
Using the browser for desktop UI

How can I use the browser as a UI for a desktop app? The ways I have come up with so far are... Use all HTML/Javascript. Problem: Can't access filesystem or just about anything else. Run a local webserver while the application is in use. Problem: How do I kill it when the user is done? My users are not technical enough to Ctrl+C. Embed...

Design Patterns: Factory and Repository

Hello, I have been wondering if the Factory Pattern and the Repository Pattern is keened to go hand in hand in a Domain Driven Design project? The reason i ask is the way i'm doing this is like so: GUI -> ClassFactory -> ClassProduct (is in the Domain Model) -> ClassProductRepository -> Datasource The GUI calls the ClassFactory to se...

How do I choose an input using a GUI/explorer window in a MATLAB program?

I actually have 2 queries: How do I display the data of a variable in a msgbox? In other words, if I have dist=3765 at the end of my program and I want to display it in a msgbox, how do I do it? I want the user to select an input file (suppose an image) from a folder in my MATLAB program using an explorer window at runtime. How do I co...

Android - Including custom component causes it to be hidden behind main view

Hi folks, The app I'm working on has 4 tabs, 3 of which share many features, including a navigation bar a the bottom with Back, Edit, and Map buttons. There is exactly the same xml in all 3 layouts, so I'm trying to DRY this out by extracting that xml into a separate component, including it, and then going from there. Previously I had...

winapi CreateWindowEx -> create button with user system styles?

I want to make a button that looks just like the OK button when you go My Computer -> Help -> About Windows. I am creating a button like this: hButton = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("BUTTON"), TEXT("Text"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, 10, 10, 30, 30, hwnd, (HMENU)IDC_MAIN_BUTTON, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); ...

QT: Using QPainter on child widgets

I'm having a QT/C++ problem with a simple QWidget program that draws an ellipse inside a child QWidget. The program is composed of: (1) A parent QWidget (2) A child QWidget (used as the drawing surface for an ellipse) (3) A draw QPushButton Here is part of the code (QPushButton Slot and Signal code omitted for simplicity) void Draw::...

What is the best IDE/GUI for my .NET DSL?

Hi folks, As a learning exercise I'm building a basic scientific computation environment based on .NET. I'd like the GUI of the app to be much like matlab, in that I have an interactive window, an objects window and the facility to spawn visualisation windows. Intellisense in my command window would be very nice. It seems visual studio ...

How to show DateField with AM/PM format in blackberry?

I don't know how to show Time in AM/PM format in blackberry using blackberry datefield.Pls give me a idea how to do this. ...

Frameworks for building so-called CRUD Admin UIs (over SQL tables)

What frameworks are targeted specifically at building so-called "CRUD Admin UIs" (basically, a set of screens for editing related SQL tables), whether Web Apps or Thick Clients. The ones I know of: ASP.NET DynamicData Django Admin (from Nick's answer below) General purpose frameworks like Ruby-on-Rails and ASP.NET MVC don't count. ...

TranslateAccelerator return value

The message loop generated by class wizard often looks like while( GetMessage() ) { if( !TranslateAccelerator() ) { TranslateMessage(); DispatchMessage(); } } Whereas TranslateAccelerator documentation says: If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is z...

How to alter a visual state of a ControlTemplate without replacing it?

I want to define a ToggleButton that appears with red foreground (for example) when checked, rather than the default appearance of a pressed button. I see that the visual states are maintained as named elements inside the ToggleButton's control template. What is the easiest way to replace/remove/customize a visual state WITHOUT redefin...

Java, Netbeans: How come the GUI looks different?

I'm a Java/Netbeans newbie learning how to make a GUI. I was following this tutorial, and I noticed that the "finished" product (first picture in that link) doesn't look like the GUI built through the steps. Why is that? I mean, when I click on the preview button, the GUI looks native (nice) as well. It's just when it's deployed that i...

What .NET control do i want to use?

What .NET control do i should i use to display this to the user? I have 2 types of elements, a package and item. The data an item contains is id, size and status. The package can have several items (but no packages as its not a tree). It holds status and count. I can think of a 3rd column for this. I will need to right click each item o...

UI for creating invoices

Currently, I'm in the process of making a custom solution for invoicing. I have created multiple ways for customers to create their template (HTML, Word, LaTex) and get invoices according to their template. However, these invoices are party manually generated. So, the process is: Request to create a new invoice An preliminary invoice ...

What librairies exists to create "moving/living" UI in delphi ?

Hello, While reading delphifeeds yesterday I discovered delQuery, which allows one to get some nice animation on his form very simply. I would like to know if there are any other libraries of that kind out there and what experience you had with them ? (I'm trying to find a way to make my application more alive in terms of GUI; buttons...

Experiences with Adobe's "Adam and Eve" C++ GUI library?

I tried out the demo application which was pretty impressive. However building it and integrating it with my own code is hard because it's such a large project. Has anyone successfully used it for their own projects? Was is difficult to build and integrate with your own C++ code? Link: STLab. For the interested: there's also a Google...

building website graphics with GWT

hi, i am building a site with GWT. i have finished all the logics and now i need to work on the graphics/UI. i am just begining my way at web site and i have 2 questions: 1) how can i make my web site look good in every resolution? 2) in most of the places i have read that the UI components (background/buttons..) is always in a tab...

Java Swing: Read many images files without memory problems?

Hi, I'm writing a Java Swing application that will load from disk about 1500 png images that range in size from 50kb to 75kb each. I don't need to load all of them at once, but I will need to load at 50 images at a time. I've been trying to load them using the typical: new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("myimage.jpeg") ...

Why is my owner-drawn combobox shown empty?

I'm subclassing a WTL combobox and I'm owner-drawing the items of the combobox. The control has the attributes CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE and I'm using the mix-in class COwnerDraw to implement DrawItem() and MeasureItem(). When the drop down list is down, the items are drawn correctly. However when the drop...

MATLAB GUI axes break window layout

I am developing a GUI frontend application in MATLAB. It's becoming quite complex these days, but as a showcase of the problem I'm having, I created a simple GUI containing an axes and a button. I display a surf(peaks) plot in the axes, and the buttonpress adds a colorbar('location','southoutside') to the plot. The axes stretch and overl...