
Offline documentation for various programming languages?

I recently found this: It's a .chm file that contains all the documentation for PHP which you can normally find on their site. Handy for offline use. I'm wondering, does anybody know of similar things for other languages. Complete offline documentation that you can use if you don't ...

A good example of overview like documentation of an API in NET

Would someone recommend an example of a good API (.NET) overview documentation. I don't mean, chm file with all the method/classes, but actual overview with diagrams, explanation, tutorial, etc., preferably commercial... Thanks ...

Convert HTML (WSDL/XSD doc) to MHT in a MSBuild step

Folks, I have some HTML generated from my WSDL and XSD files for a web service, and I'd like to convert thos two HTML, along with some images (company logo) and CSS file(s), into a single MHT file during my continuous integration, so that I can distribute it to customers (other devs outside the company using this web service). I'd li...

Why does Squeak use Colors to identify Mouse Buttons?

This is really annoying when you try to follow the documentation Squeak by Example. Instead of calling the mouse buttons left, right, and middle, like in any other documentation, they give them colors. It's even suggested to label the mouse to help you learning. It's 2009 and there are 3 dominant systems left: Windows, MacOS X, Linux ...

Best way to keep Documentation for a XML Configuration file?

I have a xml configuration file for an application and i am wondering which is the best way to keep documentation for it. IE Possible tags, values, etc Is there a tool, or schema standard or practice that i should follow? ...

What is the best practice for documenting network protocol?

I have a couple applications that communicate over TCP/UDP sockets. Each one has a different set of commands (protocol) that it follows and different expected returns. I've been trying to compile a list of commands with parameters, types, return values, error codes, exceptions, etc. but I'm stuck on formatting it. Example command (a s...

How do you keep reference documentation up to date?

I'm doing Yet Another PHP Framework for the fun and sport of it, and I'm doing the first rounds of documentation. I'm planning to code a little, document what I've coded, code some more, adjust the documents to reflect the code's new abilities, repeat. For example, the configuration is pretty manual and tedious at the moment, but I'm doc...

Is the xxm step by step install tutorial clear enough?

I know the xxm install guide is a lot to read and doesn't get you up and running as fast and easily as it would when you've seen it done. So I've installed xxm on a clean Windows install, and made screenshots at every step. I haven't made much tutorials before, and wouldn't even know where to start to make one of those walk-through vide...

qpThreads documentation

Is there any documentation on qpThreads? In what way is it different from pthreads? ...

Building an API library package?

What do you guys use to build package (zip library, documentation example) of some API written in .NET? Right now I do it manually, building in vs , sandcastle and then zipping it together... ...

Unable to find documentation for a line in JavaScript

The code which I am analysing var id = $(this).parents('div.answer').attr('id').split('_')[1]; I have searched unsuccessfully documentation for the method parents in Google by Javascript "parents(" and by Java "parents(" How can you find the documentation for the following methods in JavaScript? parents() attr() split() ...

Is Mellel good enough for writing an programming book?

Framemaker is just too expensive. The book will have source code (listings) and needs an subject index, and a lot of styles formatting. (on Mac OS X) ...

Eclipse : list methods and variables of all classes

I am starting to use some Java code which was written by someone else. I have to understand, change and test it. The author is not available now. The package has some 50 files (and so classes) of different sizes. It would be great if I could just see/print out the names of the methods (public and private) and the public variables (like t...

Comments in source code

How to keep the source code well documented/commented? Is there a tool to generate a skeleton for comments on the Unix platform for C++? In general, how many lines of comments is recommended for a file with around 100 lines of code? ...

XML Documentation Comments with Interfaces and implementing class(es)

I am documenting an assembly using XML Documentation Comments, from which a chm file will be created using Sandcastle. My assembly contains various interfaces, each of which is implemented by one class (in my scenario these are WCF services). I have added documentation to the interfaces, is there any way for me to automatically documen...

Are source-code comments good practice or problematic?

I talk about source-code-comments, that explains what happens on the next lines of code, not Javadoc/Doxygen-comments (that comment on the interface). Comments can make your intention for the code clearer, but on the other hand they could be redundant or even worse outdated (code was changed without changing comment). ...

"Slicing" in Python Expressions documentation

I don't understand the following part of the Python docs: Is this referring to list slicing ( x=[1,2,3,4]; x[0:2] )..? Particularly the parts referring to ellipsis.. slice_item ::= expression | proper_slice | ellipsis The conversion of a slice item that is an expre...

Writing Software technical documentation

What is the best resource where I can get samples of software life cycle documentation such as User Requirement Specification, etc? ...

How to be able to extract comments from inside a function in doxygen?

I'm interested to know if it is possible to have some comments in a function (c, c++, java) in a way that doxygen could put them in the generated html file. for example: function(...) { do_1(); /** * Call do_2 function for doing specific stuff. */ do_2(); } ...

How should a one-man development shop document their code?

Hi, please let me first describe my situation. I work in an IT department for a small-to-medium sized industrial-company and basically I'm the only real developer (sometimes a second guy joins in for his own projects). I programm mostly in C#/.net. Of course I only programm for internal need (Intranet, reporting, data-driven apps, some...