
How do I turn off the gutter icons in the IntelliJ IDEA editor?

I want the implementing and override gutter icons turned off in the gutter (next to the line numbers). Their rendering is causing my editor window to jump every time they redraw (with each keystroke I type), and it is driving me nuts. I'm using version 8.1.4. ...

datagridview cell edit error

On a Windows form I have an unbound datagridview with 1 user-editable column. A user clicked into one of those cells, changed his mind and closed the form using the "x". Then he tried to bring up the form again. The following error came up: "System.InvalidOperationException: Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or...

zend studio 7 creating .sharedentries and .listing

i created project in zend studio and there are files called .sharedentries and .listing gets created on all folders and sub folders of the project, its annoying, cause i would have to delete all these files and then upload. does anyone know what can i do to turn this off, so it dont create it anymore? ...

Grails Date Property Editor

Hey folks, i'm using the jQuery UI datepicker instead of the <g:datePicker>, which is changing the selected date in a textbox. Now I want to save this neatly back into my database, and came across custom property editors. click me hard to see the topic on StackOverflow However, adding this custom PropertyEditor didn't change anything, ...

alt select in eclipse editor as in any of microsoft office tools

In any of micro soft tools such as word,we get a feature to select text in a rectangle manner.alt + right key selection.Is there anything as such in eclipse.It will be very useful ...

Whitespace under the cursor in vim

I recently saw this demo. My question is: how is it possible in vim to show whitespace characters under the cursor as dots (in red for example). ...

Does Eclipse has a plugin for code clips like in Coda?

There is a very useful "Clips" feature in Coda, do we have such thing in Eclipse? What it does is pretty simple, you save once a code clip which you use very often and assign it a shortcut and when you want to re-use it on editor you type the shortcut you assigned and it automatically pastes that code clip and sets caret position to the...

Visual Studio 2010 Language Support

Hello SO, I want to be able to develop code using Visual Studio 2010. I just got VS2010 and I'm not able to get the languages I want on it. The main reason that I'm asking this is that I'm trying to migrate to ONE IDE that does it all for me. Thus far eclipse has been doing a good job, but I've been informed that VS2010 is better and I'...

How I can create a addition Tree Editor with GEF?

Hey, I have a graphical editor with GEF. It's possible to add objects from a palette. An Example what I mean is this: http://java-eclipse.info/IBM.Redbooks-Eclipse.Development.using.the.Graphical.Editing.Framework.and.the.Eclipse.Modeling.Framework/7823/images/fig166_01_0.jpg So, now I want add a different possibility to display the con...

HTML text-area editor for code that traps TAB key

Hello, I have looked for months now, for JavaScript-based HTML editor I can embed onto my web pages to replace a TEXTAREA, but to enable me to edit CODE in a friendly, closer to a real editor, way. All editors I've tried (RadEditor from Telerik, FCKEditor, TinyMCE, etc etc), do not trap the TAB key, very useful when editing HTML code ont...

Get the cursor position in the AJAX HTML editor

I am using the ajax html editor in my aspx page. I wanted to insert an image at the given cursor position. How can i get the cursor position. As of now I am able to insert the image at the end of the editor by creating a tag and adding it to the content. ...

Eclipse Encoding MacRoman -> UTF8

Hi! I recently created a project, organized it and well... I used my Mac with Eclipse running. Somehow it stored everything in MacRoman. The project has to be UTF8. Is there any easy way to handle the conversions? ...

How do Hex editors display data so quickly?

I'v created a Notepad-like application and if I load a 1MB file into the textbox, it takes about 1 minute. The Visual Studio Binary editor displays lines, Hex, and ascii versions in a fraction of a second. How do they get the data into the textbox so quickly? Thanks ...

PC to Macbook Pro Transition - Getting (re)started?

I'm in my second computer science course right now. I've enjoyed programming so far, but really have just scraped my way by. I've not done much programming outside of required class work. For similar reasons, I never really invested in downloading/learning software to help me program (IDE's, editors, compilers, etc). I know it sounds t...

[JS] getSelection on DIV contentEditable

Hi all ! I am trying to achieve project and i must do a WYSIWYG editor in JavaScript. I can't use an existing editor because I need use my plugins (for example a colorPicker or imagePicker).. For this time I have this HTML : <div class="K_editor" id="idExample"> <div class="K_links"> <div class="K_editor_link K_editor_linkB...

What is the best free W3C javascript wysiwyg editor which has image upload functionality?

I've been using HTMLAREA for quite sometime, but it's so iffy, I think it is time to change. Suggestions welcome Thanks, ...

Error in Editing the article in Article manager in Joomla1.5

Hi, When i opened any article to edit i am getting the below error. Calendar.setup: Nothing to setup (no fields found). Please check your code Previously everything was working correctly. i am using Wysig pro editor. ...

In the Visual Studio editor is there a keyboard command to jump to the matching bracket?

In Vi / Vim you can move to a bracket and press % and the editor would move the cursor to the matching bracket. This saved large amounts of time when moving around the large files in the editor. Is there a Visual Studio equivalent? ...

Best windows text editor with SVN integration?

I wasn't sure if this is SuperUser or StackOverflow material, but since the end result is for programming I'll start here. I'm looking for a lightweight editor with svn support. What is your favorite? ...

LaTeX Document eror: too many }'s

Hello, I have a latex document, which works fine but when ever I try to add in an image with a figure caption it gives me an error saying there are to many }'s. \begin{figure}[h!] \caption{A picture of a gull.} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{uml-usecase/overview.png} \end{figure} My current packages are: \usepackage{amsf...