software implementing the Flow-Based Programming concept in both Java...

Where can I find the best documented, most reliable Perl examples?

Update: Thank you all for chiming in. It's tough to pick a winner, so I went with the highest voted with the most information. I'll check out perlmonks and I'll look into some of the books mentioned as well. End Update Let's say I'm looking for help with Perl. (I am. I'm just getting into it.) Compared to PHP, I'm really disappointe...

The process of writing a technical specification

I'm slightly worried that this may be a duplicate, but I have searched the site and every question that I can find seems to be more focused on functional specifications rather than technical ones. I'm looking for information on how to communicate how something should be done, rather than what should be done. I think at the simplest leve...

How to store documentation of programs, libraries and languages you use

As I often work without a fast or even any internet connection, I have a webserver that serves commonly used documentation, for example: Various programming languages (php, Python, Java, ...) Various libraries (for example pthreads) Various open books RFCs IETF drafts Wikipedia (text-only, the uncompressed English dumpfile weighs 20GB!...

Compare and contrast the lightweight markup languages (Textile, Markdown, and reStructuredText)

Please identify the most popular lightweight markup languages and compare their strengths and weaknesses. These languages should be general-purpose markup for technical prose, such as for documentation (for example, Haml doesn't count). See also: Markdown versus ReStructuredText ...

LaTeX spell checking for software documentation

My development team has to perform a large documentation effort on a piece of software we've constructed. To do this concurrently we've elected to make the document using LaTeX, and to store the tex files in Subverison. This looks like it will work great. We've come across one problem though: What tool(s) should we use to perform spel...

How well does SVN work for Office 2007 documents?

I'm considering using our SVN repository to manage all our documents. We mostly use Office 2007 (docx, xlsx) files. I thought the x was for xml but opening these files in notepad reveals a binary format. I'm looking to find out what people's experience is with using svn to manage these kinds of files. Someone told me that SVN isn't...

What is the correct caption label for a code fragment?

Hey all, I'm currently working on my Dissertation for my degree, and in writing my report, I don't know how to caption my code fragments correctly. For example... ==================================== Diagram/Image: "Figure 1 - My Diagram" Table: "Table 1 - Tabulated data" Code: "????? 1 - some pseudocode" =========================...

How do you approach documentation (external, not in-code documentation)?

What are some practices for documenting your system? We work with a 10-year-old system where there is no requirement for documentation. That includes business analyst requirement documents or technical documents. Right now, everything is put in one Word document and stored on a remote server. But no one really reads the documents after a...

What are some good .NET code documentation tools?

What are some good .NET code documentation tools? Any good documentation tools which are free and you can have online documentation for your .NET code would be useful. ...

How can my system docs be more interactive?

Perhaps if I make the my documentation better I could spend less time supporting developers and more time developing myself: I develop a critical platform used by 10 other developers and 50 end users. The developers are of mixed ability ranging from domain-experts to relative beginners. Since I'm one of the people who know how the core ...

A better way to view doxygen output?

If you've used javadoc and then come to doxygen, you may know what I mean when I say I miss the hierarchical (frame-based) view that made jumping from class to class and method to method easy. (For those who haven't seen it, imagine a tree-navigator in an IDE or over a filesystem). Has anyone come across something more like that to vi...

What options are available for documenting your Javascript code?

Is there something like dOxygen/Javadoc? What has everyone used out there that has worked well? ...

Is there a Delphi code documentor that supports current Delphi syntax?

I am looking for a code documentation tool like PasDoc that supports the Delphi 2007 syntax, in particular nested types. I checked PasDoc and DelphiDoc but they do not support it. I don't like the syntax of the builtin XMLDoc but would prefer something more JavaDoc like (that is: Shorter tag syntax, not quite as verbose as <summary> ....

How do I write a Technical Specification document for my software project?

I've seen a few questions around here saying that there's no need to write a beefy Technical Specification if the Functional Specification has all of the functionality. What about situations where the client has provided a Functional Specification and you need to turn around a Technical Specification from that document? I understand tha...

DataContractSerializer documentation

I'm looking for a good in depth documentation/how-to for DataContractSerializer. Google turns up a number of related articles but nothing jumped out at me. (I'm not looking for the MSDN link) A little clarification: I have never use serialization in .NET but have a working app that does that I need to update/modify. I have a fairly good...

Netbeans IDE problem on MacOSX

Hi all I installed Netbeans IDE on Mac OS X few weeks ago. In the code-completion window while writing Java code, I always get the proper full list of possible code completions but in the window that pops-up which is supposed to display JDK documentation entry (all details) for each possible completion, it always say that JDK documenta...

how to organize documentation

We are maintaining a legacy application written by Delphi, and there are lots of complex function in it. So far we collect parts of the document(of cause, the part we coding..), and other are missing(or not even been written..) we build a big word XX.doc file, and its structure is like this: 1 function A 1.1 description 1.2 work...

Software solution for communication between two teams?

My department is working on a project that requires us to heavily communicate with another team, whose software ours has to interact with. Today this resulted in a 4 1/2 hour conference call where the whole team had to attend, with very few results and no progress in the actual coding at all. To me, it was a complete waste of time, exce...

Any good book or web resource about software architecture?

I've created a service which enables users to connect to the server with mobile phone and send some data. Now I have to prepare a formal service presentation - present the whole architecture, how the data are exchanged and then also the complete presentation of the client side and server side. So far I haven't written any formal document...