
Lost in .Net SDK with C# due finding the documentation

Hi! Is there anything smart and helpful, that makes you able to search through the Microsoft .Net documentations (in Visual Studio 2008))? Before you mention Google: before you can search through that stuff with Google you have to know what you're searching for. Let's say you don't know exactly what to look for and you insert ".Net C# ...

Generating HTML documentation from WSDL

What are your approaches to generating some sort of human-readable documentation from WSDLs? In the past I've used WSDL viewer (by Tomi Vanek) (see my blog post about integrating it into NAnt) and I'm happy with the results, but I'm interested in any possible alternatives. I've also heard of x3sp, but I haven't tried it. ...

Best resources for starting Jython

I just got my first Jython (and Python) project, and I was wondering what documentation, IDEs, etc. are best suited to a Java buff like me. I know there are a lot of questions about starting out with Python, so I'm asking for things that might be specific to Jython. Where should I start? If it helps, I'm running Linux and Solaris only....

Automatic Documentation of ColdFusion code

Hi, I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it does. The developers have maintained a change log of each file and their is a consistent ...

Math symbols in vim

Does anyone know how to have vim convert the html entities of math symbols into the math characters? For example: ≠ becomes ≠ ∴ becomes here is a table with the symbol html entities Updated: Solved, bignose came through with the solution. using the :digraphs functionality of Vim. with a ...

Best way to get Ruby documentation translated into Japanese?

We just finished a project that we need to share with a team of Ruby developers in Japan who, as it turns out, know absolutely no English. Has anyone used a service for translating code documentation into Japanese? I don't know if such a thing even exists. Maybe I just need to use a regular business translation service and hope that the ...

Alternative AS3 doc gen?

Can anyone recommend an AS3 code documentation generator other than ASDoc? Preferably a lighter, more portable, or standalone app that isn't bolted to such a big framework? ...

Amazon Market API for ruby

Has anyone used Amazon AIM or ENS APIs? I'm having trouble finding documentation. I'd like to implement it into my rails application. ...

What do you use to write documentation?

Not just documenting code (I'm using Javadocs already), but documentation of the algorithms and creating a manual of some sort. Do people just use Word? What programs or frameworks are available, especially for different ways to document algorithms, etc? ...

Where can I find a good documentation example?

I am looking for a good example of documentation of an API (coded in C#) where structures are well documented. Should include: Delegates Events Enums class struct Right now, I am searching through, but so far I have not found anything self explanatory. ...

How can I create .chm files from C# code?

I used Doxygen to create HTML files, now I want to convert that documentation into .chm format. How can I do this? ...

How do you find anything on Ruby Doc?

How are you supposed to find stuff on Ruby Doc? I can't find navigate it at all. ...

Linux iptables TRIGGER target description

I'm writing application which controls Linux firewall (using iptables). I need to implement some port triggering. There is TRIGGER target which seems to be suitable for it. However, I can't find good documentation of it (actually it's really hard to find any documentation of this target). Does anybody can redirect me to any information a...

MediaWiki documentation with external user access control

We are using MediaWiki inhouse for our software and hardware documentation. It looks like granting / revoking "read access" to parts of the documentation for our external users - customers, project partners - is not easy to achieve. How could we control read access to some areas of the documentation based on user or role access rights? ...

How should I document my C# code?

I am building the documentation for our C# API containing: A general overview and description of the current state as a doc/pdf file. A class library API in a .chm file using Sandcastle. Questions: Should I merge these two into the same .chm file? What is a good way to merge them? I need to exclude certain classes/packages. How ...

Why are my comments not included in the .chm generated by SandCastle?

My .chm is generated but my comments for classes, namespaces, fields, members are not. What can I do to fix this? ...

Is there a javascript function library like php has?

When I search for a function in PHP I just go to and search for the function I am using jQuery but am always looking for functions since I am a beginner in terms of advanced javascript usage. Is there a cool reference page like php has? I am not only looking for a jQuery documentation but a documentation of all javascript functi...

How to make team more cross-functional?

The problem we have now in your development process, is that there are a few people, who don't make team more cross-functional. So, sometimes this people can become a bottleneck for some parts of the project. They don't like using Wiki for the shared knowledge issues, they don't post enough comments to their tickets in Issue tracker sys...

How to build project's knowledge base?

The problem we have now in our team is that sometimes, when you need to start with different module/component you need to spend huge time amount for reviewing and understanding this part. How it works, what it does, what pitfalls, or some project's size manuals how environment or stubs can be set for component setup or testing, for exam...

Closing down a project - what are the key things to do?

It seems probable our client will cancel the project we've been working on for 15 months. It's possible (although not very likely) that it will get restarted at some point. We've also extended our company's product in several areas while doing this. Other project teams may need to make similar extensions, and we'd like them to be able...